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Project Deadwood A Digital Enigma Machine

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1 Project Deadwood A Digital Enigma Machine
Team Aaron Challenner Marc Smith Matthew Tongue Advisors Dr. Aziz Inan, Dr. Peter Osterberg Industry Representatives Mr. Mike DeSmith Ms. Swetha Varadharajan Intel 6/1/2019 6:56:08 AM University of Portland School of Engineering

2 Overview Introduction Scorecard Additional Accomplishments Plans
Issues/Concerns Conclusions University of Portland School of Engineering

3 Introduction Digitally-modeled Enigma machine
Mechanical encryption device A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E E E F F F F F F University of Portland School of Engineering

4 Scorecard Last month’s plans: Completed plans: Shortcomings:
Finish Theory of Operations Draft (version 0.9) Finalize and submit MOSIS layout Completed plans: Theory of Operations 0.9 Tested, debugged, and fixed initial MOSIS logic Submitted MOSIS logic, with confirmation by Dr. Osterberg Shortcomings: Theory of Operations was behind own milestone, however before class deadline University of Portland School of Engineering

5 MOSIS Logic 12/1/2008 9:26:21 AM University of Portland School of Engineering

6 MOSIS Layout University of Portland School of Engineering

7 Additional Accomplishments
Received ABEL code from MOSIS layout, which will be used for CPLD 6/1/2019 6:56:08 AM University of Portland School of Engineering

8 Plans Plans for next month: Create Enigma Simulation
Complete Theory of Operations 1.0 Program EEPROMs Verify ICs Generate PS/2 Interface Code University of Portland School of Engineering

9 Milestones 1 U/D Counter Entered into B2Logic 26 Sept 08 26 Sept 08 2
Number Description Original F.S. 1.0 Previous 28 Oct 08 Present 2 Dec 08 1 U/D Counter Entered into B2Logic 26 Sept 08 26 Sept 08 2 EEPROMs Selected and Ordered 03 Oct 08 12 Oct 08 3 State Machine Derived in Software 10 Oct 08 1 Oct 08 4 ICs Selected and Ordered 24 Oct 08 5 PICs Selected and Ordered 31 Oct 08 16 Oct 08 6 CPLDs Selected and Ordered 7 First XXX.edf due to Dr. Osterberg 30 Oct 08 8 Theory of Operations Draft Completed 10 Nov 08 24 Nov 08 9 MOSIS Entered into B2Logic 12 Nov 08 10 MOSIS Verified in B2Logic 21 Nov 08 11 Netlist Submitted to Dr. Osterberg 26 Nov 08 12 Enigma Software Emulator Completed 05 Dec 08 --- See the end of this presentation for helpful info about the milestones slide University of Portland School of Engineering

10 Concerns/Issues Tested MOSIS logic extensively, but due to complexity there might still be bugs. Still have not received EEPROMs Physical circuit will require additional “glue” components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) University of Portland School of Engineering

11 Conclusions We are on schedule Theory of Operations Draft Complete
MOSIS submitted Will begin physical implementation next semester Questions? University of Portland School of Engineering

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