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Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Chat

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Chat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Chat
Ms. Knox – Language Arts & Social Studies Mrs. Serra – Math & Science Please sign in based on homeroom teacher.

2 Agenda All About Us! Communication Homework Grading Florida Standards
Content Areas FOCUS Late/Missing Work New State Assessments

3 Communication Preferred communication is through e-mail
Please allow 48 hours for response Please check website for updates Weekly papers are in Tuesday Folders (school news, graded quizzes) and graded summative assessments will be filed in the classroom Check your child’s planner frequently HAC (Home Access Center) check for student progress-all grades/assessments are posted within one week

4 Homework 1. Practice skills/strategies learned in class
Approximately 50 minutes per night- does not include Independent Reading time (20 minutes) Assigned as needed Serves two purposes: 1. Practice skills/strategies learned in class 2. Reinforces responsibility Homework is always posted in the classroom and your child should write homework in their planner exactly as it is written Homework brought to school by a parent will not be accepted. This helps students to learn responsibility! Homework is subject to change

5 Grading Policy Formative Assessments- tools to guide our instruction (Discovery Education, classwork, pre-tests, writing prompts, etc.) Summative Assessments- graded tests (80%) classwork/quizzes (20%) Retake only on tests (69% or below)

6 What are the Florida Standards?
The Florida Standards reflect the expectations of what ALL students should know and be able to do in each grade from kindergarten through 12th grade. The Florida Standards are designed to ensure that ALL students reach their greatest potential. They were adapted from the Common Core Standards and adopted by the Florida State Board of Education in February All schools state wide will be implementing them in For more information go to:

7 Math Go Math Textbooks (class book, homework book, and online)
Nightly Homework Matches and reinforces skills learned that day Fluency Tests Weekly (50 x problems at 4 minutes to start; EOY goal: 50 x /÷ problems 3 minutes) IMPORTANT! Your child must have multiplication and division facts (0-12) memorized! The complexity of math problems in 5th grade requires that they know these facts with fluency so they do not get “bogged down” with simple facts. This will allow them to focus on the bigger, more complex problem.

8 Science National Geographic Textbook (hard book & online) Science Labs
Process Skill Practice Cooperative learning based Vocabulary is entered as quizzes (classwork) (20%) Units/Themes are entered as Summative Tests (80%) STEM Home Challenge STEM Fair – May

9 Language Arts We will be implementing reading and writing strategies throughout all subjects. Readers Workshop Reading Goals- 5 books each quarter; will be entered as summative assessment. (Must bring book to school and all classes everyday.) Students should be reading at home everyday (20 minutes) Vocabulary quizzes are entered as classwork (20%)

10 Social Studies Pearson Workbook/Textbook, “My World-Building our Country” Curriculum focuses on American History Social Studies is integrated into the Reading Curriculum and classroom discussion DBQs (Document-Based Questions) – 1 each quarter, all parts including the essay are entered as summative assessment grade for Reading and Social Studies

11 Non-negotiables Posted in each classroom This policy enforces:
Grammar Conventions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization) Thoughtful, resourceful writing in all content areas Maximum of 10% deduction

12 FOCUS Teaching application of Close Reading strategies on non-fiction text.

13 Make-up Work and Late Assignments
For a planned absence, we are not able to give out work in advance. The student will be able to make-up work upon their return to school. Students are expected to complete all assignments and assessments. One day will be allotted for each day of an absence to make up work. Late Assignments 10% deduction in grade for each day late

14 Miscellaneous Information
Attendance – hand written note (no s) with child’s name and teacher’s name Lunch money - envelope with student name & lunch number Parent Conferences- please contact us if the need arises Parent Volunteers/Nametags Student Supplies need to be replenished throughout the year to ensure success

15 Florida Standards Assessments
Testing window begins in March FSA Tests are computer based Language Arts, Math, Writing (Science is still assessed with FCAT as a paper/pencil test) Practice tests:

16 Burning Questions?

17 Together We Can Make A Difference!

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