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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING FOR RECRUITMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources
2 W E E K Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources The Process of Human Resource Planning Recruiting Human Resources Recruitment Sources Recruiter Traits and Behaviors

3 Human Resource Planning
Figure 5.1

4 Introduction Human resource planning is a process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kinds of people at the right place at the right time capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall strategic objectives.

5 1. Determine future needs 2. Determine future turnover
10.3 1. Determine future needs 2. Determine future turnover Steps Involved in Strategic Human Resources Planning 4. Offer training and development 3. Recruit, hire, or layoff as necessary 4

The development of a comprehensive staffing strategy for meeting the organization’s current & future human resource needs. An effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands upon and organization and to provide personnel to fulfill that business and satisfy that demand.

7 Overall Strategic Plan Human Resources Strategic Plan
HR Planning Process HR Strategies The means used to anticipate and manage the supply of and demand for human resources. Provide overall direction in which HR activities will be developed and managed. Overall Strategic Plan Human Resources Strategic Plan HR Activities

8 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
Assessing current human resources Succession planning includes the development of replacement charts portray middle-to-upper level management positions that may become vacant in the near future lists information about individuals who might qualify to fill the positions

9 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
Predicting the Future Labor Supply Decreases in internal supply come about through: Retirements Dismissals Transfers-out Lay-offs Voluntary quits Sabbaticals Prolonged illnesses Deaths

10 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
Retirements are the easiest to forecast. Other factors are much more difficult to project. Dismissals, transfers, lay-offs, and sabbaticals are more easily controlled by management.

11 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
Where Will We Find Workers migration into a community recent graduates individuals returning from military service increases in the number of unemployed and employed individuals seeking other opportunities, either part-time or full-time The potential labor supply can be expanded by formal or on-the-job training.

12 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
Matching Labor Demand and Supply Employment planning compares forecasts for demand and supply of workers. Special attention should be paid to current and future shortages and overstaffing. Decruitment or downsizing may be used to reduce supply and balance demand. Rightsizing involves linking staffing levels to organizational goals.

13 Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
Employment Planning and the Strategic Planning Process

14 Estimating Internal Labor Supply

15 Elements of Effective HR Planning
3. Implement Plans to Balance Supply and Demand 2. Forecast Future Internal/External Candidates (Supply) 1. Forecast Future HR Needs (Demand)

16 Forecasting Future HR Needs (Demand)
Forecasting based on: projected turnover quality and nature of employees relative to needs decisions regarding product quality and new markets plans for technological and administrative change to increase productivity and reduce headcount financial resources available

17 Forecasting Future HR Needs (Demand)
Quantitative Approaches: Trend analysis: review past employment levels Ratio analysis: ratio of business activity/employees Scatter plot: graph of business activity/employees Regression analysis: statistical relationship between business activity and employees

18 Forecasting Future HR Needs (Demand)
Qualitative Approaches: Nominal Group Technique experts meet face-to-face group discussion facilitates exchange of ideas possible subjectivity, group pressure Delphi Technique experts work independently wide range of views difficult to integrate diverse opinions Managerial judgment

19 Forecasting Future HR Supply:
Markov Analysis tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs and developing a transitional probability matrix

20 Forecasting Future HR Supply
Skills/Management Inventories summary of each employee’s education, experience, interests, skills for managers, also includes managerial responsibilities, duties in current/previous positions, management training

21 Forecasting Future HR Supply
Replacement Charts/Summaries visual representations of likely internal replacement employees for each position, including age, present performance rating, promotability status replacement summaries also list relative strengths and weaknesses, current position

22 Forecasting Future HR Supply
Succession Planning analyze demand for managers/professionals audit existing executives, project future supply individual career planning/career counselling accelerated promotions performance-related training and development planned strategic recruitment

23 Forecasting Future HR Supply
External Candidates general economic conditions national labour market conditions local labour market conditions occupational market conditions

24 Balancing Supply and Demand
Dealing with a Labour Surplus hiring freeze attrition early retirement buyout programs reducing hours (job sharing, work sharing, reduced workweek) layoffs; supplemental unemployment benefits termination with severance package

25 Balancing Supply and Demand
Dealing with a Labour Shortage overtime hiring temporary employees subcontracting work external recruitment transfers promotions

26 Balancing Supply and Demand
Canada’s Looming Labour Shortage over next 20 years, baby boomers will retire, creating a critical undersupply of labour retention of older workers more Aboriginals, visible minorities, females more apprenticeships aggressive external recruiting offer flexible work arrangements

27 Balancing Supply and Demand
Flexible Work Arrangements sought by younger workers to achieve work-life balance sought by older workers to bridge to retirement also assists in meeting customer needs

28 Developing and Using a Strategic HR Plan
Issues in Matching the Supply of Labor with the Demand for Labor Succession Planning Managing a Human Resources Surplus Outplacement Services HR Planning in Mergers and Acquisitions

29 Managing a Human Resources Surplus
Workforce Realignment “Downsizing”, “Rightsizing”, and “Reduction in Force” (RIF) all mean reducing the number of employees in an organization. Causes Economic—weak product demand, loss of market share to competitors Structural—technological change, mergers and acquisitions

30 Managing a Human Resource Surplus (cont’d)
Downsizing Approaches Attrition and hiring freezes Not replacing departing employees and not hiring new employees Voluntary Separation Programs Early retirement buyouts offer incentives to encourage senior employees to leave the organization early. Layoffs Employees are placed on unpaid leave until called back to work when business conditions improve. Employees are selected for layoff on the basis of their seniority or performance or a combination of both.

