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SECTOR SYSTEM OVERVIEW For Local Agency System Administrators (LASA) and Information Technology Specialists.

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Presentation on theme: "SECTOR SYSTEM OVERVIEW For Local Agency System Administrators (LASA) and Information Technology Specialists."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECTOR SYSTEM OVERVIEW For Local Agency System Administrators (LASA) and Information Technology Specialists

2 What is SECTOR? SECTOR is a data-collection system, providing Officers the ability to create and submit tickets & collision reports electronically. SECTOR is a data-collection system, providing Officers the ability to create and submit tickets & collision reports electronically. SECTOR is a client-server system: SECTOR is a client-server system: –The client is the stand-alone, self-updating software on an Officers computer that: allows for the creation of electronic tickets & collisions, and allows for the creation of electronic tickets & collisions, and supervisory review of submitted collision reports. supervisory review of submitted collision reports. –The Back Office server receives data from the client and sends it on for processing by the appropriate agencies (Courts, WSDOT, DOL, etc).

3 SECTOR System Components including participating external data systems SECTOR Back Office server / website (WSP) Officer using SECTOR client : Creates Tickets & Collision Reports Report Reviewer using SECTOR client: Collision Review JINDEX message routing system (DIS) WSDOT Collision Data DOL Collision Data AOC – Courts Ticket Data Under Development SECTOR System Law Enforcement Agency Records Mgmt. Systems : Tickets, collisions, & dispositions https

4 How does the SECTOR client work? The client software is typically installed on an internet-accessible laptop in a patrol car. The client software is typically installed on an internet-accessible laptop in a patrol car. The client temporarily stores data in a local database (MSDE), which allows Officers to use SECTOR without requiring a live, always-on internet connection. The client temporarily stores data in a local database (MSDE), which allows Officers to use SECTOR without requiring a live, always-on internet connection. The client sends tickets & collisions to the SECTOR Back Office server when an Officer performs a send & receive. The client sends tickets & collisions to the SECTOR Back Office server when an Officer performs a send & receive. Using the client software, Report Reviewers download pending collision reports from the Back Office and perform a supervisory review. Using the client software, Report Reviewers download pending collision reports from the Back Office and perform a supervisory review.

5 What does a Send & Receive do? The client sends Officer-selected tickets and collisions that have been completed to the Back Office. The client sends Officer-selected tickets and collisions that have been completed to the Back Office. For Report Reviewers, they can select pending collision reports for download and review. For Report Reviewers, they can select pending collision reports for download and review. The client will receive available data updates, to include: The client will receive available data updates, to include: –RCW and local code updates –Bail amount schedules – –Officer & Report Reviewer profile changes Available client software updates are downloaded – –Updates are automatically applied when the client is restarted. The data message is encrypted by both the client and the Back Office server before the send & receive transmission. – –Using unencrypted, unsecure WIFI (aka Public) networks is strongly discouraged, and may violate the terms of the SECTOR User Agreement.

6 Ticket Creation Process SECTOR Back Office server / website (WSP) Officer creates ticket using the SECTOR client software Send/Receive from client via https to the Back Office Depending on the ticket routing selected by the officer and routing rules in place, the ticket may be sent electronically to the court, or require the officer to print it out from the back office website and manually send it in. Routing rules are set by the Administrators at WSP. The LASA works with WSP, their local court, and/or Prosecuting Attorney to implement necessary routing rules for their agency. For more information, contact the SECTOR support group at

7 Collision Report Creation & Review Process Officers & Report Reviewers Officer completes & submits collision report to back office Back office server: waits for reviewer assigned to same section as officer to download for review Report reviewer approves or rejects collision report; submits to back office Back office server: rejects go back to officer; approvals are routed to WSDOT and DOL

8 SECTOR Support Information Live Production Back Office URL : Live Production Back Office URL : Production support : Washington State Patrol IT Customer Services Helpdesk at 360.705.5999, or the SECTOR Support Team at Production support : Washington State Patrol IT Customer Services Helpdesk at 360.705.5999, or the SECTOR Support Team at Implementation Support & LASA Training: Lea Brunner, Technical Program Coordinator,, 360.486.2395. Training sessions can be conducted via on-site visit, web conferencing, or by teleconference. Implementation Support & LASA Training: Lea Brunner, Technical Program Coordinator,, 360.486.2395. Training sessions can be conducted via on-site visit, web conferencing, or by

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