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Block B: The Rise of Islamic Civilisation

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Presentation on theme: "Block B: The Rise of Islamic Civilisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Block B: The Rise of Islamic Civilisation
UKS2 Topic: Early Islamic Civilisation Block B: The Rise of Islamic Civilisation Session 3 PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Top Tips for creating a tasty sound-bite!

3 Keep it short… 5-10 seconds or 20-30 words

4 Preparation and practice is the key…
Work out the line and then rehearse delivering it until you can do it naturally, strongly and succinctly.

5 Apart from catching people's ear, your group's sound bites should make them care about what you have to say.

6 Communicate the main point and also its consequences.

7 Use the words ‘cause’ and ‘effect’.
It helps to plant these ideas in the listener's mind.

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