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The Caregiver-Friendly Hospital and Community Hub

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Presentation on theme: "The Caregiver-Friendly Hospital and Community Hub"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Caregiver-Friendly Hospital and Community Hub
Cultivating Change: The Caregiver-Friendly Hospital and Community Hub August 9, 2018 Caregiver Training Stroke Working Group

2 Proposed Agenda Introductions Team Building Exercise Team Norms: What are the keys to partnership? Non-Disclosure Agreement Meeting Format/Frequency Four Stroke Project Streams Developing Our Work Plan Group Reflection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2

3 Introductions © The Change Foundation 3

4 Team Building Exercise!!

5 Team Norms: keys to partnership

6 Keys to Partnership Ability to listen to and think about what others say, even when you disagree. Ability to see the big picture and understand there may be reasons for challenges. Work collaboratively and actively with other family caregivers and healthcare providers. 6

7 Keys to Partnership Intrinsic desire to participate in bringing about positive and meaningful change. We ask that you be respectful of others and their perspectives. 7

8 Keys to Partnership Listen Big Picture Collaborate Participate
Be Respectful 8

9 Meeting Format/Frequency Discussion
Things to consider: Frequency of meetings (every 2-3 weeks?) Length of meetings Timeframe of meetings Different options to engage in meetings: Teleconference Zoom In-person 9

10 Non-disclosure agreement

11 Caregiver ID/Circle of Care
Project Streams Caregiver ID/Circle of Care Caregiver Support Knowing What To Expect Caregiver Training 11

12 Your Change Idea: Caregiver Training
Comprehension checking: Is the caregiver confident and do they understand their role post-discharge? Provide caregivers with comprehensive transition instructions including: Patient-Oriented Discharge Summaries (PODS) or My Guide for Stroke Recovery Binder; connecting them with The Stroke Network and Aphasia Institute; and a “What If…?/What To Do” sheet Having a hands-on approach with day passes or weekend passes - caregivers are to fully participate in activities  Caregivers mentioned that they wanted more clarification on how they could assist with their loved ones ongoing rehabilitation outside of hospital (i.e. homework) 12

13 Developing Our Work Plan

14 Priority Matrix Medium-High Priority “Quick Wins” High Priority
IMPACT Medium-High Priority “Quick Wins” High Priority “Major Projects” Medium Priority “Fill-Ins” Low Priority “Thankless Tasks” HIGH LOW EFFORT LOW HIGH 14

15 Group Reflection 15

16 Closing Thoughts? 16

17 Thank you! 17

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