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Pre-Assessment for Quarter 1

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1 Pre-Assessment for Quarter 1
Reading Informational Text Grade

2 Students who do Not Read Independently:
The purpose of this pre-assessment is comprehension. Fluency and/or decoding should not be assessed during this time! Students who do Not Read Independently: Read the story aloud to all or a group of students. If you are using this pre-assessment for a quick IFA measure of general classroom instruction needed you can ask for a yes (true) or no (not true) response to each SR option using thumbs up or down, paddleboards, etc.... This type of assessment will not give you an individual measure but is still valuable for instruction for whole group direction. The constructed response (CR) question can be eliminated or done individually as a type of retell. Asking each student individually for a yes or no response (Is it true? Is it not true?) is time consuming but will be more specific for differentiated instruction. Another option is to assess only those students individually who showed difficulty during group response assessment. Students who Read Independently: Be sure students can read the selection before starting! Spend time showing groups of independent readers how to shade in the bubble and your expectations for the constructed (written) response. This is time well worth spent and should be done without hurrying. Students read selections independently without reading assistance. Students complete the selected response answers by shading in the bubble. Students complete the constructed response answers by writing a response for each question.

3 Important Information
This booklet is divided into two parts… Teacher’s Resources Page 1 – 9 Students Assessment (for students who read independently)-(to be printed in a booklet form) Page’s 10 – 20 This booklet is intended for pre-assessing reading informational standards RI1,2 and 3 at the beginning of the first quarter. Do NOT allow students to read the passages before the assessment. Students who do not read independently should be given the assessment as a listening comprehension test. Do NOT read the passage to the students until it is time for the assessment Student scores can be recorded on the class Learning Progressions Checklists. Each correct response is one point. If students do not read the story independently write LC (listening comprehension) by their name. Printing Instructions… Decide on the primary way to use this booklet, then choose one of the following ways to print this material. You can just print this entire 20 pages – then divide it into the two sections to use. OR… You might do the following by sending them to your Print Shop: Print Shop instructions… Print pages 10 – 20 in booklet format. Set print driver properties to - - Original size 8 ½ x 11 Paper size = 11x17 Print type = Booklet

4 Directions for Pre-Assessment
Students read selections independently without reading assistance. Students complete the selected response answers by shading in the bubble. Students complete the constructed response answers by writing a response for each question. Note: The constructed response questions do NOT assess writing proficiency and should not be scored as such. The constructed responses are evidence of reading comprehension. Remind students to STOP on the “stop” page. Do not allow them to go on to the “happy face” page until you have scored their answers. When scoring.... When students have finished the entire pre-assessment, mark each selected response question as correct or incorrect. When students have completed the constructed response score ONLY with a number from 0 – 3. DO NOT write recommendations for the student about why a score was incorrect in their test booklet. It is important for students to reflect on their own answers after the tests are scored on the reflection sheet (last page of student booklet). Return the scored booklets to the students. On the selected response questions students color happy faces green if their answers were correct or red if they were not correct. Students color the number square blue that shows their constructed response points. The last page in the student booklet is a reflection page. This last page activity is invaluable for understanding how to differentiate student instructional needs. Present ONE specific question for students to reflect on concerning incorrect answers. They can do this on their own, with a peer or with a teacher. Example reflections questions might include: What did you not understand about the question? Underline words you did not understand. Rewrite the question to reflect what you think it is asking.

5 Quarter One Pre-Assessment Reading Informational Text Learning Progressions with Adjustment Points (in purple). Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Cd DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 - Ch DOK 2 - Cl Standard Recall details from the story. Define (Understand the meaning of the terms) “Key details”, “statement”, “question”, “ask”, and “tell.” Be able to ask and answer questions about character, setting and event sequence using key details in a text. Ask and answer who, what, when, why and how questions about key details in a text. Ask and answer questions explaining why. Locates key details in a text. RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Cd DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ci DOK 2 – Ck DOK 2 – Cl Standard Recall the main topic and key details of an informational text. Define the terms “main topic”, “retell”, and “key details.” Identify key details about characters, setting and events. Explain how the key details of a text relate to the main topic (concept development). Retell (summarize) key details from the text. Identify the main idea (topic) Identify key details that support the main idea (topic) RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 Path to DOK - 3 End Goal DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Cd DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ch DOK 2 – Ci DOK 2 – Cl DOK 2 – ANp DOK 2 – ANs DOK 3 - Cu DOK 3 – APx Standard Recall events and information in a text. Define terms “individual”, “event”, “idea/piece of information”, “connection”.  Identify individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Describe individuals , events, ideas or pieces of informatio n in a text. Explain how informatio n in a text connects two: events, individuals or ideas. Summariz e the events in a text. Locate information about two: individuals, events or ideas. Group information (two : individuals, events or ideas) by a connection of time, sequence or cause and effect. Distinguish information (two: individuals, events or ideas) in a text connected by time, sequence or cause and effect. Describe the connection of time, sequence or cause and effect between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. RI.1.3 Describe the connection of time, sequence or cause and effect between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a new text (Not read or discussed in class).

