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European Youth Conference Panel debate: Europe and me – EU policies and programmes on youth employment 27 March 2019, Bucharest Romania Gerhard Mosshammer.

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Presentation on theme: "European Youth Conference Panel debate: Europe and me – EU policies and programmes on youth employment 27 March 2019, Bucharest Romania Gerhard Mosshammer."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Youth Conference Panel debate: Europe and me – EU policies and programmes on youth employment 27 March 2019, Bucharest Romania Gerhard Mosshammer

2 What does the European Youth Policy say?
Connect: …opportunities for young people to experience exchanges,cooperation,cultural and civic action in a European context need to be accesible for all young people. This allows them to develop and strengthen personal,social and civic competencies, develop critical thinking and creativity,enhance employability and become active European citizen. ENGAGE CONNECT EMPOWER

3 What does the European Youth Policy say?
Empower: ..,there is a greater need for recognition of non-formal learning through youth work,especially to those with little formal qualifications, as a way to employability. - Create and further develop,..,easily accessible youth contact points that deliver a wide range of services and/or provide information, including financial guidance, guidance and support on career,…..,cultural and employment opportunities. ENGAGE CONNECT EMPOWER

4 Quality Employment for all!
YOUTH GOALS YOUTH GOALS Goal Nr.7 Quality Employment for all!

5 What does ERASMUS+Youth in Action offer?
Development of Key Competences for Life Long Learning Development of soft skills Enhancement of employability of young people RAY Research: „To improve the level of key competences and skills of young people, in particular through learning mobility opportunities is one of the key youth specific aims of the E+ Programme, and our reseaech findings show it is fulffiled with acclaim.

6 What does the European Solidarity Corps offer?
What works in E+ does work in the Solidarity Corps as well 10% of the budget is dedicated to Jobs and Internships in the Solidarity Sector Opportunities Cross Border and on national level

7 European Solidarity Corps: Opportunities and challenges
Development of a new competence of the youth field Legal obstacles Strengthening and visibilty of the „Solidarity Sector“ Budgetary obstacles Possibillities on national and international levels Added value for NGOs and companies

8 How can the Ressource Center support? First steps
EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS RESSOURCE CENTER How can the Ressource Center support? First steps Common Narrative on Solidarity Consultancy implemented by Susie Nicodemie/ Snezana Baclija Knoch – Final Report Summer 2019 Dissemination activites – programme spirit as well as practical use   Occupational Strand Consultancy on the Occupational Strand (RAY) – Intermediate Report June 2019, Final Report October 2019 Seminar „Creating conditions for quality traineeships” – (DG EMPL), Lisbon, April 2019 German Speaking Expert Meeting on Jobs and Traineeships in the Solidarity Corps – Eupen, May 2019 Offer space and platforms for exchange for NAs – online and offline Mapping and Networking Support the Network Needs Analyses towards RC and Programme among Programme stakeholders – Initial Survey (RC) , in- depth consultancy (RAY) - Intermediate Report June 2019, Final Report October 2019 NA Staff Training – St. Pölten, Austria, June 2019

9 Contacts: Gerhard Moßhammer

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