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2011 Yellow Sticky Trap Project

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1 2011 Yellow Sticky Trap Project
7th year of tracking populations of adult western corn rootworm (WCR) beetle in soybean fields of western IL Variant WCR beetle lays eggs in soybean field which allows larvae that hatch the following year to feed on corn roots in a C-SB rotation field Variant WCR beetle has been found in other areas of IL in past Monitoring for variant CRW to determine if necessary to protect against pest in C-SB rotation in western IL

2 Protocol 12 traps placed throughout field in mid July
Monitored weekly for 4 weeks Established threshold is 5 beetles/trap/day No fields were even close to approaching threshold levels


4 Cooperators Earl Boone- Payson Mark Buss- Bowen Ron Downs- Rushville
Mark Ebbing - Mt. Sterling             Rex Johnson- Carthage               Craig Lant- Good Hope                   JD Lantz-Industry                      Kyle McClelland- Scottville                                    Keith Miller-Golden                Doug Sill- Ursa                      Mike Vose- Perry                   David Gay-Rockport                   Lorc Weir- Hull    

5 Thanks to Pioneer HiBred for supporting this project

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