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PAGE 9th Donor Steering Committee Meeting

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1 PAGE 9th Donor Steering Committee Meeting
Doc 3.1 Presentation - Looking Forward

2 2018 Funding situation (Status Sept. 2018)
USD 39m committed by funding partners since 2017* USD 32m secured funds for USD 29.75m available for programming (without Trust Fund fee and Programme Support Cost) *including only funds under signed agreements, w/o anticipated funds

3 UPDATED Budget Framework 2018-2020
Based on already secured funds 32m USD (USD 29.75m without PSC) Funds are used over 4 years ( ). Allocations are made for the four outcome areas in line with proportions agreed in the Operational Strategy Funds for UNDP and GGKP-led activities are considered additional funds for outcomes areas. Annual PAGE budget is based on funding needs taking into account the number of active countries (not equal for every year) Outcome Area Total for four years 2018 2019 2020 2021 Countries: Outcome 1-3 20,130,000 5.52m 5.86m 4.915m 3.835m

4 UPDATED Budget Framework - programming (2018-2021)
Total: USD million (secured funds) USD 3.962,000 million (GGKP + UNDP) USD 25,918,000 for programming in Outcome areas (4-years) Add. Funds UNDP+GGKP Outcome 1-3 at Country level Up to 20 Countries by 2020 20,130,000 1,030,000 UNDP Outcome 3-Global Capacity Building 1,384,000 262,000 UNDP Outcome 4-Global Knowledge Sharing 1,386,000 1,800,000 GGKP 900,000 UNDP DSC, MB, TT Meetings 160,000 PAGE Secretariat 2,858,000 Total 25,918,000 3,992,000 Total : USD 29.91m

5 UPDATED Budget framework: 2018-2019 workPlan
Outcome areas allocation Details UNDP+GGKP Outcome 1-3 at Country level (18 countries) 5,520,000 2 alumni countries 4 phase out countries 7 full implementation 5 new countries 1,030,000 Outcome 3-Global Capacity Building 346,000 262,000 Outcome 4-Global Knowledge Sharing 346,500 1,800,000 GGKP 900,000 UNDP DSC, MB, TT Meetings 40,000 PAGE Secretariat 714,500 Total 6,967,000 3,992,000 Total planned disbursement: USD 10,959,000

6 UPDATE: Allocations for Country Work
Countries in batches New all. in 2018/per country New all. in 2019/ p.c. New all. in 2020/ p.c. New all. 2021/ p.c. Need in 2022/p.c. Need in 2023/p.c. Need in 2024/ p.c. Mongolia, Peru 50,000 (100k) Senegal, Mauritius, Ghana, Burkina Faso 180,000 (720k) (200k) Jiangsu Province, South Africa 475,000 (950k) (360k) Kyrgyz Rep., Barbados, Mato Grosso (1.425m) (540k) (150k) Uruguay, Guyana Argentina, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, India, Indonesia 275,000 (1.375m) (2.375m) (2.375) (900k) (250k) 2 New Countries (550k) Total (20.13m) 5.52m 5.86m 4.915m 3.835m 1.95m* 610k* 100k* *Current funding agreements conclude in 2021

7 Disbursements in 2018 2018 disbursements w/o PSC Disbursed to GGKP
- 1,800,000 Disbursed to UNDP - 2,192,619 Disbursed for PAGE country + global workplans* -2,554,548 Planned disbursement for PAGE global and country workplans - 4,764,452

8 Work plan for 2018-2019 (12months)
Allocations for Work plan for (12months) Allocation Country work - Outcome 1-3 5,520,000 - Final 50k: Mongolia, Peru - Phase out 180k: Senegal, Mauritius, Ghana, Burkina Faso - Other 475k : China (Jiangsu), South Africa, Kyrgyz Republic, Barbados, Brazil (Mato Grosso), Uruguay, Guyana - Start-up 275k Argentina, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, India, Guatemala Global activities - Outcome 3+4 692,500 - Capacity building 346,000 - Knowledge sharing/Coms activities 346,500 MB, DSC, TT Meetings 40,000 PAGE Secretariat 714,500 Total 6,967,000

