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Monetary Environmental Accounts: Environmental Taxes European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP): Monetary Environmental Accounts Vienna, Austria,

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Presentation on theme: "Monetary Environmental Accounts: Environmental Taxes European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP): Monetary Environmental Accounts Vienna, Austria,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monetary Environmental Accounts: Environmental Taxes European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP): Monetary Environmental Accounts Vienna, Austria, 3-5 September 2018 Julie L. Hass, Ph.D. THE CONTRACTOR IS ACTING UNDER A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT CONCLUDED WITH THE COMMISSION

2 Outline Part 1. Definition of environmental taxes and the 4 categories of environmental taxes Part 2. Four of the five steps in developing statistics on Environmental Taxes Part 3. Reporting requirements and Step 5 Part 4. Quality Reports Part 5. Country webpage (NL) and OECD links

3 Part 1. Environmental Taxes

4 Taxes in the national accounts
What does this mean? Taxes in the national accounts Definition of Taxes from 2010 ESA (§4.14) ‘taxes on production and imports (D.2) consist of compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind, which are levied by general government, or by the institutions of the European Union…’ Categories of taxes in ESA 2010 (Chapter 4): Taxes on Products (D.21) Other taxes on production (D.29) Taxes on income and wealth (D.5) Other current taxes (D.59) Capital taxes (D.91)

5 Which of the following are ‘unrequited payments’?
Waste water treatment payments Gasoline taxes Fees paid for drinking water Fishing and hunting permits

6 Definition and categories of Environmental Taxes
Definition: An environmental tax is... «A tax whose tax base is a physical unit (or a proxy of a physical unit) of something that has a proven, specific negative impact on the environment, and which is identified in ESA as a tax.» (Eurostat Environmental Taxes – a Statistical Guide 2013, p.9, Regulation (EU) No. 691/2011 (‘environmentally related taxes’), also SEEA-CF 2012, §4.150)

7 Table 1. Environmental Tax Bases Eurostat Env Taxes Manual 2013, p
Energy Energy products for transport Energy products for stationary purposes Greenhouse gases Transport (excluding fuels for transport) Pollution Resources

8 Categories of environmental taxes (SEEA-CF 2012, §4
Categories of environmental taxes (SEEA-CF 2012, §4.155, Eurostat Env Taxes 2013, pages 11-17) Energy Taxes Taxes on energy products used for both transport and stationary purposes Taxes on carbon and sulphur are included under «energy taxes» rather than pollution taxes. Emission trading schemes (Emission trading schemes (CO2, SOx)). Transport Taxes Mainly taxes related to the ownership and use of motor vehicles, plus taxes on other types of transport (planes) and transport services, road taxes are also included.

9 Categories of environmental taxes (SEEA-CF 2012, §4
Categories of environmental taxes (SEEA-CF 2012, §4.155, Eurostat Env Taxes 2013, pages 11-17) Pollution Taxes Taxes on measured or estimated emissions to air and water, and generation of solid waste. Resource Taxes Taxes on water extraction, hunting and fishing licenses, extraction of raw materials and other resources (e.g. sand and gravel), NOT oil and gas extraction.

10 Taxes that are EXCLUDED:
Value Added Tax Land taxes Taxes that should be treated as rents on sub-soil assets (‘Rent’ is considered property income, in ESA coded as D.45 Rent and not a ‘tax’) Alcohol, tobacco and similar consumption taxes, and taxes on income and on labour

11 Questions?

12 Part 2. Developing statistics on Environmental Taxes: 5 Steps
Identify environmental taxes and establish a list of environmental taxes. Classify the environmental taxes into the 4 categories of environmental taxes. Collect revenue data on these taxes Allocate the revenue data to the environmental tax categories. Allocate the revenues to the economic activities paying the taxes.

13 Step 1. List of National Taxes
Obtain a list of all of your national taxes from the Ministry of Finance or other source with as detailed a description as possible for each of the taxes on the list. Check with the national accounts to make sure that the list does not exclude items that are defined as «taxes» in the national accounts or include items that are NOT defined as «taxes» in the national accounts – which are for example, «fees» or «royalties». Check the NSO’s ‘National tax list’ – more detailed?

