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A little Boolean Logic. IF loving you is wrong THEN I dont want to be right.

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Presentation on theme: "A little Boolean Logic. IF loving you is wrong THEN I dont want to be right."— Presentation transcript:

1 A little Boolean Logic

2 IF loving you is wrong THEN I dont want to be right

3 IF-THEN Statements If, Then, Else (a.k.a. Otherwise) What is your procedure? In excel this is written as : IF(Condition, True Value, False Value)

4 Sample Problem 1 If a driver is going over 65 mph a speeding ticket should be issued.

5 Sample Problem 1 Yes Speed > 65 No Issue Ticket No Ticket

6 Sample Problem 1 Speed Caught TravelingAction To Be Taken 65Issue Ticket 55No Ticket Speed Caught TravelingAction To Be Taken 65=IF(A11<65,"No Ticket","Issue Ticket") 55=IF(A12<65,"No Ticket","Issue Ticket")

7 Nested IF-THEN Statements What if you have a second condition? IF(Cond, True,IF(Cond, True, False))

8 Sample Problem 2 If a driver is going over 65 mph or under 45 mph a speeding ticket should be issued.

9 Sample Problem 2 Yes Speed < 40 No Issue Ticket Speed > 65 YesNo Issue TicketNo Ticket

10 Nested IF-THEN Statements Speed 65Ticket 14Ticket 55No Ticket Speed 65=IF(A11>64,"Ticket",IF(A11<40,"Ticket","No Ticket")) 14=IF(A12>64,"Ticket",IF(A12<40,"Ticket","No Ticket")) 55=IF(A13>64,"Ticket",IF(A13<40,"Ticket","No Ticket"))

11 Using Formulas 1.Highlight the cell you want to write a formula for. 2.Click into the formula bar and type the operation you wish to perform 3.Remember you must always start a formula with an =

12 Formula Notations * = multiplication ^ = raise to the power of / = divide by +/- = addition/subtraction ( ) = parenthesis very important for order of operation

13 Functions Excel has tons of built in functions to perform everything from rounding to advanced statistical tests.

14 Lets kick it up a notch! 1A 2B 2A 1B

15 Directions Break the problem into steps and verbalize what you want to do with your partner. Draw a flow chart that outlines your solution Add columns to your spread sheet and perform to perform the necessary calculations in stages

16 Data Table Traffic Lane Max Length of Light Minimum Length of Light Time for car to clear intersection # Of Cars Time Needed Time Given (s) # Of Cars Leftover Lane 1A Lane 1B Lane 2A Lane 2B

17 Bam! Bam! Bam! 1A 1B 2 3 3

18 Tips Break the problem into steps and verbalize what you want to do with your partner. Draw a flow chart that outlines your solution Add columns to your spread sheet and perform to perform the necessary calculations in stages

19 Reflection How did you attack this problem? What helped you in solving the problem? Where did you get lost or stuck?

20 What was this activity about?

21 Problem Solving Step 1: What am I trying to find? Step 2: What information do I know? Step 3: What equation will I use? Step 4a: Do I need to solve for any other information? Step 4b: Pick equations to solve for missing variables. Will this work? Step 5: Plug in all the information and crunch the numbers Step 6: Display your answer and ask does this answer make sense? If No If Yes

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