9 Outcome 3&4 Global activities
Capacity Building 346k Green Economy modelling: Development of training materials + support for in-country application of course materials Green Industrial Policy and Trade: Development of global on-line training course + support for in-country application of course materials Green Economy Indicators: Finalise introductory and advance training modules Green Economy Learning Forum, November 2018 (back-to-back with OECD/GGKP Green Growth Conference) Green Economy Introductory on-line self-paced course: Translation into Spanish Green Fiscal Reform on-line course: Transformation into self-paced learning course Expansion of Network of training institutions and trainers Knowledge/Coms 3rd PAGE Ministerial Conference in South Africa Guidance note for PAGE partnership: Translation into Spanish Communication materials (brochures, PAGE website, etc.) PAGE Annual report (2018 print and on-line version) Outreach events (HLPF, COP 24, UNEA 4. etc.)

10 Sustainability Planning
Mongolia Sustainability strategy developed and PAGE phase out in progress (presented in last two DSC meetings) Good performance against PAGE sustainability criteria A few strategic activities on-going under work plan (50k) Dissemination of green economy assessment findings Establishing recurrent training for in-public civil servants (complementing successful introduction of courses in universities) Capacity building for taking sustainable public procurement forward (to be continued by Switch Asia)

11 Sustainability Planning
Peru Sustainability planning started with Ministry of Environment Phase-out delayed by additional changes in the government Key avenues pursued for : Key national policies to integrate green economy policy measures: e.g. Green Industry is addressed in the National Industrial Policy, Green Jobs addressed in National Employment Policy Support Ministry of Environment in its PAGE coordination role to lead inter-ministerial coordination after PAGE phase out Consolidating institutional capacities for future policy assessments (Universidad del Pacifico, Ministry of Production and National Strategy Planning Center); Supporting the Ministry of Production in institutionalizing Green Industry Fora once a year Building synergies and leveraging complementary funding and financing opportunities: e.g. collaboration with GIZ, EU bilateral cooperation mechanism Socieux+, linking up with UNIDO- ILO Waste Management project; toolbox on green economy financing Courses on green economy modelling for public servants offered by Universidad del Pacifico Systematic gathering of PAGE achievements and lessons learned (in collaboration with GIZ)

12 Sustainability Planning
Burkina Faso Draft sustainability strategy developed jointly with Ministry of Environment and PAGE agencies in Oct 2018 Key avenues pursued for : Final adoption of National Strategy for Inclusive Green Economy Institutionalizing inter-ministerial coordination committee Initiate implementation of Nat.GE Strategy in agricultural sector linking with the existing National Programme for Rural Sector Development Integration of IGE in the curricula of official training institutions focusing on green economy and sustainable agriculture with a gender perspective (for recurrent training of public officers) Leaving capacity and expertise in key areas: sustainable trade, T21 modelling, green fiscal reform and green entrepreneurship Additional funding opportunities: e.g. Joint ILO and Swedish Embassy programme to continue enterprises development and green finance trainings

13 Sustainablity Planning
Mauritius, Senegal and Mauritius have initiated discussion on sustainability planning => Key elements for additional support in Mauritius Mechanism and capacity for tracking public environment expenditures in government Mobilizing green finance and building finance sector alliance with focus on green bonds National green jobs model and green skills analysis feeding into next revision of NDC commitments Ghana Procedure and capacity for mainstreaming SDGs and NDCs into municipal planning processes Monitoring system for achievement of green economy and climate change related SDGs Sustainable finance: action plan and institutionalizing training Senegal Operationalize Plan Senegal Emergent, Phase II with inputs from green jobs and green economy modelling Gender responsive green industry policy Institutionalize green entrepreneurship trainings and green economy stakeholder platform

