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Is all about sharing and being fair

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Presentation on theme: "Is all about sharing and being fair"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is all about sharing and being fair
Ratio Is all about sharing and being fair

2 Ratio is used to share things out when we are being fair.
It is also used to tell us how much of one thing there is when compared to another

3 Ratio What is the ratio of red counters to yellow?
We write this as 5 : 3 (5+3=8 and there are 8 counters)

4 Ratio The ORDER is VERY IMP! Red : Yellow 5 : 3 Yellow : Red 3 : 5
Not the same ratio !

5 What is the ratio of green counters to blue?
4 : 5

6 Ratio What is the ratio of red counters to yellow?
We could write this as 6 : 2 We could also write it as 3 : 1 ÷2

7 Ratio We call this simplifying the ratio
Just like we simplify fractions, we get the ratio in its simplest form In fact ratio can be a different representation of a fraction, it also shows parts of a whole!

8 What is the ratio of blue to yellow?
4 : 8 What is the ratio of blue to yellow? 1 : 2

9 What is the ratio of red to green?
5 : 10 What is the ratio of red to green? 1 : 2

10 What is the ratio of yellow to blue?
12 : 2 What is the ratio of yellow to blue? 6 : 1

11 What is the ratio of green to red?
6 : 9 What is the ratio of green to red? 2 : 3

12 Ratio 1 : 2 2 : 1 1 : 3 3 : 2 Ratios can be:
Part to Part  Boys : Girls Girls : Boys Part to Whole  Boys : Children Whole to Part  Children : Girls 1 : 2 2 : 1 1 : 3 3 : 2

13 5/9 4/9 5 : 4 What is the ratio of blue to yellow? FRACTIONS VS RATIO
What fraction is shaded in blue? 5/9 What fraction is shaded yellow? 4/9 What is the ratio of blue to yellow? 5 : 4

14 Why does simplifying make sense?
What is the ratio of apples to oranges? Apples : Oranges 6 : 9 2 : 3

15 Complete the exercises on the sheet.
Ratio It’s your turn!! Complete the exercises on the sheet.

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