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2 The Just Shall Live By Faith Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome

3 Lesson 1 – General Introduction
Outline Introduction 1:1-17 Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21 Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith :1 – 11:36 4

4 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Abraham is an example for us 4:23-25 Not written just to emphasize him Written to help us have the same faith Especially re: the resurrection of Christ His death & resurrection = facts we must believe to be saved :9

5 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Abraham is an example for us 4:23-25 Jesus died for our transgressions Jesus was raised for our justification It will be reckoned (imputed, credited) to us if we believe these truths of the gospel

6 The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Imputation
A misunderstanding of Rom 4:24 Calvinists teach the “it” = Christ’s perfect life Christ’s perfect life must be “imputed” to cover sinners bearing inherited sin (Adam’s guilt, sin) Depraved sinners can’t do anything to save themselves The only way for God to look on them favorably is for Him to not see them, but to see His Son’s perfect life imputed (credited) to them

7 The Calvinistic Doctrine Of Imputation
A misunderstanding of Rom 4:24 The passage doesn’t even state that Christ’s life was what was “imputed” (credited, counted) The only “life” implied by the text was His resurrected life, not His perfect earthly life

8 A Greek accounting term
Counted, Credited (Reckoned) A Greek accounting term logidzomai Just like God did re: Abraham…He will “credit” our account when we display the same kind of faith in whatever He has commanded us to do.

9 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
The results of justification 5:1-11 Man has peace with God v. 1 What sin destroyed, the blood of Christ restored Isa 59: Eph 2:1 Man is led into the grace of God v. 2 A grace in which we stand Possible reference to spiritual blessings?

10 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
The results of justification 5:1-11 Man develops spiritual character vv. 3-5 Not only does he “exult” in the hope of his glory, he also “exults” in the face of certain tribulations that will come v. 3 Such “challenges” make him stronger, able to live the justified life v. 4

11 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
The results of justification 5:1-11 Man develops spiritual character vv. 3-5 His hope will not disappoint him…God has poured His love out upon Him v. 5a His love is through the Holy Spirit given to him as a “pledge” (guarantee of God’s promises) v. 5b Cor 5:1-5

12 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
The results of justification 5:1-11 Man’s spiritual “dilemma” is over vv. 6-8 He was “helpless” (without strength) and “ungodly”…Christ died for him v. 6 It is hard to find martyrs who will die for “righteous” or even “good” men v. 7 We were neither…we were “sinners” v. 8

13 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
The results of justification 5:1-11 Man is saved from God’s wrath v :2-9 Man is reconciled…he no longer will be God’s “enemy” v. 10 More than the death of Christ is emphasized His resurrection also had to take place

14 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
The results of justification 5:1-11 Man is able to exult in God through the One who reconciled him…Christ Jesus v. 11

15 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 Paul discusses how sin got into the world He shows how the first man’s rebellious actions have affected all mankind He also shows how The Man’s redemptive sacrifice have also affected all mankind The points of contrast are several

16 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 This has become a “favorite playground” for the Calvinist He thinks it offers proof texts for his belief Unless the Bible student is careful, he can be led toward incorrect conclusions The text actually refutes Calvinistic error

17 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 The passage speaks “abstractly” (in theory) “The sin” v [Adam’s 1 act] “The free gift” v [Christ’s 1 act] The point is to show the power of sin… and to show the greater power of God’s plan to redeem man in sin

18 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 One man brought sin into the world v. 12a Referencing Adam’s rebellion Gen 3 As a result, death spread through sin Death spread to all men because all sin v. 12b 3:9, 23 If Calvinism, it would say “…death spread through Adam”

19 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 One man brought sin into the world v. 12a It is Adam’s fault sin is in the world It is not Adam’s fault I’m in sin…it is mine Until law came, sin was in the world v. 13a A point already proven by Paul 2:12, 14

20 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 Yet, sin not imputed when no law v. 13b Specifically is Paul’s point Rom 7:7 Nevertheless, “death reigned from Adam to Moses…” v. 14a Man was indeed accountable to God, even before the Law of Moses began

21 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 Nevertheless, “death reigned from Adam to Moses…” v. 14a Sin can be not in the likeness of Adam’s Adam violated a precept (command) Sin is also not doing something Jas 4:17

22 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 Adam = “…a type of Him who was to come” v. 14b Adam introduced something that has impacted all humanity Christ introduced something that has impacted all humanity

23 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 A proper understanding is “death” is needed It is either physical or spiritual Does physical death always come because of sin? Does spiritual death always come because of sin? Gen 2: Eph 2:1, 5

24 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19 A proper understanding is “death” is needed Whatever interpretation we assign “death” must also be assigned to “life” Context compares “death” to “life” Christ didn’t come to give man physical life

25 Comparing Adam & Christ
Rom 5:15-19 Adam Christ Actions brought spiritual death v. 15 Actions brought condemnation v. 16 Actions brought spiritual life v. 15 Actions brought justification v. 16

26 Comparing Adam & Christ
Rom 5:15-19 Adam Christ Death reigned through his act of transgression v. 17 An act of transgression v. 18 (condemnation) Life reigned through His gift of righteousness v. 17 An act of righteousness v. 18 (justification)

27 Comparing Adam & Christ
Rom 5:15-19 Adam Christ Disobedience made possible many becoming sinners v. 19 – because all can do what he did… sin (3:23; 5:12) Obedience made possible many becoming righteous v. 19 – because all can obey Him and be saved (Heb. 5:9)

28 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Conclusion To Doctrinal Section 5:20-21 Law came “…that transgression might increase” v. 20a Make sin apparent Rom 7:13 Gal 3:19 God’s answer to man’s sin problem has always been more powerful than sin itself v. 20b 1: Jn 4:1-4

29 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Conclusion To Doctrinal Section 5:20-21 Sin is powerful…death reigns in sin v. 21a 1 Cor 15: Heb 2:14-15 But God’s grace “…abounds even more” v. 21b 1 Cor 15:57

30 Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21
Conclusion To Doctrinal Section 5:20-21 These 2 concluding verses also serve as the “bridge” to the next section 6:1 – 11:36 Specifically, they introduce the 1st question Paul anticipates 6:1-14 “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?”


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