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Life-long Learning, Leading and The Engagement Challenge

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Presentation on theme: "Life-long Learning, Leading and The Engagement Challenge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life-long Learning, Leading and The Engagement Challenge
Knowing Is Not Enough Alec Horniman October 2002

2 Knowing – Doing Gap If we know so much, why is it we do so little with what we know? What prevents knowing from being translated into action? Three levels of knowing K1 Level 1 Superficial K2 Level 2 Reflection K3 Level 3 Action Alec Hornimian

3 The Learning Cycle Learning Knowing Thinking Understanding L T U K
Alec Hornimian

4 Engagement: The Essence of Leadership
Engagement Focus Intellectually Engaged Role Person Physically Engaged Emotionally Engaged Spiritually Engaged Back Stage Out of the Theatre Reflection (refocus; re-energize) On Stage Learning (risk; creative) Alec Hornimian

5 What is your personal learning strategy?
Performance Learning Enjoyment Learning Questions Who bugs you to learn? Who do you bug to learn? What is your personal learning strategy? Alec Hornimian

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