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Instructor: Aaron Roth
CIS 262 Automata, Computability, and Complexity Spring Instructor: Aaron Roth Lecture: April 8, 2019
A Semester of Bad News Culminating last Wednesday. Most problems are undecidable. And Mathematics is incomplete.
Recap: Part B: Computability Theory
ALL LANGUAGES RECOGNIZABLE DECIDABLE Turing Machines: Universal model of computation: Simple and mathematically precise definition Computing power same as general computers Useful to understand the boundary of decidability Classification of problems into decidable, recognizable …
Part C: Complexity Theory
Lets focus just on decidable problems. In practice of computing, we want a program to solve a problem as fast as possible Complexity theory: How much time and space is needed to solve a problem ?
The Class P A language L belongs to the class P if there exists a deterministic halting TM M such that 1. M decides L (that is, L(M) = L ) 2. Time complexity of M is O(nk), for some k. (i.e. on all inputs of length n, M halts after at most O(nk) steps) “Strong Church Turing Thesis” Deterministic programs and deterministic TMs are equivalent with time complexities differing by at most a polynomial-factor P is the class of problems solvable in polynomial-time
Recap: Nondeterministic Turing Machines
a/x,R a b a a b a a a b _ _ q q1 q3 a/b, L q2 Nondeterministic Turing Machine: Based on current state and current symbol, multiple possible transitions
Execution of NTM On input w, initial configuration = (e, q0, w)
At every step, multiple possible successors, depending on which transition is chosen Possible execution: Path through this tree Accepting execution: state equals qa Rejecting execution: state equals qr Input w is accepted if some execution is accepting Input w is rejected if all executions are finite and rejecting
Polynomial-Time NTM Time complexity of an NTM M is f(n) if on every input w of length n, every execution path terminates after at most f(n) transitions Depth of the execution tree = f(n) thus, the number of possible execution paths is exp(f(n)) Polynomial-time NTM: Time complexity is O(nk), for some constant k
Nondeterministic Programs
Value of x is chosen nondeterministically Execution can continue along two paths, one with x = 0 and one with x = 1 Acceptance/rejection similar to NTMs: Accept = acceptance along at least one path Reject = rejection along all paths Time complexity f(n) means every path terminates in at most f(n) steps … x = choose (0, 1); if (x=0) { … } else {
Cliques in Undirected Graphs
A set U of vertices in an undirected graph G is a clique if every pair of vertices in U is connected by an edge CLIQUE ={<G, k>| G is an undirected graph and contains a clique of size k} Write a nondeterministic program to solve this problem Graph G with a clique of size 5
Nondeterministic Program for Clique
Input: graph G with vertices V (numbered 1 to n) and number k /* Guess which vertices belong to the clique U */ for (i = 1 to n) { U[i] = choose(0, 1) }; /* Check that the guessed subset U indeed forms a clique of size k */ Check that the number of indices i with U[i]=1 equals k; Check that for all distinct indices i, j with i != j, if U[i]=1 and U[j]=1 then there is an edge between i and j in G If both these checks succeed, then accept, else reject Correctness: If (G,k) is in CLIQUE, then at least one execution leads to acceptance, else all executions lead to rejection Complexity: Each execution terminates in polynomial-time
The Class NP A language L belongs to the class NP if there exists a nondeterministic TM M such that 1. M decides L 2. Time complexity of M is O(nk), for some k Nondeterministic TMs = Nondeterministic Programs L can be solved by a program that can nondeterministically choose values resulting in multiple possible executions: 1. When answer is yes, at least one execution leads to acceptance 2. When answer is no, all executions lead to rejection 3. Every execution terminates in polynomial-time CLIQUE is in NP
Hamiltonian Path in Directed Graphs
PATH Problem: Given a directed graph G and vertices s and t, check if there is a path from s to t PATH is in P A path is called a Hamiltonian path if it visits each vertex exactly once HamiltonianPath Problem: Given a directed graph G and vertices s and t, check if there is a Hamiltonian path from s to t Graph G1 Graph G2 t t s s
Hamiltonian Path is in NP
Input: Directed graph G with vertices V and vertices s and t /* Guess a sequence of vertices from s to t */ p[1] = s; p[n] = t; For ( i = 2 to n-1) { p[i] = choose( u in V) }; /* Check that sequence p of vertices is a Hamiltonian path */ Check that each vertex u in V equals p[i] for exactly one index i; Check that for i = 1 to n-1, there is an edge between p[i] and p[i+1] in G If both these checks succeed, then accept, else reject Correctness: If <G,s,t> is in HamiltonianPath, then at least one execution leads to acceptance, else all executions lead to rejection Complexity: Each execution terminates in polynomial-time
NP Algorithms: Guess and Verify
Typical structure of NP algorithms: Two phases: 1. Guess a solution (e.g. subset of vertices for Clique) 2. Check that guess is correct (e.g. subset is indeed a clique) Requirements: 1. Size of guess is polynomial in size of input 2. Check can be executed by a polynomial-time algorithm
