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Comparison of Nonrenewable Energy Fuels

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison of Nonrenewable Energy Fuels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of Nonrenewable Energy Fuels
Energy Type Advantages Disadvantages Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Emission Electricity (cents/kWh) Energy return on energy investment Oil/ Gasoline Coal Natural Gas Nuclear Energy

2 Oil/Gasoline Advantages Ideal for mobile combustion
Quick ignition/turn off capability Cleaner burning than coal

3 Oil/Gasoline Disadvantages Significant refining required
Potential for oil spill Will probably be much less available in next 40 years

4 Oil/Gasoline Pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions
2nd highest emitter of CO2 among fossil fuels Hydrogen sulfide

5 Oil/Gasoline Electricity (cents/kWh)
Relatively little electricity generated from oil

6 Oil/Gasoline Energy return on energy investment 4.0 (gasoline)
5.7 (diesel)

7 Coal Advantages Resources will last at least 200 years
No refining necessary Economic backbone of some towns

8 Coal Disadvantages Risk human lives in mining practices
Coal power plants are slow to reach full operating capacity Large contributer to acid rain

9 Coal Pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions
Highest emitter to CO2 among energy sources Trace of toxic materials (mercury) Sulfur

10 Coal Electricity (cents/kWh) 5 cents/kWh

11 Coal Energy return on energy investment 14

12 Natural Gas Advantages Power plants with efficiencies of up to 60%
Efficient for cooking, home heating, etc. Few impurities

13 Natural Gas Disadvantages Risk of leaks/explosions
25 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2 Transported through pipeline

14 Natural Gas Pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions Methane
Hydrogen Sulfide

15 Natural Gas Electricity (cents/kWh) 8-10 cents/kWh

16 Natural Gas Energy return on energy investment 8

17 Nuclear Energy Advantages Emits no CO2 once plant is operational
Offers independence from imported oil A lot of energy supply

18 Nuclear Energy Disadvantages Unpopular
Plants are expensive (legal challenges) Meltdown could be catastrophic Possible target for terrorist attacks

19 Nuclear Energy Pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions
Radioactive waste No long-term plan to manage radioactive waste No air pollution during production

20 Nuclear Energy Electricity (cents/kWh) 12-15 cents/kWh

21 Nuclear Energy Energy return on energy investment 8

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