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Surgical Asepsis and Dry Dressings

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1 Surgical Asepsis and Dry Dressings
5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

2 Sir Sandford Fleming College
5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

3 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Handwashing most effective way to prevent spread of organisms significantly reduces nosocomial infections when you arrive, prior to giving care, after giving care, before and after gloving, before and after eating, before you go home any time you use your hands, wash them!!! 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

4 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Hand washing (review) turn on water and adjust temperature, wet hands and wrists keep hands lower than elbow use about 1 tsp liquid soap lather thoroughly -wash palms, back of hands, between fingers, fingers, wrists and forearms continue friction for seconds clean under nails rinse thoroughly dry from fingers to forearms use clean towel to turn off taps Medical Asepsis: clean technique don’t allow uniform to touch sink remove jewelry 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

5 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Surgical Asepsis used routinely in OR, L&D also used at the bedside for insertion of catheter, sterile dressing changes, preparing injections object is considered sterile when all micro-organisms have been destroyed if you suspect you’ve contaminated a sterile object or field, stop what you’re doing and start over with new, sterile supplies asepsis is only effective if the practitioner is conscientious don’t take chances on contaminating a patient due to your break in technique!!! 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

6 General Principles of Surgical Asepsis
only a sterile object can touch another sterile object open sterile packages so first edge is away from you to avoid touching clothing avoid spilling a liquid on a sterile field as moisture will draw contaminants through the field hold sterile objects above the waist to prevent accidental contamination 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

7 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Surgical Asepsis avoid talking, sneezing, coughing or reaching over a sterile field never walk away from or turn back on sterile field anything coming into contact with broken skin, penetrating the skin or being inserted into normally sterile body cavities should be sterile 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

8 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Surgical Asepsis use dry, sterile forceps as necessary -wet ones are not considered sterile consider the outside edge of your field to be contaminated about 1” consider an object contaminated if you have any doubt as to it’s sterility 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

9 Preparing a Sterile Field……….
gather equipment wash hands check that trays, gauze etc. packaging is dry and intact prepare a work area waist high or higher open sterile tray - do not reach over place additional items on tray/field PRN 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

10 Sir Sandford Fleming College
use sterile gloves or sterile forceps to handle sterile items check date and time on opened solution bottles - discard after 24 hours only pour as much as you will need place cap on table with edges up pour from 4-6 inch height and avoid splashing never reach over field to pour drop sterile items (gauze, scissors etc.) from about 6 inch height to avoid contaminating field with packaging may need an additional sterile bowl if using a large amount of solution 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

11 Putting on Sterile Gloves…….
wash and dry hands carefully place sterile glove package on clean, dry surface above waist open outside wrapper by peeling back remove inner package open inner package with cuff end closest to you 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

12 Sir Sandford Fleming College
with thumb and forefinger of non dominant hand, grasp folded cuff of sterile glove for dominant hand lift glove with fingers down insert dominant hand - leave cuff folded slide fingers of gloved hand under cuff of remaining glove and lift upward insert non dominant hand and adjust gloves 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

13 Removing Sterile Gloves…...
using dominant hand, grasp other glove near cuff and remove by inverting it keeping the contaminated area on the inside continue to hold on to the glove slide fingers of ungloved hand inside remaining glove and remove by turning inside out over other hand and other glove discard and wash hands 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

14 Cleaning a wound and applying a Sterile Dressing……….
check order for type of dressing gather equipment, wash hands close door or curtain, drape patient position patient for comfort and access place open, cuffed plastic bag near area loosen tape on existing dressing & remove wearing disposable gloves. Note amount, colour and odour of the discharge. Discard if dressing sticks to skin, moisten with sterile saline (may have to soak for a while) 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

15 Sir Sandford Fleming College
open sterile dressing tray and prepare supplies, solutions put on sterile gloves clean wound from least to most contaminated (clean to dirty) use one gauze pad for each wipe clean around drain in a circular motion Dry Apply clean dressing 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

16 Sir Sandford Fleming College
remove gloves and discard apply tape or ties to secure dressing wash hands, discard equipment position patient as required record dressing change, appearance of wound, describe drainage, note patients tolerance of procedure 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

17 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Wound drainage…….. serous - clear and watery sanguineous - bright red indicates fresh bleeding, dark red indicates old blood serosanguineous - little of both purulent - thick, musty or foul odour, varies in colour (may be dark yellow, green) depending on causative organism 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

18 Collecting a wound culture…….
gather equipment - make sure it’s correct wash hands wear clean gloves, remove dressing and assess wound and drainage put on sterile gloves and clean wound- Why??? discard gloves prepare culture equipment keeping inside sterile 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

19 Sir Sandford Fleming College
carefully insert swab into drainage and roll gently use separate swabs if more than one site and label carefully place swab in culture medium being careful not to touch outside of container with swab apply new dressing to wound 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

20 Sir Sandford Fleming College
label specimen container with pts. name, date, time, nature of specimen attach lab requisition to specimen and send to lab record collection of specimen, appearance of wound, description of drainage 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

21 Sir Sandford Fleming College
Documentation……. Jan 19/ hrs Dressing changed for (small, moderate, large, copious) amount of (serous, sanguineous, serosanguineous, purulent) drainage. Wound appears (describe colour, odour, consistency of drainage, wound edges etc.) Area cleansed with N/S (or whatever is ordered) and dry (specify) dressing applied. Tolerated (well, poorly) by patient S Smartnurse RPN 5/27/2019 Sir Sandford Fleming College

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