14 Argentina New PAGE countries
Lead Agency: ILO Lead Ministry: Ministry of Production and Labour (new) Key entry points for PAGE: i) Framework of the Commitment of the Argentine Government to the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs; ii) implementation national laws promoting green economy; iii) OECD Accession Framework Progress and way forward Inter-ministerial discussion started and PAGE interagency group active Planning for inception phase completed based on initial stocktaking of existing activities of counterpart Ministries and UN agencies => Recruitment of national coordinator => Inception workshop and partnership event in 2018 => Communication strategy and awareness raising on green economy => Initiation of assessments in three areas i) environment trends and information gaps, ii) best tools to promote green and circular economy in Argentina, iii) effects on labor market of green economy transition

15 Guatemala New PAGE countries
Lead Agency: UNITAR Lead Ministry: Ministry of Public Finance Key entry point for PAGE: Support for operationalising National Development Plan “K’ATUN, Nuestra Guatemala 2032” and National Plan of Action for Climate Change, Environmental Economic Strategy Progress Consultations with Ministry of Public Finance initiated Alignment with UN Resident Coordinator and engagement with SIDA/Sweden and GIZ/Germany Pre-scoping visit by UNITAR and UNDP country office end of September Next steps: Develop country workplan for inception phase Initiate recruitment of national coordinator and green economy stocktaking Selection of an inter-ministerial steering committee

16 India New PAGE countries
Lead Agency: UN Environment Lead Ministry: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Key entry point for PAGE: Enhancing national initiatives on Resource Efficiency and SDG 12, specifically i) Action Plan on Sustainable Public Procurement, ii) Modernization of the MSME sector, and iii) National Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Progress and Way Forward Meeting held between PAGE and Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Agreement to finalize priority areas under PAGE interlinked with Ministry’s priority activities PAGE interagency group established and establishment of national steering committee prioritized First activities for inception phase identified => Recruitment of national coordinator => Initiation of green economy stocktaking report => Inception mission for end of November 2018

17 Indonesia New PAGE countries
Lead Agency: UNDP Lead Ministry : Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) & President’s Special Envoy on Climate Change Control Key entry point for PAGE: Support for delivery of Mid-term National Development Plan (RPJMN ), including through sectoral policy interventions and green finance Progress Kick-off meeting with BAPPENAS, UN Agencies and other key partners GIZ/Germany national representative contacted for further involvement in PAGE Indonesia First activities for the inception phase in identified => Recruitment of national coordinator => Green economy stocktaking report => Inception mission October 2018 => Peer review of selected policy scenarios for Indonesia’s mid-term national development plan => Initiation of assessments in three areas: green industry, land-use and energy policies, green economy learning

18 Kazakhstan New PAGE countries
Lead Agency: UNITAR Lead Ministry: Ministry of Energy Key entry points for PAGE: Support for the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan specifically the 6th priority on green economy and environmental protection, with a focus on sectors such as green finance, waste, green technology, water resources and renewable energy; Support for achieving NDCs Progress Informal discussions with Government initiated through UN Environment Regional Office Identification of suitable candidates for national coordinator underway Collaboration with the Council on the Transition to a Green Economy, under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to be explored

19 New Country application criteria
Demonstrated high-level support and commitment of key ministries, evidence of inter-ministerial coordination, a written expression of interest, and a clear demand for technical assistance; Identified linkages between potential national activities to be carried out through PAGE and relevant national planning processes such as for the SDGs and NDCs, as well as the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs); Presence and/or existing activities of the five PAGE agencies in the country and agencies’ capacity to respond, including through complementary programming such as PEI; Regional balance and inclusion of both larger and smaller economies. Given that a limited number of countries can be selected in any given application cycle, not all countries meeting the minimum criteria may be accepted. These countries will be considered for selection in the next application cycle without needing to reapply unless country circumstances change significantly.

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