14 Step 2. Evaluate and classify
Evaluate the different tax descriptions – to determine if the tax bases are/are not included in the definition of «Environmental Taxes» Sort/classify each tax that is defined as an environmental tax into one of the 4 environmental tax categories (energy, transport, pollution, resource)

15 Eurostat national tax list
ESA codes (column “A”) D.2: TAXES ON PRODUCTION AND IMPORTS D.21: Taxes on products D.211: Value added type taxes (VAT) D.212: Taxes and duties on imports excluding VAT D.214: Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes D.29: Other taxes on production D.5: CURRENT TAXES on INCOME, WEALTH, ETC. D.59: Other current taxes

16 Let’s examine a country’s National Tax List (NTL) - 1
First sheet “VAL_Explanatory notes” Find the environmental tax codes – see cell I19 Codes: T - Transport tax E - Energy tax P - pollution tax RS - resource tax

17 Let’s examine a country’s National Tax List (NTL) – 2
Choose a country’s NTL – use your own if possible Find column “K” – Highlight column Click on and choose “filter” Choose the drop-down menu here: Put checks only in boxes for E or T or P or RS Examine the portion of the NTL that comes up

18 Austria… sheet “AT”

19 With help from national accounts… Examine items with Code D45 “Rent”
D45 is supposed to be for resource rent / royalties Payments for use of Resources can be miscoded – should perhaps be D29 This is NOT on the ‘NTL’ Look at all different types of payments related to resources – use – licenses – permits – fees Get this information from government statistics or national accounts

20 List from Norway (1 of 8) Energy products (including fuel for transport) Energy products for transport purposes Unleaded petrol Leaded petrol Diesel Other energy products for transport purposes (e.g. LPG or natural gas)

21 List from Norway (2 of 8) Energy products for stationary purposes
Light fuel oil Heavy fuel oil Natural gas Coal Coke Biofuels Electricity consumption and production District heat consumption and production Other energy products for stationary use

22 List from Norway (3 of 8) Greenhouse gases Carbon content of fuels
Emissions of greenhouse gases (including proceeds from emission permits recorded as taxes in the national account)

23 List from Norway (4 of 8) Transport (excluding fuel for transport)
Motor vehicles import or sale (one off taxes) Registration or use of motor vehicles, recurrent (e.g. yearly taxes) Road use (e.g. motorway taxes) Congestion charges and city tolls (if listed as taxes in national accounts) Other means of transport (ships, airplanes, railways, etc.) Flights and flight tickets Vehicle insurance (excludes general insurance taxes)

24 List from Norway (5 of 8) Pollution - 1
Measured or estimated NOx emissions Measured or estimated Sulphur emissions Other measured or estimated emissions to air (excluding CO2), for example particulates Ozone depleting substances (e.g. CFCs or halons)

25 List from Norway (6 of 8) Pollution - 2
Measured or estimated effluents to water Measured or estimated effluents of oxidizable matter (BOD, COD) Other measured or estimated effluents to water Effluent collection and treatment, fixed annual taxes Non-point sources of water pollution Pesticides (based on e.g. chemical content, price or volume) Artificial fertilizers (based on e.g. phosphorus or nitrogen content or price) Manure

26 List from Norway (7 of 8) Pollution - 3 Waste management
Collection, treatment or disposal Individual products (e.g. packaging, beverage containers, batteries, tires, lubricants) Noise (e.g. aircraft take-off and landings)

27 List from Norway (8 of 8) Resources Water abstraction
Harvesting of biological resources (e.g. timber, hunted and fished species) Extraction of raw materials (e.g. minerals, oil and gas) Landscape changes and cutting of trees

28 Questions? About your own country’s taxes/environment taxes?
Other questions?

29 A closer look at some of the more challenging bits…What is in. and out
A closer look at some of the more challenging bits…What is in? and out? Or if there is no “national tax list”

30 Sales of Goods and Services
What’s OUT… Payments for the provision of government services – such as waste and wastewater treatment – are considered “fees” NOT taxes since the purchaser has received a service from the government in return for the payment.

31 Fines and penalties What’s OUT…
- Fines and penalties are compulsory payments imposed on institutions by courts of law or quasi-judicial bodies (2008 SNA §8.135) - These are not treated as taxes but as miscellaneous current transfers.