6 For students who read independently, record student pre-assessment selected response scores on class sheets for instructional adjustments. Students who do not read independently should have LC written by their name to indicate the story was read to them. The first quarter CFA score will be recorded in the last column as a comprehensive score. RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. End Goal Example Constructed Response: Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Cd DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 - Ch DOK 2 - Cl Standard Path to DOK 1,2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Recall details from the story. Define (Understand the meaning of the terms) “Key details”, “statement”, “question”, “ask”, and “tell.” Be able to ask and answer questions about character, setting and event sequence using key details in a text. Ask and answer questions who, what, when, why, and how questions about key details in a text. Ask and answer questions explaining why. Locates key details in a text. Student NAME 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text End Goal Example Constructed Response: Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Cd DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ci DOK 2 – Ck DOK 2 – Cl Standard Path to DOK 1,2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Recall the main topic and key details of an informational text. Define the terms “main topic”, “retell”, and “key details.” Identify key details about characters, setting and events. Explain how the key details of a text relate to the main topic (concept development). Retell (summarize) key details from the text. Generalize about the main topic (make assumptions, predict). Using key details locate information that identifies the main topic (prove the assumption-predictions). Student NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. End Goal Example Constructed Response: Grade 1 Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 Path to DOK - 3 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - Ka DOK 1 - Kc DOK 1 - Cd DOK 1 – Cf DOK 2 – Ch DOK 2 – Ci DOK 2 – Cl DOK 2 – ANp DOK 2 – ANs DOK 3 - Cu DOK 3 – APx Standard Path to DOK 2,3 Informational Text Learning Progressions Recall events and information in a text. Define terms “individual”, “event”, “idea/piece of information”, “connection”. Identify individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Describe individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text. Explain how information in a text connects two: events, individuals or ideas (concept development). Summarize the events in a text. Locate information about two: individuals, events or ideas. Group information (two : individuals, events or ideas) by a connection of time, sequence or cause and effect. Connect information (two: individuals, events or ideas) in a text by time, sequence or cause and effect. Describe the connection of time, sequence or cause and effect between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. RI.1.3 Describe the connection of time, sequence or cause and effect between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a new text (Not read or discussed in class). Student NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

7 3 2 1  SBAC Reading Assessment Constructed Response General Template
The response: gives essential elements of a complete interpretation of the prompt addresses many aspects of the task and provides sufficient relevant evidence to support development is focused and organized, consistently addressing the purpose, audience, and task includes sentences of varied length and structure 2 gives some of the elements of an interpretation of the prompt addresses some aspects of the task and provides some evidence to support development has a focus but lacks strong organization and inconsistently addresses the purpose, audience, and task. includes sentences of somewhat varied length and structure 1 gives minimal elements of an interpretation of the prompt addresses few aspects of the task and provides little relevant evidence to support development. lacks focus and organization and generally does not address the purpose, audience, and task. includes sentences with little variety in length and structure The response does not meet any of the criteria. Short Constructed Response Short constructed response sample questions are designed to assess CCLS reading standards. These are single questions that ask students to respond to a prompt or question by stating their answer and providing textual evidence to support their answer. The goal of the short response questions is to require students to succinctly show their ability to comprehend text. In responding to these questions, students will be expected to write in complete sentences.

8 3 2 1 What did you learn about dolphins in the story?
Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Constructed Response Answer Key Constructed Response What did you learn about dolphins in the story? Scoring [Notes:] The essential elements about dolphins should include facts about dolphins living in the sea and how they interact with one another. Specific aspects of these essential elements may include the dolphin life span, how they get their air and evidence to show they are smart. Students consistently write or talk about facts read only in the story (not their own interpretations or stories) using complete sentences. 3 Sample Response Dolphins live in the sea. They have to get air to breathe. Dolphins breathe for air every 2 to 3 minutes. They breathe through a blow hole. They like to have friends and play with each other. I think dolphins are really smart because they can talk to each other. Dolphins can live a very long time. Sometimes they live to be 50 years old! 2 I learned that dolphins live in the water. I learned they can talk by squeaking. Dolphins are big. 1 Dolphins live in the sea. They squeak. Sample Response (Student writing has little or nothing to do with the question.) I like dolphins. They are friendly. RI DOK 3 - Cl Locate information to support the main topic in specific paragraphs.