Verifier Based Definition
Consider a language L Verifier V for L has two inputs: w and c (called certificate) such that for all inputs w, w is in L if and only if there exists c such that V accepts <w,c> Polynomial-time verifier means V is a polynomial-time algorithm Implies that |c| is also polynomial in |w| Accept if c is evidence of w in L Accept (w in L) w Verifier V w c Reject (otherwise) Reject (otherwise)
Verifier for CLIQUE Verifier V CLIQUE
Such a verifier can be implemented as a polynomial-time algorithm <G,k> is in CLIQUE if and only if there exists U s.t. V accepts <G,k,U> Accept if U is a clique of size k in G Accept if G has clique of size k G G Verifier V CLIQUE k k U Reject (otherwise) Reject (otherwise)
Verifier for Hamiltonian Path
H-PAPTH = {<G,s,t> | there is a Hamiltonian Path from s to t in graph G } certificate is a sequence p of vertices Verifier V accepts <G, s, t, p> if p is a Hamiltonian path from s to t in G Such a verifier can be implemented as a polynomial-time algorithm <G,s,t> is in H-Path if and only if there exists p s.t. V accepts <G,s,t,p>
Equivalent Definitions of NP
Following definitions are equivalent: A language L is in NP if there exists a polynomial-time nondeterministic Turing machine that accepts L A language L is in NP if there exists a polynomial-time deterministic TM V such that w is in L iff V accepts <w,c> for some c Note: there are many alternative equivalent definitions of NP: e.g. Probabilistically Checkable Proofs
Poly-time NTM => Poly-time Verifier
Suppose there is NTM M that accepts L and is of time complexity f(n) On an input w of length n, executions of M are captured by tree of depth f(n) Certificate c = Sequence of 0/1’s of length f(n) that encodes path in the execution tree Verifier V: given w and c, execute M on w resolving choices as specified by c, and accept if this path results in acceptance by M M accepts w iff there exists c such that V accepts <w,c> If f(n) is O(nk), then |c| = O(|w|k) and V is deterministic O(nk)
Poly-time Verifier => Poly-time NTM
Suppose a language L has a verifier V: V accepts <w,c> for some c if and only if w is in L V is a deterministic TM of time complexity f(n) Nondeterministic TM M for L: Given input w of length n, /* Guess the certificate c */ for (i = 1 to f(n)) { c[i] = choose (0,1) } /* check that c is the correct certificate for w */ Run V on <w,c>; if V accepts, accept, else reject Time-complexity of M is f(n), and M accepts L If V is a poly-time verifier, than M is poly-time NTM, and L is in NP
Graph Coloring Given a graph G, assign colors to vertices so that no edge connects vertices of same color Minimization problem: Find minimum number of colors that suffice In this example, 3 colors suffice Decision problem: COLOR = {<G,k> | G can be colored using k colors }
Graph Coloring is in NP COLOR = {<G, k>| G is undirected graph that can be colored using k colors} Verifier V: Given undirected graph G and number k and certificate c, 1. Check if c assigns each vertex in G a number in {1, 2, … k} 2. Check for each edge (u,v) in G, c assigns distinct numbers to u and v Claim: V can be implemented as a polynomial-time algorithm Claim: V accepts <G,k,c> for some c if and only if <G,k> is in COLOR Point of clarification: What is input c to verifier V? It’s really a string of symbols (such as 0/1’s) Verifier checks if this string encodes the desired certificate (such as assignment from vertices to {1,…,k} in this case)
Does NP include all decidable problems ?
Consider complement of CLIQUE: Given an undirected graph G and k, accept if G does not contain a clique of size k What will be poly-time verifier for this ? How can nondeterminism help to check non-existence of a clique? What evidence can I give you so that you can easily (i.e. in polynomial- time) convince yourself that no clique exists ? Same holds for complements of other NP problems: Given G and k, check that G cannot be colored using k colors Given G, s and t, check that there is no Hamiltonian path from s to t
How does NP relate to P ? Every problem in P is in NP
A deterministic machine is just a special case of nondeterministic one We don’t know whether P = NP Problems in NP such as CLIQUE may turn out to be in P if someone finds a poly-time deterministic algorithm for it For an NP problem, what’s the best deterministic known algorithm for it? Recall simulation of a nondeterministic TM by a deterministic one
The class EXPTIME A language L belongs to EXPTIME if there exists a deterministic TM M for L with time complexity of M is O ( exp ( nk )) Claim: If a language L is in NP, then it is in EXPTIME Proof: Suppose L is in NP. Consider a verifier V for L: Time complexity of V is f(n) and V accepts <w,c> for some c if and only if w is in L Deterministic TM M for L: Given input w of length n, For each string c of length f(n), Run V on <w,c>, If V accepts, stop and accept, else continue Claim: M accepts L and time complexity of M is O( exp (f(n))) Exercise: if Complement of L is in NP then L is in EXPTIME
No class on Wednesday April 10. See you next Monday, April 15!
Housekeeping No class on Wednesday April 10. See you next Monday, April 15!
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