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Miss Utility Maryland Law Change Effective October 1, 2010 10-Minute Overview.

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1 Miss Utility Maryland Law Change Effective October 1, 2010 10-Minute Overview

2 Miss Utility Basics One-call notification center for excavation in Maryland and Washington, D.C. One-call notification center for excavation in Maryland and Washington, D.C. ITIC: ITIC: 1-800-257-7777 1-800-257-7777 811 811 Miss Utility notifies its member owners, which then mark the approximate location of their underground facilities with paint and/or flags. Miss Utility notifies its member owners, which then mark the approximate location of their underground facilities with paint and/or flags.

3 Law Change Overview Culmination of a four-year, stakeholder-led process. Culmination of a four-year, stakeholder-led process. Steering committees goal was to update the law and bring it into compliance with mandates set by the 2006 federal PIPES Act. Steering committees goal was to update the law and bring it into compliance with mandates set by the 2006 federal PIPES Act. Signed into law on May 20 by Gov. OMalley. Signed into law on May 20 by Gov. OMalley.

4 Major Changes Notification period Notification period Ticket life Ticket life Designer ticket Designer ticket Consistent no mechanized equipment zone Consistent no mechanized equipment zone Maryland DOT joins Miss Utility Maryland DOT joins Miss Utility Establishment of Damage Prevention Authority Establishment of Damage Prevention Authority

5 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 311 Call date 23456 7891011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

6 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 311 Call date 23 Due 11:59p.m. 456 7891011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

7 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 311 Call date 23 Due 11:59 p.m. 456 7891011 Veterans Day 1213 1415161718 Expires 11:59 p.m. 1920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

8 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 311234 Call date 56 7891011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

9 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 311234 Call date 56 78 Due 11:59 p.m. 91011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

10 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 311234 Call date 56 78 Due 11:59 p.m. 91011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 212223 Expires 11:59 p.m. 2425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

11 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 31123456 789 Call date 1011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

12 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 31123456 789 Call date 1011 Veterans Day 12 Due 11:59 p.m. 13 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 2829301234 Notification/Ticket Life

13 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 31123456 789 Call date 1011 Veterans Day 12Due 11:59 p.m. 13 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 282930Expires11:59P.M.1234 Notification/Ticket Life

14 Designer Ticket Allows the following types of professionals to determine approximate location of underground lines during design stage of a project: Allows the following types of professionals to determine approximate location of underground lines during design stage of a project: Licensed architects. Licensed architects. Professional engineers. Professional engineers. Professional land surveyors. Professional land surveyors. Landscape architects. Landscape architects. Member utility owners will have 15 full business days to respond to designer tickets. Member utility owners will have 15 full business days to respond to designer tickets.

15 November 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 31123456 789 Call date 1011 Veterans Day 1213 14151617181920 2122232425 Thanksgiving Day 2627 282930123Due 11:59 p.m. 4 Designer Ticket

16 No Mechanized Equipment Zone 18 inches from all directions of the marks throughout the state, including Montgomery County, for all excavations and demolitions. 18 inches from all directions of the marks throughout the state, including Montgomery County, for all excavations and demolitions.

17 New Member – Maryland DOT Maryland Department of Transportation is now a Miss Utility member. Maryland Department of Transportation is now a Miss Utility member. The following departments must join: The following departments must join: SHA- State Highway Administration SHA- State Highway Administration MDTA- Maryland Transportation Authority MDTA- Maryland Transportation Authority MAA- Maryland Aviation Administration MAA- Maryland Aviation Administration MPA- Maryland Port Administration MPA- Maryland Port Administration MVA- Motor Vehicle Administration MVA- Motor Vehicle Administration MTA- Maryland Transit Administration MTA- Maryland Transit Administration

18 New Member- Maryland DOT Miss Utility is required to ask the following questions before an excavation or demolition: Miss Utility is required to ask the following questions before an excavation or demolition: 1. Are you digging on State property or within 15ft of a State road? 2. Which agency or department controls the property or right-of-way? This will only be asked if you answer yes to question #1 3. What is your permit or authorization number? This will only be asked if you answer yes to question #1

19 Maryland Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Authority Authorized as part of new law but still in the process of forming. Authorized as part of new law but still in the process of forming. Will be a stakeholder-run organization that will enforce the Miss Utility law. Will be a stakeholder-run organization that will enforce the Miss Utility law. All authority members must be approved by the Governor. All authority members must be approved by the Governor.

20 Maryland Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Authority Authority make up: Authority make up: 1 – Associated Utility Contractors of Maryland 1 – Associated Utility Contractors of Maryland 1 – Public Works Contractors Association of Maryland 1 – Public Works Contractors Association of Maryland 1 – One-Call Center 1 – One-Call Center 1 – Locator Industry 1 – Locator Industry 1 – Maryland Association of Counties 1 – Maryland Association of Counties 1 – Maryland Municipal League 1 – Maryland Municipal League 2 – Maryland members of the MD/DC Subscribers Committee 2 – Maryland members of the MD/DC Subscribers Committee 1 – Member of the general public 1 – Member of the general public ** All will serve staggered two-year terms

21 Maryland Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Authority Authoritys role: Authoritys role: Specifics TBD once it is formed. Specifics TBD once it is formed. Will likely include: Will likely include: Ability to require mandatory training for law violators. Ability to require mandatory training for law violators. Ability to levy fines for law violators. Ability to levy fines for law violators.

22 2010 Conference Oct. 20-22 at the Clarion in Ocean City, Md. Oct. 20-22 at the Clarion in Ocean City, Md. Seven educational training sessions, including an in-depth session about law change. Seven educational training sessions, including an in-depth session about law change.

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