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Double Jeopardy Elections Misc. Amendments Firsts

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Presentation on theme: "Double Jeopardy Elections Misc. Amendments Firsts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Jeopardy 20 40 60 80 100 Elections Misc. Amendments Firsts
Grab Bag 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

2 An election to determine A parties candidate?
primary Category

3 They enforce campaign Finance laws? Federal Election Commission

4 % of votes needed to receive Matching funds?

5 Total amount of money an Individual can give to a candidate

6 Average % eligible voters Who vote in a Presidential election?

7 Type of political party system The USA has
Two party

8 Document that states what a Political party believes in?

9 Minimum age for a member of The House of Representatives?

10 How 48 states give out electoral votes?
Winner take all

11 Who makes sure that federal Laws are carried out?

12 This clause of the 1st Amendment Gives us the separation of church
And state? Establishment clause

13 A threat falls under this limitation Of free speech?
Fighting words

14 Preventing something from being Published because it may cause
Harm. This is sometimes allowed? Prior Restraint

15 Us the right to bear arms?
This amendment gives Us the right to bear arms? 2nd

16 This clause allows us to worship Our religion as long as were aren’t
Harming anybody? Free Exercise

17 First primary is held in this state?
New Hampshire

18 First women on the Supreme Court.

19 List 3 of the 5 rights states In the First Amendment?
Speech, religion, press, peaceably assemble, and petition government

20 Double Jeopardy. You can wager as many points as you have.
First Vice President of the USA? John Adams

21 First president to be impeached
Andrew Johnson

22 What is the term of office for the President?
4 years

23 What is the minimum age for The President?

24 Type of commercial where the Candidate says things that everybody
Dice Roll 3 dice X 10= points Type of commercial where the Candidate says things that everybody Agrees with? Glittering generalities

25 Term for getting around campaign Finance laws?
Soft money

26 How many judges must want to hear a Case before the Supreme Court will
Take it? four

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