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Adv. Reports & Dashboard

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1 Adv. Reports & Dashboard

2 Advanced Reports Main focus on the Design aspect Compute Expressions
Report Groups Custom Related Cases & Overview Reports

3 Adv. Reports – Compute Expressions
Allows for design changes depending on report content Applied on properties of fields Can also be generated as standalone fields


5 Adv. Reports – Compute Expressions
Expressions are written as s.c. IF statements The pseudocode for these are IF (expression to be evaluated = true THEN 1 ELSE 2) E.g. IF (diary_date_35 < Today(), 1, 0) These can be built with the use of built-in options Columns, Functions, Constants


7 Common Computed Expressions
Color changes Select Color property of a field Start with an If statement Decide on which field that will be the deciding factor Then using the constants, choose the “true” value Finally using the constants, choose the “false” value If (diary_date_35<Today(), 255 /* red */ , /* green */ )



10 Common Computed Expressions
Current Page Counter Right Click > New Field > Compute Expressions Write text within single quotes – ‘Page: ‘ Add a + to concatenate texts Using the functions, choose the Page expression which returns current page number Add another + and then‘/’ Using the functions, choose the PageCount expression. ‘Page: ‘ + Page() + ‘/’ + PageCount()


12 Common Computed Expressions
Alternating Row Color Select the detail field Choose color property Begin with an IF statement Select the Mod function Pass in the GetRow function and the number 2 If the result is 0 the row is even and we can set the color property, otherwise we set it to a different color If ( Mod(GetRow(), 2), /* gray */, /* white */)



15 Advanced Reports - Dashboards
Dashboards are Graph reports Used not to show a list of individual items, but instead to display aggregate information over groups Created in Maintenance Accessible on all three Patricia platforms Patricia C/S PCP Patricia APP

16 Advaned Reports - Dashboards
Accessed from Report > Reports > Dashboards Granted access to specific dashboards based on Security Groups

17 Advanced Reports - Dashboards
Created in two steps. Done in Maintenance under Report > Dashboard Configuration Each Dashboard is a collection of so called “Dashlets” Dashlets are individual report components that can share common filter expressions on the same Dashboard Dashlet creation requires SQL knowledge

18 Advanced Reports - Dashboards
Dashboards come in two versions General Case General fetches many cases and aggregates upon data from all cases Case only fetches information from currently opened case and aggregates upon data from that particular case Case Dashboards are accessed by adding the Dashboard tab in Case Display Layout


20 Dashboards – Dashlet Creation
11 different Report Types Choose beforehand what type of report is most suitable for the data that you want to display Aggregation of data differs depending on report type


22 Dashboards – Dashlet Creation
Since general dashboards are used for aggregation of data, your SQL query should contain at least one aggregate statement, e.g. COUNT(), AVG(), MAX, MIN() etc., and also a GROUP BY statement. Case Dashboards operate on a single cases information, and for this to work the query needs to contain the Case ID parameter. Parameters has to be added in the SQL Query by the format ${parameter_name}

23 General Dashboard

24 Component Configuration
Depending on what type of report selected, different components has to be setup These include Labels as well as which fields retrieved from the query will be used for what in the final report layout

25 Bar Report Example – Component Configuration

26 Dashboard Setup Name of Report Layout Selection Platforms
Type of Dashboard


28 Dashboard Setup – Designer
Drag and Drop functionality Depending on the Layout Selected, the available areas in the designer will differ This is were we add Dashlet Reports to the Dashboard


30 Dashboard Setup – Parameter Configuration
This section will only be populated if you are creating a general dashboard that contains parameters Parameters are automatically retrieved from the SQL Query Defining the type, the label and an initial value. If you receive an error when opening a dashboard, the problem can sometimes be a missing initial value. Security setup (Optional)

31 When using Combobox (Dropdown) Custom SQL Query for dropdown values has to be provided


33 Dashboard Setup – Parameter Security
Depending on if the Dashboard is setup for PCP, either both Security Groups and PCP Roles are available or just Security Groups By default, everybody has access By adding one security setting, you are automatically denying everybody else access


35 Dashboard Setup – General Security
Defines the Security Group(s) that will have access to view the Dashboard Same concept as with Parameter Security in regards to Security Groups and/or PCP Roles


37 Dashboard Setup Platform Setup, Parameter and Security setup can be changed afterwards as well


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