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The Grand Goal: One Evaluation Per Planet

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1 The Grand Goal: One Evaluation Per Planet
Roger Allan French Compaq Computer Corporation 10 MAY 2001

2 Agenda Definition of the Grand Goal
Brief History of IT Security Evaluations Needed Parts for the Goal Shortfalls and Prospects To Sign or Not To Sign the MRA? Questions, and maybe Some Answers

3 The Grand Goal Defined Too Much Money Evaluations are Expensive
Too Many Resources Too Much Time 200 Countries = 200 Evaluations = 200 Versions 1 Evaluation / Planet Evaluate Once, Use Everywhere Less Money, Resources, and Time More Understanding and Assurance

4 A Very Brief History of IT Security Evaluations
National Books The Orange Book The Green Book The Blue and White Book The CTCPEC First International Criteria ITSEC (and ITSEM) The Federal Criteria US and Canada (but no more) The Common Criteria

5 The Common Criteria CCEB (Editorial Board) Parts
Overview, Functions, and Assurance Scheme CC  PP  Evaluation  ST  Product User Developed Protection Profiles ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC27/WG3 Competition CCIB and then CCIMB ISO 15408

6 A Protection Profile User Requirement
e-Commerce, e-government, industry, user For example: Czech Army Protection Profile Statement of Combined Needs Agreement Procurement Conformance Standard/Spec Conformance

7 Parts of the Grand Goal A Common Lexicon A Common Criteria
A Common Evaluation Methodology A Common Repository Mutual Recognition

8 Existing Parts of the Grand Goal
A Common Lexicon The CC uses dictionaries, ISO glossary, other security references, and its own A Common Criteria ISO 15408 A Common Evaluation Methodology CCIMB/CEM (in process) A Common Repository AFNOR/PPR and ISO/PPRP Mutual Recognition MRA (13 countries so far)

9 Shortfalls and Prospects
Complex Criteria / 900 page document No Method to Update/Fix No Common Evaluation Methodology Extensive Assurance National Differences Military Prospective Accreditation vs. Evaluation and more ...

10 To Sign or Not To Sign MRA?
The Mutual Recognitions Arrangement 13 Countries, expect more Customer Countries If a Country Signs, Recognize/Recognized If You Don’t Sign, ….. Recognize Anyway Before You Sign, ….. History of Evaluation

11 My Conclusions The Common Criteria is the only ‘common’ criteria you will see in the next 10 years. It’s not ‘common’ enough. The Shortfalls Need to be Fixed. Fixing the Shortfalls is Worth the Effort. The Grand Goal is almost possible.

12 The International Common Criteria Conference
ICCC – MAY 2000 600 Participants out of 1,000 + 7-page Summary Report Available In English In Polish 2nd ICCC JULY 2001 Brighton, U.K.

13 Questions Answers I don’t know. I think so. I’ll get back to you.
Yes, definitely Probably not. No! I don’t understand the question. That’s a good question, next question.

14 Roger Allan French (phone) 01 603 884-4348
(fax) Compaq Computer ZKO3-2/T55 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH U.S.A.

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