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Spallation l-process (spallation):

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1 Spallation l-process (spallation):
D, Li, Be, B destroyed in stars: Low binding energies, burn quickly to heavier nuclei. But … D close to Big Bang predictions Higher Li, Be, B often observed. Why? l-process (spallation): Accelerate nucleus to v ~ c (e.g. cosmic rays) Collide with a stationary nucleus. Splits yield Li, Be, B.

2 BB 1,2H 3,4He 7Li Intergalactic medium Interstellar medium SN
? Galaxy formation inflow Gal. winds, stripping, mergers Interstellar medium Spallation 6Li, Be, B Cosmic rays Star formation Winds, PN, Novae He, 7Li, C, N D, Li, Be, B Explosive r-process Small stars D, Li Middling stars Big stars SN NS BH WD

3 X-rays from Supernova remnants
Shocked gas hot enough to emit X-rays

4 More ways to enrich the ISM
Stellar winds: radiation pressure blows gas from the surfaces of hot massive stars. Can be very eruptive!

5 Planetary Nebula: matter ejected from 1-3 solar mass star at end of the AGB phase
Animation of the formation of the Helix nebula

6 Planetary Nebulae

7 Lecture 9: Supernova Rates Star-Formation Efficiency, Yield
How many supernovae per year for each galaxy type? Use power-law IMF, Salpeter slope -7/3 = -2.33 Limits of validity, not well known . . slope = . . 0.1M . 8M 20M Supernova limit

8 Integrating a Power-Law IMF
Number of stars : Fraction of stars with M > 8 M 500 stars --> 1 supernova! . Most stars at low-mass end!

9 SN Mass Fraction SNe are rare, but each is very massive.
What fraction of the mass goes into SNe? Most of mass is in low-mass stars.

10 Typical SN Mass Median mass: Mean mass: .

11 SN Rates: Spiral Galaxy: SFR: ~ 8 M yr-1. 7.2% have M > 8M . . .
8 x ~ 0.6 M yr-1 go into SNe SN rate: Irregular Galaxy: ~10x this rate during bursts (1 SN per 2 yr)! No SNe between bursts. . . . . .

12 SNe in Ellipticals t* = 1 Gyr e-folding time t = 10 Gyr age
a = efficiency M0 = 1011 M total mass = initial gas mass Gas consumption: Star formation: SN rate: 3 SN per 105 yr. Negligible! . . . .

13 What Efficiency and Yield?
X = 0.75 Y = 0.25 Z = 0.00 X = ? Y = ? Z = ? MG = 1 MS = 0 MG = 0 MS = 1 MG = ? MS = ? KABOOM! KABOOM!

14 Estimates for efficiency a , yield in X, Y, Z
Assume: Type-II SNe enrich the ISM. Ignore: Type-I SNe, stellar winds, PNe, .... Ignore: Infall from the IGM. SN 1987A is typical Type-II SN. Better models include these effects. What we know about SN 1987A?

15 SN 1987A 23 Feb 1987 in LMC Brightest SN since 1604!
First SN detected in neutrinos. Visible (14 --> 4.2 mag) to naked eye, in southern sky. Progenitor star visible: ~20 Msun blue supergiant. 3- ring structure (pre-SN wind) Shockwave now hitting inner ring.

16 SN 1987A

17 Star Formation Efficiency
Use SN 1987A to calculate a and yield. SN 1987A: initial mass = 20 M NS mass = 1.6 M From IMF, 7.2% of MS is in stars with M > 8 M Fraction of MS returned to ISM: Efficiency = fraction of MS retained in stars. . . .

18 Yields in X, Y, Z Initial mass ~ 20 M NS mass ~ 1.6 M
Mass ejected ~ 18.4 M in H 9.0 M He 7.0 M = 18.4 M Z 2.4 M . . . . . . .

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