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Smart Boost Feature Update - Milestones

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1 Smart Boost Feature Update - Milestones
Program Milestone Plan CCWV PRD Signoff 10/12/2012 Benchmarking (iPhone, S Voice) 11/30/2012 1/15/2013 KPIs defined Requirements Baselined 12/15/2012 Initial Delivery from Sensory 12/25/2012 12/21/2012 Xfon P0d Hardware Available to Team 1/15/2012 Engineering Dogfooding (Phase I) Start, (Hello Moto,most local commands) 1/28/2013 Dogfooding Phase II (Hello Moto,Speaker Dependent, Initial Noise Reduction) 2/10/2013 Final DSP Drop from Sensory – Optimized 2/12/2013 Feature Complete Release (English Only, Full Functionality, Enhanced NR ) 2/25/2013 RNI 3/1/2013 Dogfooding Phase III Start 3/10/2013 Spanish Language Release 3/15/2013 Release 4: Improved UI and noise algorithm optimization 3/29/2013 Dogfooding Phase IV Start 4/10/2013 Portuguese Language Release 4/19/2013 Release 5: Finalized Version for LE 4/27/2013 Final Xfon hardware available 5/3/2013 Feature Verified on Final Hardware 5/10/2013 ATT LE Xfon 5/27/2013 Release for EMEA Languages 6/14/2013

2 Always-On Voice Feature Update -Risks/Issues 2/1/13
Risk Level Owner Mitigation Strategy/Status Not possible to develop our ideal solution as unable to get API from Google to access Google Now with Txt input High Andrew Need to request required API from Google. Back-up plan is to drop local command and go with pure Google Voice solution. Engage Google in April. Not possible to achieve acceptable accuracy for the user defined triggers (UDT) Joel Validate accuracy once sensory deliverable is available (mid February). Do not ship UDT functionality if not good enough. Overall accuracy will not meet user expectations Working on noise reduction algorithms to improve accuracy in key environments. Review late Jan Response time will not meet user expectations in all network conditions and types Medium Kaz Have defined architecture to minimize the response time. Need to measure in different networks and have plan for each. Unable to complete the local commands in other languages in time for launch Low Cindy/Mike Labowicz Received input from Sensory (12/21). Should have all P1 and P2 languages for launch. P3 languages may be ready, if not will be rolled out soon after launch.

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