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Pasi Sahlberg author Finnish Lessons

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1 Pasi Sahlberg author Finnish Lessons
“Finnish education is among the best in the world – but it has not adopted the trend, shared in the UK, US and many other countries, of standardised testing, league tables, parental ‘choice’ and pressurising teachers. Instead teachers are treated as professionals, given trust and responsibility – and they deliver the goods. It’s great to see EBTN bringing together teachers who want to apply evidence about what works rather than the latest fad.”

2 Geoff Petty author Evidence Based Teaching
“The evidence shows that it is exactly what teachers do that makes the difference to student achievement, and that this teacher effect is very large. Hundreds of thousands of rigorous classroom based experiments tell us so. It is time for teachers, not legislators, to lead improvement, and I hope my Evidence Based Teaching and the EBTN will help you in this exciting journey.”

3 Pasi Sahlberg former Education minister
"The issue of the link between evidence, policy making and practice is becoming increasingly important. The work we do at the Institute for Effective Education at York University shows how important it is that we improve this relationship. I am therefore delighted to see the level of interest by teachers in the EBT Network. Pedagogy is a highly effective tool to improve learning and the more we know about effective pedagogy and make that information easily available to those who need to use it, the more we will improve education standards in schools."

4 Dylan Wiliam advocate for Formative Assessment
"High-quality education is more important than it has ever been, and yet too often, education policy, and teachers' practice, is driven by fads and fashions. Research can never tell teachers what to do, but it can suggest the directions that are most likely to lead to improved student outcomes. That is why I welcome the Evidence Based Teachers Network."

5 John Hattie author Visible Learning
”Here in Australia and New Zealand our team has spent 15 years trawling the world for the education methods which work in real classrooms. It’s great to see so many UK teachers interested in using these findings. I hope the EBT Network acts as a regular reminder to use the methods which work best – and not just the ones you usually use. I have long been acquainted with the work of Geoff Petty and his team, and impressed with the ways they have turned my dull research writings into exciting implications for teachers and schools.”

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