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The NEW Ticket To Work New Program, New Opportunities

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Presentation on theme: "The NEW Ticket To Work New Program, New Opportunities"— Presentation transcript:

1 The NEW Ticket To Work New Program, New Opportunities
April 1, 2017 The NEW Ticket To Work New Program, New Opportunities EN APPLICATION WEBINAR

2 Presenters David A. Jones Account Manager
Specializing in Mental Health CESSI, Program Manager for Recruitment and Outreach Oscar Jimenez, MPH, NYAPRS Mira Bowin, NYAPRS

3 How to participate in the webinar
Mute/ un-mute All attendees will be automatically muted during webinar During Q & A you may un-mute yourself by pressing: # 6 To mute yourself: * 6 (star and then the number 6) Sending questions via chat function: Go to upper left corner to “attendees.” Look for Mira Bowin or Oscar Jimenez by scrolling down. Right click and chat with Mira or Oscar…. to send questions or technical issues Technical problems? Call (518) and ask for Kizzi Casale

4 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers
April 1, 2017 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers Ticket 101: Integrating Ticket to Maximize PROS’ Employment Outcomes   Ticket 201: Employment Network Application Walk-Through Webinars These webinars organized by CESSI and NYAPRS will review the Request for Proposal and application requirements. The next session will be on: October 14th, 2:00 – 3:30pm Register here:  Ticket 301: Operating an Employment Network Four one-day regional trainings will be held this fall to assist with operating Employment Networks. Locations: NYC, Buffalo, Long Island and Albany areas (Dates TBD).

5 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers
April 1, 2017 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers EN Application Walk Through at the NYAPRS Conference David Jones (CESSI) will hold a Walk Through during the NYAPRS Conference (Sept 22nd-24th) for those interested in small groups/one-on-one support to complete the Employment Network RFP. In addition, members of NYAPRS’ Ticket to Work training and technical assistance team will be available to provide further information around the New Ticket-to-Work Program (eg: clarification of Ticket basics, questions about billing and payment systems and braided funding options for PROS). Please contact Mira Bowin if you have any interest in this support at  Individualized Technical Assistance NYAPRS, NYMWP and CESSI staff are available to provide individualized TA in becoming and operating an EN. Contact Oscar Jimenez or Mira Bowin at: or to access these services.

6 Ticket To Work More Info April 1, 2017 This presentation will focus on the most crucial parts of the EN application Q & A at end of presentation Mental Health Summit Archive

7 Part II, Statement of Work- Section 1 (pgs 6-7)
Ticket To Work Part II, Statement of Work- Section 1 (pgs 6-7) April 1, 2017 Describes basic and specific requirements List items to submit as proof of EN qualifications: VESID, CARF, ICCD Business Plan (include PROS, if applicable) Highlights entities precluded from becoming an EN So…lets jump right in…please have the EN RFP in front you… Introduction letter to page 4 is table of contents and part 1 Price- which is not applicable, no cost to apply, and states any travel expenses is your responsibility We are going to start at page 5: Part 2- Statement of Work This might be repetitive with some on the webinar if working with Account Manager on the Ticket to Work Recruitment and Outreach Team Section lays out the process, obligations, and requirement of the program- not a part of RFP to submit, for your information SECTION 1 Describes just some of the basic general requirements ENs can be public or private, or profit or non profit… state or local government agency ….any entity whose responsible for the delivery of employment services or the coordination/referral of services is eligible to apply to be an EN If you are serving people with disabilities as they seek and obtain work then you should be considering this program which I am assuming you are or wouldn’t be on this webinar . NOTE: One-stop delivery systems established under subtitle B of Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and organizations administering VR Services Projects for American Indians with Disabilities are deemed to have met all requirements of Part II, Section 1.

8 How the Ticket Works Part II, Section 2
Ticket To Work April 1, 2017 How the Ticket Works Part II, Section 2 EN & Beneficiary Connect EN & Beneficiary Negotiate a Plan (IWP) Beneficiary Assigns Ticket EN Submits Payment Request to Maximus & Gets Paid (30 days +/-) under new regs all beneficiaries are eligible Description of the ticket process, steps EN and Beneficiary takes Key elements, as mentioned: Volunteer program on both sides. We recognize this program is not for everyone. We want success for both. EN Provides Services & Supports to Complete Negotiated IWP Beneficiary Goes to Work & EN Collects Evidence of Earnings

