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Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!
Today is Monday March 4, Day 4 Aujourd’hui c’est lundi le 4 mars, Jour 4

2 Please stand for the playing of O’Canada
S’il vous plaît, levez-vous pour l’hymne nationale

3 Land Acknowledgement Statement
Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg people. We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Métis and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect.

4 Land Acknowledgement Statement
Le conseil scolaire Simcoe County reconnaît que nous sommes situés sur la terre traditionnelle du peuple Anishinaabeg. Nous reconnaissons la présence durable des peuples de Premières Nations, de Métis et d’Inuits sur cette terre et nous sommes dévoués à avancer dans l’esprit de la réconciliation et du respect.


6 Happy birthday today to... Bonne fête aujourd’hui à…
Today’s birthdays: I’m a video clip of fun! William N

7 Math, maTH, MATH!! Math is amazing - math is everywhere.
This month we will have some fun with MATH JOKES, RIDDLES & PUNS! What do you call a duck that got really good marks in math on its report card? A wise quacker! Math - it’s the only subject that ‘counts’!!

8 The tournament continues today!
1st Recess - Group E and Group F - 1st column only 2nd Recess - Group G and Group H - 1st column only See you in the front foyer!

9 * Wellness Break - Grades 5 to 8 students are welcome to come to the library for 2nd recess to have some QUIET down time. The Wellness Break will allow you to settle into a quiet corner in the library to read a book, do some drawing or some quiet, independent activity. No talking, chatting, doing homework, or technology allowed.

10 Caught Ya Kindness Intermediate Leaders- Mr Ferris and Mr Taylor’s Classes Showed Kindness: Each and every Leader showed great kindness, patience, and caring during Thursday’sTropical Confusion DPA. The students had so much fun at each event because of all of you and your hard work. Thank you SO MUCH!!! From: The Staff and Students at Worsley

11 Caught - Ya Kindness Rocco- Mme Steeves’ Class Showed Kindness: Rocco showed great spirit with his team during the sand pile relay. From: Angelica Will- Mme Breitbach’s Class Showed Kindness: Sat out with his friend so he wouldn’t be lonely. From: Vaughn and Jessica Hunter- Mrs Fuller’s Class Showed Kindness: Stayed inside to be with a friend who was not feeling well. From: Mrs Fuller Chloe O- Mme Steeves’ Class Showed Kindness: Said “Merci” to the student leaders during our DPA From: Amélie and Sarah Quinn- Mrs Liotta’s Class Showed Kindness: Helped a classmate in gym From: Mrs Cober Sam- Mrs Fuller’s Class Showed Kindness: Stayed in with a friend who was not feeling well. From: Mrs Fuller Julia- Mme Taylor/Mme Leimgardt Showed Kindness: Helped another student pick up his belongings without being asked. This put a smile on her peer’s face. Ryder- Mrs Fuller’s Class Showed Kindness: Helped a classmate with their work From: Mrs Fuller Lincoln - Mrs Holroyd’s Class Showed Kindness: Helped a student with some calming strategies during carpet time. From: Mrs Steele and Mrs K Kaitlyn- Mme Taylor’s Class Showed Kindness: Carried a friend’s shoes when their hands were too full. From: Ms Leimgardt

12 Caught - Ya Kindness Olivia- Mrs Richter’s Class Showed Kindness: Sat with a friend at lunch who was feeling sad, and made her feel better. From: Mme Steeves Brinley Showed Kindness: Offered mittens to a friend who couldn’t find hers. From: Mme Taylor Ella- Mme Breitbach’s Class Showed Kindness: Lent her pencil to a student who lost his. From: Mme Breitbach Tanner- Mrs Liotta’s Class Showed Kindness: Helped a classmate in gym From: Mrs Cober Cadence- Mme Taylor’s Class Showed Kindness: Wrote a very nice letter. From: Mrs Ottewell Troy Showed Kindness: Offered to help re-arrange the benches in the gym From: Mr Salazar. Clara- Mme Taylor’s Class Showed Kindness: Gave many compliments From: Mrs Ottewell Mrs Cox Showed Kindness: Always makes me smile! From: Tatum Damian and Bryson Showed Kindness: Carried 10 boxes of paper towel from the lobby to the boys’ change room. From: Mr Salazar Jase- Miss Cloutieer et Mrs McAllister’s Class Showed Kindness: Cleaned up after peers! From: Mrs McAllister

13 Today is the first school day of March!!
Hope you have a good one New class lists for milk, subs and pasta are on the office counter for you all - please let the office know if any missing or incorrect, thank you Please send any order forms or money that come in today to the office thank you

14 Chess Club When? - Today - 10:50-11:20 Where? - Library
No food or drinks please. Have a snack in your classroom first.

15 Woe’s Wonder Park School Wide Steam Challenge Begins Today
Woe’s Wonder Park School Wide Steam Challenge Begins Today!!! - ask your teacher to meet your new little lego rider.

16 BAND Band tomorrow morning at 7:45. We are down to 6 rehearsals!!
Junior band tonight at 6:00

17 Seeds Seed orders are due today! Orders must be in before Friday so the order can be placed.

18 Cross Country Ski Club Cross country skiing is cancelled for today. There will be a brief meeting for all cross country ski club members at 10:40 today in the front foyer.

19 Uke Club Tomorrow there will be uke club practise in the Library at 1:20. Bring your ukes and music. See you tomorrow!

20 That’s All Your Announcements For Today,
Have a Magical Monday and get ACTIVE!

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