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EXPERTIndex™ “Contains”

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1 EXPERTIndex™ “Contains”
TUTORIAL TUTORIAL EXPERTIndex™ “Contains” Full Text Searching Search Tips

2 A Full Text Search in ToxPlanet allows you to conduct simple or compound searches across the body/text of all of the documents found in the underlying collections. In this tutorial, we will look at how to conduct Full Text searches using several search tips, including those for simple term searches, phrase searches, connector searches, group searches, term starts-with searches, and combination searches.

3 Simple Term Search: To search for a specific term, simply enter the term into the search box. For example, to search for documents that contain the term perfluoroalkyl, enter perfluoroalkyl and click Submit.

4 Simple Term Search: The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains the term perfluoroalkyl.

5 Simple Term Search: By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

6 Simple Term Search: To search for more than one term, simply enter the terms into the search box, separated by a space. By default, the connector between terms is "or". For example, to search for documents that contain the term perfluoroalkyl OR the term bromobenzene, enter perfluoroalkyl bromobenzene and click Submit.

7 Simple Term Search: The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains the term perfluoroalkyl or the term bromobenzene.

8 Simple Term Search: By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

9 Phrase Search: To search for a phrase, simply enter the phrase into the search box, surrounded by quotation marks. For example, to search for documents that contain the phrase methyl tert-butyl ether, enter "methyl tert-butyl ether" and click Submit.

10 Phrase Search: The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains the phrase methyl tert-butyl ether.

11 Phrase Search: By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

12 Connector Search: By default, the connector separating search terms is "or". To search for all entered terms, simply enter the terms into the search box, connecting them with the word "and". For example, to search for documents that contain the terms asbestos AND cancer, enter asbestos and cancer and click Submit. The available connectors are: and, or, not.

13 Connector Search: The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains the term asbestos and the term cancer.

14 Connector Search: By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

15 Group Search: Multiple search terms or clauses can be grouped together with parentheses. For example, to search for documents that contain the term toluene OR the term bromobenzene AND contain the term formaldehyde, enter (toluene or bromobenzene) and formaldehyde into the search box and click Submit.

16 Group Search: The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains the term toluene or the term bromobenzene and the term formaldehyde.

17 Group Search: By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

18 Term Starts-With Search:
To search for terms that start with specific characters, simply enter the characters into the search box, followed by an asterisk. For example, to search for documents that contain terms that start with methionyl, enter methionyl* and click Submit. The search will fail if an asterisk precedes characters (*methionyl) or appears between characters (methiony*l).

19 Term Starts-With Search:
The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains terms that start with methionyl.

20 Term Starts-With Search:
By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

21 Combination Search: A search query can be created using a combination of the various search types. For example, to search for documents that contain terms that start with perfluoro OR contain the term benzene AND contain the term acid, enter (perfluoro* or benzene) and acid into the search box and click Submit.

22 Combination Search: The search will return documents, organized by product and respective content collections, in which the full text contains terms that start with perfluoro or contains the term benzene and contains the term acid.

23 Combination Search: By clicking on one or more collection nodes, the content from each is displayed.

24 For more information, visit our website

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