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Reading Question Chapter 8 sections 14 and 15

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1 Reading Question Chapter 8 sections 14 and 15
Do not copy the question, but write enough of the question in your answer to make complete thoughts! 1. How can you tell whether a solid will most likely produce molecules or ions when it dissolves? 2. Compare and Contrast strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, and nonelectrolytes. 3. Briefly describe how the conductivity apparatus works and how the results would indicate what kind of electrolyte the solution is. 4. Using a more sensitive tester for conductivity, why does the conductivity of a silver chloride solution increase as more silver chloride solid is added? 5. What happens that eventually the amount of conductivity of a silver chloride solution stops increasing? 6. What macroscopic observations should you be able to make about a beaker of water with silver chloride if it has reached the point where the conductivity stops increasing? 7. What is the connection between the solubility of a substance, a saturated solution, and a precipitate? 8. What four ions are always soluble (that is there are no exceptions)? Memorize these! 9. For the groups of ions marked “insoluble”, what ions are exceptions to them all? 10. Most of our level of chemistry will involve solids we term either soluble or insoluble, what concentration will probably separate those two categories?

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