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Automatic dog’s excrement detection system

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1 Automatic dog’s excrement detection system
自動狗屎偵測系統 Automatic dog’s excrement detection system 指導教授:方瓊瑤 專題學生:謝欣紘

2 Outline Introduction System Flowchart
Dog’s Excrement Candidate Extraction K-means Clustering Experimental Results Conclusions and Future Work

3 Introdution Motivation The processes of the system
Maintain enviromental cleanliness Avoid stepping in dog feces The processes of the system Dog’s excrement detection Noise removement Connected components Automatically selects the k-means results Showing warnings

4 System Flowchart 狗屎定位 連續影像輸入 影像特徵擷取 否 特徵是否成功擷取? 是 雜訊去除 區塊連結 狗屎特徵擷取
狗屎驗證 影像特徵擷取

5 Dog’s Excrement Candidate Extraction
Color space selection RGB color space HSV color space

6 Candidate Extraction

7 Varience Calculation n:為pixel總數 xi:為每一pixel在x座標的值 yi:為每一pixel在y座標的值

8 Noise Removement

9 Connected Component

10 K-means Clustering K-means clustering
partition n observations into k clusters each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean a set of observations (x1, x2, …, xn) μi is the mean of points in Si S = {S1, S2, …, Sk}

11 cluster centers locations
Ask User how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. k=5). Random select k cluster centers locations Each datapoint finds out which Center it’s closest to. (Thus each Center “owns” a set of datapoints) Each cluster fine the centroid of the points it owns. According to the new center, we can re-classify the entire training set. For each data in the training set, find the new nearest cluster center and classify data as a member of new cluster. …and jumps to there …repeat step 3 to 5 until terminated Presented by Kuei-Hsien

12 K-means Results K = 2 K = 3 K = 4 K = 5

13 Experimental Results Dog’s excrement

14 Experimental Results(cont.)
Dog’s excrement

15 Experimental Results(cont.)

16 Warning Lights 警示燈

17 Accuracy rate Dog’s excrement38張、Road 7張 35/38 92.1% 2/50 4% 3/38 2.9%
35/ % 2/50 4% 3/ % 48/ %

18 Failed example

19 Conclusions and Future Work
Distinguish between dog’s excrement and road Feature Extraction K-means Clustering Future work Distinguish between dog’s excrement and other things Improve execution time

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