9 Section 3 : Individual Work Plan (pgs 9 -12)
Ticket To Work Section 3 : Individual Work Plan (pgs 9 -12) April 1, 2017 Mutual Agreement Outlines services to be provided Sharing of wage data How to resolve disputes Supports available Can use an equivalent plan already in use Section 3 outlines IWP requirements For all beneficiaries Mutual agreement b/w Ticket Holder and EN Look and see what you do and form an addendum if needed. Page 9, Paragraph A, list IWP requirements Highlight: accept and not achieving milestones you can terminate. If bene can also have the option to terminate. IWP is not a contract per say but does lay out the expectation from both. IWP establishes yourself as the EN Check to make sure the ticket has not been assigned before you start process. Page 11, paragraph B: services offered outside the IWP and the EN Contract, what an EN can and cannot charge a bene for Page 12, Item B- Timeframe Submit your IWP to Maximus Operations Support Management OSM Call Maximus and see if their ticket has been assigned or where if it was assigned, where they are in the milestone process. Remember, outcome based program: start with those you can serve easily and get your model set-up….IWP agreed by both parties

10 Part II, Section 4- EN and VR (pg 12)
Partnership Plus Encourages partnerships between VR agencies and ENs Expands the scope of services available to beneficiaries Visit the online toolkit for more information: Page 12, Section 4: outlines the agreements b/w VR and ENs Working with VR and how it makes sense with you, state by state bases, speak to account rep. Expands the scope of services available to beneficiaries > Ongoing support services for Supported Employment consumers > Job retention services > Follow-along services > Other services and supports

11 Partnership Plus Important Information
VESID has encouraged all of their providers to become ENs. Becoming an EN will in no way affect a provider’s status as a vendor Partnership Plus cases can occur “behind the scene” without any action on behalf of VESID. In other words, ENs are free to promote their ongoing employment support services to VESID clients in order to seek Ticket assignment upon VR case closure.

12 Part II, Section 10 (pgs 18,19) Reporting Requirements
Ticket To Work Part II, Section 10 (pgs 18,19) April 1, 2017 Reporting Requirements EN Responsibilities adhered to IWP signed, in file Agreements submitted Documentation of Ticket assignments and terminations Responding to MAXIMUS inquiries Section 10, reporting requirements: Maximus sends the reports and you decided to fill it out. Helps SSA keep track. Also on Page 19, Item D: Changes in your contract. Identify an individual to make changes to the contract file. Must be made in writing

13 Ticket To Work April 1, 2017 Part II, Section 11(pg 20) TTW provides EN payments when a beneficiary attains certain Milestones and Outcomes in moving towards self-supporting employment, not for costs of services rendered. Two Payment Options Milestone Outcome Outcome Item A; Recommend Milestones Milestone gives you more money upfront. You do have the option to change that. NEW: Change any time during the calendar year. All payments will be made thru direct deposit. SSA will not mail checks

14 Part II, Section 11E Requesting EN Payments (pg 23)
Ticket To Work Part II, Section 11E Requesting EN Payments (pg 23) April 1, 2017 An EN bills MAXIMUS as the beneficiaries they are serving attain designated Milestones and Outcomes as they move towards self-supporting employment ENs have 3 options for submitting for payments Evidentiary Certification Auto Pay (Outcome payments only) Item C: submitting requests for EN payments Evidentiary: Submit EN Payment Request Form and direct evidence of earnings such as pay stubs or an employer-prepared and signed statement of earnings (payments made in 30 to 45 days) Certification: Submit EN Payment Request Form and secondary evidence of earnings (e.g., confirm contact with beneficiary or employer, information from the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), an Earnings Inquiry Request, or a Self-Employment income Form. EN must sign a repayment agreement) Auto Pay (Outcome payments only) Must submit Auto Pay Request Form and SSA uses their data systems and records to verify earnings (e.g., NDNH, disability status information, etc.). Can take 9 months or more to get paid. EN must sign a “blanket” repayment agreement.

15 - Abide by all requirements terms of contract
Ticket To Work Part II, Section 12 (pg 25) April 1, 2017 Compliance - Abide by all requirements terms of contract Comply with federal regulations Agree to cooperate with SSA, Operations Support Manager (MAXIMUS) EN subcontractors meets all requirements in Part II, Section 1 and 6 Section 12, page 25 That you have read and going to comply with RFP going forward Pg 41 of the application

16 Requesting Suitability Clearance (pgs 39-41)
Ticket To Work Requesting Suitability Clearance (pgs 39-41) April 1, 2017 Two levels of clearance: Level 1 is for ALL EN employees who will be acquiring, handling, or have access to PII Must complete Form 306 Level 2 is for an EN who is requesting the Beneficiary Referral CD, the CD Manager must: Complete Form 306, Fair Credit Reporting Act Form, SF 85 FD 258 finger print chart is required These forms MUST be submitted with the EN proposal If EN meets all other requirements of the RFP, can be approved as an EN while background investigation is in process Once awarded, EN can perform under the contract while final suitability determination is made

