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Room 113 News Thursday October 28, 2016 Important dates:

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1 Room 113 News Thursday October 28, 2016 Important dates:
Next week’s Shine Student is Gianna Dennet  10/31- 11/4: Red Ribbon Week Wednesday 11/2: First Grade Parent Meeting Thursday 11/3: Spelling Test Friday 11/4: Report Cards will be published, Book Order Due Wednesday 11/9: Picture Retake Day 11/10 and 11/15: Parent-Teacher conferences I have added a few pictures to the website. You can find the picture gallery under Weekly Parent Letters! There will be a spelling assessment next week- List 4. Parent-Teacher conferences are November 10th and 15th. You will be able to sign up through School Speak. More information will come home from the office. Please be sure to sign up for a conference so we can meet to discuss your child’s progress in first grade! If you are interested in Picture Day re-takes send me an ! I have some reorder forms. I will send one to you if you request it! On retake day your child must bring in the original pictures. If they were absent we will send you the original order form soon. Red Ribbon Week- Our Theme this year is "We 'Mustache' You to be Drug Free“ Monday students may wear as many red accessories as they can with their uniforms.  This can include:  socks, tennis shoes, jewelry, hair accessories, nail polish, hats or scarves.  Please NO face paint or hair spray!   Tuesday - We CAN do without drugs. Students are encouraged to bring canned food items in for the Heart Food Pantry. The pantry is especially looking for canned meats and vegetables. We will also have students from Hartley that will come to discuss good decision making and read to the younger grades. Wednesday - Mr. Smith's brother is a police officer and he will be in to talk to the K-4 students Thursday - "We 'mustache' you to team up against drugs" - Students may wear any team or spirit wear with their gym pants. Friday - “We ‘Mustache’ You to Make Good Choices” and…BINGO. FRIENDS groups will meet for Bingo. Scholastic Book Orders due Today. Please order online or send in one check with the order forms made out to Scholastic books. You can get to the site through my webpage. First Grade Parent Meeting- Also known as All Things First Grade! Please see the letter with RSVP form in this packet. Important Information:

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