9 Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Selected Response Answer Key
Question 1 What color is a bottleneck dolphin? B Question 2 Where do dolphins live? A Question 3 Why do dolphins come to the top of the water? D Question 4 How long can a dolphin live? C Question 5 What is the story mostly about? Question 6 What can you learn about dolphins in the story? Question 7 How do dolphins talk to each other? Question 8 How often does a dolphin come to the top of the water? Question 9 How might a dolphin eat its food? Question 10 Why does the dolphin have a blowhole?

10 Reading Informational Text
Pre-Assessment for Quarter 1 Reading Informational Text Name ____________________ Grade

11 Bottlenose Dolphins Bottlenose dolphins are smart. They live in the sea. They are sea animals. They are grey. They swim in groups and talk to each other. They squeak! Dolphins like to play. Bottlenose dolphins can grow to be 8 to 12 feet long. They can live for 50 years. Bottlenose dolphins come to the top of the water to get air. They come to the top every 2 or 3 minutes. A dolphin has a hole on top of its heads called a blowhole. That is how it gets air. Dolphins eat fish and squid. They do not chew food. "Copyright"

12 Name ______________ Quarter One CFA Pre-Assessment Informational Text – Important Adjustment Points
What color is a bottlenose dolphin? white gray black brown 1 RI DOK-1 Cf Ask and answer who, what, when, and how questions about key details in a text. 2. Why do dolphins live in the sea? They are sea animals. They like to play with other dolphins. They live in a pond. They eat squid and fish. 2 RI DOK-2 Ck Ask and answer questions explaining why.

13 3 4 Why do dolphins come to the top of the water?
Dolphins need to talk. Dolphins like to play. Dolphins like to jump. Dolphins need to get air. 3 RI DOK-2 Cl Locates key details in a text. How long can a dolphin live? Dolphins lives for 5 years. A dolphin can live for 20 years. They can live for 50 years. Dolphins do not live long. 4 RI DOK-1 Cf Identify key details about characters, setting and events.

14 5 6 What is the story mostly about?
Dolphins like to play and talk. This story tells lots of things about dolphins. A dolphin lives in the sea. Dolphins are smart. 5 RI.1.2 DOK-2 Ck Identify the main idea (topic). What can you learn about dolphins in the story? You can learn when the dolphin sleeps. You can learn how much a dolphin eats. You can learn why a dolphin likes to play and swim. You can learn how big dolphins are and how long they live. 6 RI DOK-2 Cl Identify key details that support the main idea (topic).

15 7 8 How do dolphins talk to each other?
In the sea. They do not talk. They play. They squeak. 7 RI DOK-1 Cf Describe individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text. 8. How often does a dolphin come to the top of the water? every 2 or 3 minutes every 5 or 10 minutes every minute every 30 minutes 8 RI DOK-2 Ck Locate information about two: individuals, events or ideas. Note: Student must locate information about the dolphin needing air as well as frequency.

16 9 10 How might a dolphin eat its food?
A dolphin eats fish. A dolphin swallows all of the food. A dolphin chews the food. A dolphin likes to eat squid. 9 RI DOK-2 APn Distinguish information (two: individuals, events or ideas) in a text that connects the information by time, sequence or cause and effect. Why does the dolphin have a blowhole? A dolphin gets food in the blowhole. The blowhole is on top of its head. That is how a dolphin gets air. The blowhole squeaks. 10 RI DOK-3 Cu Describe the connection of time, sequence or cause and effect between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

17 11. What did you learn about dolphins in the story?

18 Close your books and wait for instructions!
STOP Close your books and wait for instructions!

19 Name _________________ Color the happy face green if your answer was correct or red if your answer was incorrect. DOK-2 Cl Color your score blue. Standard RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. DOK 1 - Cf I can find details to answer a “what” question. DOK 2 - Ck I can answer a “why “ question. DOK 2 - Cl I can find important details in the text. 1 2 3 11. What did you learn about dolphins in the story? 11 1 2 3 Standard RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text DOK 2 - Cf I can find important details about the topic. DOK 2 – Ck I can tell what the text is mostly about. DOK 2 – Cl I can find details about the topic. 4 5 6 Standard RI.1.3 Describe the connection of time, sequence or cause and effect between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a new text (Not read or discussed in class). DOK 1 - Cf Describe individuals, events, ideas or pieces of information in a text DOK 2 - Ck I can find two details about the topic. DOK 2 - APn I can tell what caused something to happen (connecting ideas). DOK 3 - Cu I can describe how the topic is connected to a fact (i.e., dolphins have blowholes because...). 7 8 9 10 Quarter One CFA Pre-Assessment Informational Text – Important Adjustment Points

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