31 KSAs = TDRs = Job Success?
Placement Person-job Fit Matching the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) of people to the characteristics of jobs (tasks, duties and responsibilities–TDRs). KSAs = TDRs = Job Success?

32 What is a Job? Job A group of related activities and duties Position
The different duties and responsibilities performed by only one employee Job Family A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics Job

33 Person/Job Fit

34 Approaches to Understanding Jobs
Workflow analysis Job design Job analysis Job descriptions and job specifications

35 Outputs Goods and Services
Workflow Analysis Workflow Analysis A study of the way work (inputs, activities, and outputs) moves through an organization. Inputs People Materials Equipment Activities Tasks and Jobs Outputs Goods and Services Evaluation

36 Physical and Mental Health
Job Design Organizing tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work. Job Design Job Satisfaction Job Performance Physical and Mental Health

37 Job Analysis Job Analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job. It defines and documents the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of a job and the conditions under which a job is performed.

38 Job Analysis Goal Determine the duties and responsibilities of a particular job Determine how the job relates to other jobs and the level of importance of the job Determine the necessary qualifications in order to perform the job Determine the working conditions associated with the job.

39 Uses of Job Analysis Information
Compensation and job evaluation Recruitment and selection HR planning Training and Development Performance Appraisals

40 Job Analysis: What is Analyzed?
Work activities Schedule Location Materials used Job performance Skills and training Supervision, promotions Products, services Everything related to the job is analyzed – from ideal hours to do the job to materials used to best positions. Other than the functions on the slide, is there anything else that might be analyzed?

41 Job Analysis: The Big Picture
The relationships among job analysis, planning, recruitment and selection Job Analysis HR Planning Recruitment Nature and requirements of specific jobs Number of specific jobs to be filled Pool of Qualified Applicants Selection

42 Job Analysis Methods:How do you collect the information?
Interviews Structured Questionnaire Direct Observation Logbooks / Work Diaries

43 Interviews Most commonly used method very adaptable
Usually conducted with job incumbents technical experts supervisors Questions like: what are your most typical duties? How long do they take? How do you do them? Caution: people may misrepresent/exaggerate job

44 Questionnaire Lists of many (>200) job characteristics and activities rated in term of frequency and importance method is most useful for comparing jobs very commonly used (esp. with interviews)

45 Observation Unobtrusive method
camera; video; audio Excellent for understanding and appreciating conditions under which job is performed Allows analyst to experience aspects of job that worker may not be aware of

46 Logbook / Worker Diaries
Worker makes systematic entries in book outlining activities May be useful for jobs that are difficult to observe Caution, not commonly used too much variance in writing skills can exaggerate tasks performed

47 Outcomes of Job Analyses
Job Description written statement of a job and its requirements(tasks to perform) Job Specification written statement of the necessary qualifications of the job incumbent Education Experience Specialized training Personal Traits Manual dexterity

48 Determining Job Requirements
Nature of: Basis for: Job Analysis What employee does Why employee does it How employee does it Determining job requirements Job Description Summary statement of the job List of essential functions of the job Employee orientation Employee instruction Disciplinary action Job Specification Personal qualifications required in terms of skills, education and experience Recruitment Selection Development

Jobs where adverse impact in hiring has occurred Entry-level jobs Jobs whose content has changed Jobs with incumbents having poor performance or high turnover

50 Job Analysis Job Descriptions
Written statement of what jobholder does, how it is done, under what conditions and why. Common format: title; duties; distinguishing characteristics; environmental conditions; authority and responsibilities. Used to describe the job to applicants, to guide new employees, and to evaluate employees. Identification of essential job functions is needed to assure compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act.

51 Key Elements of a Job Description
Job Title Indicates job duties and organizational level Job Identification Distinguishes job from all other jobs Essential Functions (Job Duties) Indicate responsibilities entailed and results to be accomplished Job Specifications Skills required to perform the job and physical demands of the job

52 Job Analysis Job Specifications
States minimum acceptable qualifications. Used to select employees who have the essential qualifications.

53 Job Analysis Job Evaluations
Specify relative value of each job in the organization. Used to design equitable compensation program.

54 Job vs. Worker Oriented Analyses
Job-Oriented analysis of tasks necessary to complete the job e.g. EMBA student attend lectures take notes read text write reports Do assignments at home Worker-Oriented analysis of the skills and abilities required e.g. EMBA student intelligent self-motivated able to work alone able to integrate diverse information good long-term memory time-management skills

55 Job Evaluation Process by which wage rates are applied differentially to jobs Market Perspective (External Equity) how difficult is it to fill the position not an assessment of value Based on Job Analysis (Internal Equity) skill effort responsibility working conditions education requirements

56 Nature of Job Design Job Enlargement
Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed. Job Enrichment Increasing the depth of a job by adding the responsibility for planning, organizing , controlling, and evaluating the job. Job Rotation The process of shifting a person from job to job.

57 Specialized to Enlarged Jobs
Job Enlargement = same-level activities Job Rotation = moving from one job to another Job Enrichment = redesigning to experience more responsibility, achievement, growth and recognition

58 recruitment/selection
Job Analysis Sift and shortlist Assessment Job Description Competency profiling Selection Interviews Induct and Train Identify Vacancy Decide on appropriate recruitment/selection methods Decide how to attract candidates Take up references Market the Job Make a decision And offer 58


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