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Change Impact Assessment

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Presentation on theme: "Change Impact Assessment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Impact Assessment
Understand impacts and give stakeholders what they need to transition to the future state.

2 What’s changing? Behavior, process & system/technology Current state
The Change Impact Assessment documents the “delta” or change stakeholder groups will need to make for your project to succeed. Behavior, process & system/technology Current state Future state Job roles, responsibilities & workload Skills, knowledge & training Change saturation Facilitator Scripting: Intro to Change Impact Assessment and discussion around what types of things fall into each category. Key point is that the CIA helps them to understand the DETAILED impacts so that ultimately they will be able to give stakeholders what they need to transition to the future state successfully.

3 Change Impact Assessment approach
When? As soon as you begin learning about how people will be impacted by your project. Change Impact Assessment Understand impacts and give stakeholders what they need to transition to the future state. How? With the project team and/or subject matter experts from impacted stakeholder groups. A group setting encourages discussion and brings multiple points. Group discussions often uncover inconsistencies in perception of impacts, and illuminate new issues.

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