17 Part IV EN Proposal Documentation Requirements (pgs 62-64)
Ticket To Work Part IV EN Proposal Documentation Requirements (pgs 62-64) April 1, 2017 EN Application Begins Here! Form 1449 will be page 1 of EN RFP Box 17a: Offeror Name, Address, Phone, and Tax ID/EIN number Box 17b if applicable Box 30 a, b, c: signature and date Part 4, EN Proposal documentation requirements, pages Page 61, bring out highlighter! This is where the RFP begins- what you will have to submit SSA wants to award the contract- if not it is due to the information not filled out properly. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row. Filling out the same info all over again, different departments Section 1: page 61-63 Page 61 gives directions to complete the form 1449 on page 62 Make sure you sign the form- this is will be your cover sheet Go over boxes to complete on 1449 PLEASE NOTE: Your EIN number- or the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)- must match the name provided in block 17a of Standard Form 1449 Will see info asked for repeatedly, different sections, b/c SSA give to different departments w/in contracts office

18 Section 2: EN Information Sheet (pgs 64-66)
Ticket To Work Section 2: EN Information Sheet (pgs 64-66) April 1, 2017 SECTION 2: EN INFORMATION SHEET A. OFFEROR’S NAME (name of organization/entity submitting proposal): B. NAME OF EMPLOYMENT NETWORK (if different from item A above): C. EN’S EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): EN’S DATA UNIVERSAL NUMBERING SYSTEM (DUNS) NUMBER & CCR Registration: DUNS must be issued in the Offeror’s Name shown in Item A and this DUNS number must be registered on CCR.GOV ADDRESS (no post office boxes): Physical location where EN services will be provided F. MAILING ADDRESS (if different from above. May be post office box.): Section 2, 64-76 Describes who you are, name of EN, services provided, how you will be listen on the website. Section 2: EN Information Sheet is for the EN's listing in the directory.  For each physical location providing services, the EN Offeror will complete an addendum.

19 Section 2 continued (pgs 66-67)
Ticket To Work Section 2 continued (pgs 66-67) April 1, 2017 LOCATION OF SERVICES: If EN services provided at other locations, and EN wishes to list on the Ticket to Work EN Directory, please fill in the Information Sheet — Addendum EACH additional location. (The Addendum will be focused on in a future slide 75 pg.) H. EN DIRECTORY CONTACT INFORMATION: to be listed on the EN Directory; do have the option of not appearing in directory I. OTHER EN CONTACTS: If different contact for other program/contract inquiries list here Part G: Where your services will be offered. If more, you want to list. Remember: if you have more than one service area (One Stops) you will need to complete the EN RFP Addendum each additional location that you wish to be listed in the EN Directory Part G, B- if yes to other locations but no addendum, please insert statement such as I will be seeing clients in various locations).

20 Section 2 continued (pgs 67-68)
J. SERVICE AREA: Please check one only. This will be listed in the online EN Directory and you may be contacted by beneficiaries living in the service area you designate. [ ] National (serving all states and U.S. Territories) [ ] Multi-State (list all states you will serve using the 2-letter state abbreviation) [ ] Single State (list the state using the 2-letter state abbreviation) K. CORPORATE STATUS (check all that apply) Business Consortium/Association Corporation engaged in the billing/collection of payments for medical and healthcare services Corporation providing medical and health care services Other corporate entity Not a corporate entity Partnership Sole proprietorship Public entity For Profit Non-Profit

21 Section 2 continued (pgs 69-73)
Ticket To Work Section 2 continued (pgs 69-73) April 1, 2017 L. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION M. PREFERRED IMPAIRMENT GROUPS SERVED N. SERVICES OFFERED O. EN PAYMENT SYSTEM ELECTION: Reference Part II, Section 11of RFP P. EN QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS: Reference Part II, Section 1, of RFP Q. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE: R. SIGNATORY AUTHORITY : Only the EN official authorized to request contract changes Part Q: Liability insurance 500,000 per occurrence, required. Medical is only required if you are providing medical services. A copy of the insurance policy or a certificate of insurance signed by the agent or broker is necessary before an EN contract can be awarded. Note: reflect the name and address of the insured (EN). Please provide documentation from your insurance carrier that the coverage includes your business and the locations/business activities are located Your EN name must be on your Insurance policy. SSA does not require that the EN name be the only name on the policy. Part R: Who will be the Contract Officer? Authorized to make changes in the contract

22 Section 3: Addendum (pg 75)
Ticket To Work Section 3: Addendum (pg 75) April 1, 2017 One Addendum for each additional service location Each location will be listed separately in the EN directory If you want to work as a group of PROS service providers this form will also be used Section 3, Info Sheet Addendum, page 74: Completed for additional locations Blurb on EN directory after award use EN Contract Change Form  .