32 Resource Rent and Leases
What’s OUT… - Payments of rent are commonly called Royalties. - Rent is a payment due in one accounting period, leases are payments that are longer term. Both are excluded.

33 SNA boundary vs national territory Adjusting for residence principle
Resident units in national territory + resident units in RoW Foreign units on national territory – Report separately!

34 SNA & Environmental Accounts
Difference between SNA boundary and territory boundary (Main difference is usually international transport) Residents Non-Residents National Territory X Rest of World Examples: UNFCCC Emissions Inventory, IEA/ Eurostat Energy balances SNA & Environmental Accounts Subtract these in ESA/SNA Report separately in Env Taxes Add these!

35 Adjustments to residence principle
Main difference is international transport Fuels are the main products purchased by non-resident units in the country and by resident units outside the country. Use the Energy Flow Accounts to allocate taxes paid by non-residents REPORT the payments of taxes by non-residents in Questionnaire Row 70 (code n_r)

36 Emissions Trading What’s IN…
Emissions Trading Schemes (SEEA-CF 2012, § , Eurostat 2013 Env Tax manual Section 2.5, p. 15) Defined as a “tax” in the National Accounts - For Greenhouse gas emissions: energy taxes - For other types of emissions: pollution taxes

37 How does this work? ISWGNA guidance:
The payments for emission permits, issued by governments under cap and trade schemes, should be recorded at the time the emissions occur as taxes, specifically other taxes on production (D29), on an accrual basis.

38 Emissions permits are a Pre-paid tax
The timing difference between the payments received by government for the permits and the time the emission occurs gives rise to a financial liability (accounts payable) for government and a financial asset (accounts receivable) for the holder. The difference between the pre-paid tax value of the permit and the market value of the permit represents a marketable contract (non-produced nonfinancial asset) for the holder.

39 Resources for ETS SNA News and Notes Eurostat MGDD - chapter VI.5 on emission trading allowances, pages NOTE: Under revision Eurostat 2013 Env Taxes manual: Section 2.5

40 Norway’s ETS methodology
Only include purchases of emission permits by resident units Starting point is all of the quotas that are handed in by enterprises in the period. For each enterprise (Number of quotas handed in) – (Free quotas given by government) = (number of quotas purchased)

41 Norway’s ETS methodology – cont.
For units that have received more quotas than are needed to cover emissions, number of purchased quotas = 0 (Number of purchased permits) * (weighted average market price from the international exchange, InterContinental Exchange (ICE)) = TOTAL AMOUNT PAID FOR QUOTAS At this time no method has been developed to adjust to an accrual approach

42 Questions?

43 Step 3. Obtain revenue figures
Obtain revenue figures for each of the different taxes as well as a figure for total tax revenues. Figures can be from… National Accounts or Government Finance Statistics or Ministry of Finance

44 Adjustments Time adjusted cash (TAC) method used for taxes paid with a regular time lag. If initial data sources are national accounts or are adjusted to match NTL, then no further adjustments needed.

45 Step 4. Allocate revenue to environmental tax categories
Total Environmental Taxes in Sweden, , current prices, SEK million 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* 2017* Total 91,320 87,952 88,556 89,064 86,759 92,891 98,000 98,586 Energy Taxes 73,619 70,931 71,792 71,530 68,858 72,944 77,094 76,804 Tax on Pollution 1,148 1,137 995 886 959 1,047 1,051 1,696 Tax on natural resources 153 163 167 146 138 147 157 161 Tax on transportation 16,400 15,721 15,602 16,502 16,804 18,753 19,698 19,925 *Preliminary data This far is reported by national accounts alongside T9 reporting Source:

46 Two main indicators – What do they tell us?
Typically the indicators calculated include: Ratio of Total Environmental Taxes to GDP Ratio of Total Environmental Taxes to total taxes and social contributions (excluding imputed social contributions)

47 Total Environmental Taxes in Sweden, 2010-2017, current prices, SEK million
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* 2017* Total 91,320 87,952 88,556 89,064 86,759 92,891 98,000 98,586 Energy Taxes 73,619 70,931 71,792 71,530 68,858 72,944 77,094 76,804 Tax on Pollution 1,148 1,137 995 886 959 1,047 1,051 1,696 Tax on natural resources 153 163 167 146 138 147 157 161 Tax on transportation 16,400 15,721 15,602 16,502 16,804 18,753 19,698 19,925 Percent of GDP in Sweden 2.59 2.41 2.40 2.36 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.14 Percent of total taxes and social contributions 5.93 5.58 5.57 5.43 5.11 5.07 4.99 4.82 *Preliminary data Source:

48 Green taxes / total taxes & contrib provide information about greening
Efforts to “green” the taxation policies include… Shifting taxation from labour to consumption Increasing the share of revenues But if the ratio is increasing – it is not always showing “good” developments.

