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Find Your Chance - Horizon 2020

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1 Find Your Chance - Horizon 2020
Mari Habicht Tartu November

2 Comparison Societal Challenges

3 Leadership of transport industry
Safety Leadership of transport industry Intermodality Resource efficiency International cooperation Security Intelligent transport system Competitiveness Decreasing environmental impact Green technologies

4 Intelligent Transport Systems
global competition energy efficiency resource efficiency oil dependency CO2 + GHG emissions Intelligent Transport Systems congestion air quality safety Rail Road noise security climate resilience Socio-economic growing transport needs Water Urban Infrastructure seamlessness user friendliness infrastructure capacity Air accessibility system performance Logistics sustainability timeliness

5 Objective: To achieve a European transport system that is resource-efficient, climate-and-environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless for the benefit of all citizens, the economy and society.

6 Specific programme priorities
4 broad lines of activities aiming at: Resource efficient transport that respects the environment Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security Global leadership for the European transport industry Socio-economic and behavioral research and forward- looking activities for policy-making

7 50/50 JTIs/collaborative calls - Clean Sky
6339 M € for 7 years 50/50 JTIs/collaborative calls Clean Sky - SESAR - Fuel Cells & Hydrogen (contribution) - [Shift2Rail] 867 M € for WP





12 MG.1.2-2015 Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation
Reduction of emissions and noise Green technologies Environmentally friendly life cycle Greener ground operations Research and innovation action (funding rate 100%) Call budget – 20 M€ EC contribution per proposal 5-8 M€ Deadlines: 1st stage , 2nd stage



15 MG.1.8-2015 International cooperation in aeronautics with Japan
Future passenger friendly cabin architecture and systems Lighter integrated heat exchanger systems Efficient composite structure manufacturing and monitoring Smarter flight control technologies for enhanced safety

16 MG.1.9-2015 International cooperation in aeronautics with Canada
Reducing environmental impact through advanced design of novel aircraft configurations Reducing noise through novel materials design and application on engines and/or airframes Resource-efficient high-performance advanced- materials product development and manufacturing Reducing energy consumption through more electrical aircraft and systems integration

17 MG.1.10-2015 International cooperation in aeronautics with China
Innovative methods and numerical technologies for airframe and engine noise reduction Development of bio-sourced composite materials and environment-friendly multifunctional composites and structures for aeronautics applications Flow control and advanced numerical tools for physical modelling of unsteady flows of aircraft and its components Enhanced additive manufacturing of metal components and resources efficient manufacturing processes for aerospace applications

18 Research and innovation action (funding rate 100%)
Call budget – 16 M€ EC contribution per proposal 1,3 – 1,8 M€ At least three proposals per topic will be funded Deadline:

19 Additional eligibility criteria:
Proposals submitted to these topics that do not include coordination with corresponding third-country activities will be considered ineligible. Proposals will only be selected on the condition that their corresponding coordinated third-country activities will be funded. Coordination agreements: Participants in the EU actions are required to conclude a coordination agreement with the participants in the corresponding coordinated third-country activities. A final draft of these agreements has to be provided with the proposal.

20 Criterion 3 "Quality and efficiency of the implementation"
additional evaluation sub-criteria: - Balanced effort between Europe and the corresponding third-country. - A comprehensive research plan properly involving coordinated research activities between Europe and the corresponding third-country, ensuring genuine cooperation and added value to the activities.






26 No of proposals 1st stage No of proposals 2nd stage
H2020-MG Two Stages (RIA and IA) No of proposals 1st stage No of proposals 2nd stage MG Competitiveness of European Aviation through cost efficiency and innovation 89 30 MG Seamless air mobility 24 12 MG Breakthrough innovation for European Aviation 69 17

27 Homepage:










37 Calendar Publication of Work Programme December 11, 2013
Opening of 2015 call December 10, 2014 Transport Info Day in Brussels February 02, 2015 Submission deadline 23 April 2015


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