23 Section 4: Payment Form ACH (pg 77)
Ticket To Work Section 4: Payment Form ACH (pg 77) April 1, 2017 Electronic Transfer Form Required, allows for electronic payment of Ticket funds to EN business account EN name must be on the account Complete only Payee/Company Information Box and the Financial Institution Box Must be signed by the Bank Section 4: ACH Vendor Form- to get $ in your bank, must be complete with financial institution, take a look at form on page 31, Payee/Company and Financial Institution Info sections are to be completed then signature at bottom by Bank Your EN name must be on the direct deposit bank account used for EN payments. It is not required to be the only name on the account.

24 Ticket To Work Section 5 (pgs ) April 1, 2017 If active online, listed in ORCA. Complete only paragraph (b) if completed annual reps and certs online- Print out showing the ORCA registration is active and complete. If Reps and Certs not completed online complete paragraphs (c) through (m) where applicable. Comply with EEOC that you are a service provider- defines what type of organization you are, and you are a legitimate organization. You will need to complete paragraphs C thru J in this section and submit with the rest of your RFP package Suggest giving to this to business manager and check boxes that apply This takes care of the required section of the RFP that needs to be completed and submitted. Page 62: PART V – SOLICITATION PROVISIONS -internal review only - highlights government award process, timeframe for awards and submitting corrections deem to be made by the EN Contracts Team That’s it! So before we get to questions… lets review what is to be submitted to SSA EN Contracts Team, your RFP should include (refer to RFP checklist): Part III, EN Proposal Documentation Requirements: Section 1 thru Section 5 Including copies of Certifications, Insurance documentation, additional service location addendums, etc DON’T FORGET CCR PROFILE: please go to and complete the federal contract registration. Anyone (sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships and governmental organizations) desiring to do business with the federal government must register in CCR. Go to website for help desk Q&A session Final notes and reminders…most ENs will send RFP within 2 weeks of this application walk thru call

25 Q & A To UN-MUTE yourself, press # 6 After presenting your question/ comment, please MUTE your self by pressing * 6

26 Additional Assistance with the RFP
Ticket To Work Ticket To Work Additional Assistance with the RFP April 1, 2017 April 1, 2017 Contact CESSI, the Program Manager for Recruitment and Outreach, at or contact me directly at x 201 or by at Please call or me when you start your application or have questions Remember: hold off on signing your optional form 306 until the rest of your application is complete. For more information on the Ticket to Work Program: > Visit SSA’s Work Site at: > Visit CESSI’s web site at: > Visit ChooseWork site at: > Visit the Maximus web site at: 26

27 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers
April 1, 2017 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers Ticket 101: Integrating Ticket to Maximize PROS’ Employment Outcomes   Ticket 201: Employment Network Application Walk-Through Webinars These webinars organized by CESSI and NYAPRS will review the Request for Proposal and application requirements. The next session will be on: October 14th, 2:00 – 3:30pm Register here:  Ticket 301: Operating an Employment Network Four one-day regional trainings will be held this fall to assist with operating Employment Networks. Locations: NYC, Buffalo, Long Island and Albany areas (Dates TBD).

28 2010 Ticket-to-Work Training and TA Series for MH Providers
EN Application Walk Through at the NYAPRS Conference David Jones (CESSI) will hold a Walk Through during the NYAPRS Conference (Sept 22nd-24th) for those interested in small groups/one-on-one support to complete the Employment Network RFP. In addition, members of NYAPRS’ Ticket to Work training and technical assistance team will be available to provide further information around the New Ticket-to-Work Program (eg: clarification of Ticket basics, questions about billing and payment systems and braided funding options for PROS). Please contact Mira Bowin if you have any interest in this support at  Individualized Technical Assistance NYAPRS, NYMWP and CESSI staff are available to provide individualized TA in becoming and operating an EN. Contact Oscar Jimenez or Mira Bowin at: or to access these services.

29 Additional Help Is Available
Ticket To Work Ticket To Work Additional Help Is Available April 1, 2017 April 1, 2017 Questions about future trainings and TA? For questions about future trainings regarding TTW and requests for individualized TA for PROS programs: Oscar Jimenez, MPH NYAPRS Director of Community and Economic Development , ext. 21 Mira Bowin NYAPRS Employment and Economic Self-sufficiency Coordinator , ext. 18 29

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