49 Percent of GDP shows… “Burden” on the economy
In Sweden… 2.6 – 2.1 per cent of GDP Decreasing trend

50 Environmental tax revenues as share of total tax revenues & relative to GDP
2016 Percent Source: Eurostat

51 Questions?

52 Part 3. Before going to Step 5, Examine Reporting Requirements
Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2011 on European environmental economics accounts. Deadline:30 September – Annual at T+1.75 Questionnaire Quality Report

53 Questionnaire – reporting requirements and format
Methodology page of Environmental Accounts: Environmental Taxes Manual: Questionnaire (2018) on CIRCABC: SDMX data transmission from 2019 onwards


55 Report: Energy Taxes – 3 tables
NACE Rev.2, A64 + HH + Non-resident + not allocated NACE Rev. 2, A9 (1-letter) only – not HH, non-residents CO2 Taxes (including emission trading schemes – ETS)

56 Report 2 tables each for…
Transport taxes Pollution taxes Resource taxes NACE Rev 2 – A64 NACE Rev 2 – A9 Table with A9 is auto-calculated and excludes… (1) ‘Households’, (2) ‘Non-residents’, and (3) ‘Not allocated’

57 Questions?

58 Now that we know the reporting requirements… Here comes the challenging part!

59 Step 5. Allocate tax revenues to the economic activities (NACE/ISIC) that pay the taxes
Needs to be done for EACH tax! May need a different distribution ‘key’ for each different tax!

60 How to develop a distribution key…
Take a total and assign it to various categories What percent or fraction does each category get?

61 You have total revenues by tax – how do you assign to the different NACE?
Not just one “key” – need to develop for EACH tax Exempt? then portion of whole = 0 Only 1 industry or only HHs = 100% Tax on products used… SUTs - if you can find that specific product, or know which industries use it Tax on production – then only industries that produce that product would pay the tax Energy Accounts, vehicle registers, fuel purchases, VAT registers, +++

62 Example 1. Perchloroethylene
New tax on use of perchloroethylene… Used in dry cleaning of clothes Find the appropriate ISIC/NACE category ISIC Rev 4/NACE Rev 2: Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products

63 Example 2. Transportation
Tax on vehicle ownership Who owns the vehicles? Identify owners in vehicle register Connect vehicle register to business register to assign NACE industry code / HH to ownership Ownership and annual taxes may differ if do not have to pay annual tax if not using vehicle

64 Example 3. Petrol/Gasoline
Tax on gasoline used in automobiles Tax is collected by the gasoline stations who then pay it to the government Are gasoline tax revenues assigned to ISIC/NACE Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores? No! Assign…to those who used it! (proxy: Purchases) Vehicle register… ownership but not use SUTs, energy accounts (not energy balance!)

65 Questions?

66 Part 4. Quality Reports Relevance Accuracy Timeliness and punctuality
Accessibility and clarity Comparability and coherence Explain how compiled under this section

67 Quality Reports Most challenging is the last section – where you need to explain the methodology. Which means the distribution methodology for each of the taxes. The previous quality reports are your sources of information for what needs to be improved. Typically – distribution keys need improvement and emission trading scheme

68 https://circabc. europa

69 Quality reports – Austria and Norway
Norway – 2017

70 Questions?

71 Example of Country website
Netherlands NOTE: Taxes and Fees (national use – fees are not taxes) Non-residents in the Netherlands (adjustment) Does NOT include environmental domains


73 Links to OECD information: environmental taxes and other instruments – be careful with definitions… can be different! Environmental Taxation Data for environmental taxes by country and by type of environmental tax Database on policy instruments for the environment

74 Where to find the OECD data…

75 Thank you for your attention!
Eurostat contact: Julie L. Hass, Ph.D. Independent Consultant and Statistics Norway

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