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Geometry Introduction.

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1 Geometry Introduction

2 Learning intention: In Class today we are learning new words to help our understanding of Geometry.
Success criteria: You will be successful if you have been able to complete the vocabulary activity using your background knowledge and by making connections to the real world.

3 Geometry What is geometry?
geo which means earth and metria which means measure. (Greek) Simply put, geometry is the study of the size, shape and position of 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional figures. Geometry is found everywhere: in art, architecture, engineering, robotics, land surveys, astronomy, sculptures, space, nature, sports, machines, cars and much more.

4 Geometry geo means earth metria means measure. (Greek)

5 Robotics Geometry Art Design Machine Nature Cars Space Design Sports
Architecture Robotics Design Machine Nature Cars Space Design Sports

6 Geometry in Design

7 Geometry in Sports

8 Term Meaning Picture Making connections Angle An angle is formed at a point where at least two rays or intervals meet. Building a house (The timber in the roof made an angle) Degree Regular Properties Common feature or characteristic In science (Properties of living things)

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