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Organisational September 15, Open Meeting, 14:00-15:30

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Presentation on theme: "Organisational September 15, Open Meeting, 14:00-15:30"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisational Assembly @P8 September 15, 2016 Open Meeting, 14:00-15:30

Chair - Amy Introduction to Organisational Assembly - Juan - 10’ Introduction of new OA members since last plenary - 10’ Value & Engagement, discussion - Amy and Stephen - 20' Engaging with RDA outputs at Griffith University - Malcolm - 20’ Open Discussion: Priorities, Interests, Challenges - 25’ Any Other Business - 5'

3 Quick introduction to OA

4 RDA Membership Working Groups
Funders Forum Interest Groups domain coordination, idea generation, maintenance, … RDA Membership Working Groups implementable, impactful outcomes Council organisational vision and strategy Technical Advisory Board socio-technical vision and strategy Secretariat administration and operations Organisational Advisory Board needs, adoption, business advice RDA Foundation

5 What is the OA? Value and Engagement report to follow
Organisational Members “Provide an organisational perspective on the work of RDA and to enhance the implementation of the output of RDA Working Groups”. The Organisational Assembly “is the body of representatives from the Organisational Members and Organisational Affiliates” The Organisational Advisory Board “represents the interests of organisational members and ensure that their input and needs play a role in guiding the programs and activities of the RDA”.

6 What is the OA? Providing advice at the request of the SG or the RDA Council ... expressing issues raised among the organisational membership Providing input to the Secretary General on organisational needs… Interacting with the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) … to advise on how implementable proposed product is likely to be Assisting with Plenary programming and other outreach activities Developing of test-beds to support WG pilot projects and distribution of products to the community. Encouraging and facilitating the adoption of relevant RDA products among organisational members to drive broad adoption

7 Organisational & Affiliate Members
Who is the OA? 44 RDA Organisational Members 6 RDA Affiliate Members Guiding Principles: Openness Consensus Balance Harmonization Community-driven Non-profit and technology-neutral

8 How much is the OM subscription?
Organisational Membership fees: Fewer than 50 employees $1,000 US p.a. 50 to 250 employees $2,000 US p.a. More than 250 employees $10,000 US p.a.

9 Spare Slides

10 The Organisational Assembly
The Organisational Assembly comprises representatives from the OMs and Affiliate Organisations ... The OA provides a forum where organisational members can discuss and respond to the work of RDA, form views, collaborate and disseminate ... The OA holds a meeting at each Plenary to enable Organisations to help set directions, hear about progress, and determine how recommendations are implemented ... The OA elects the Organisational Advisory Board ...

11 The Organisational Advisory Board (OAB)
The Organisational Advisory Board (OAB) advises the RDA Membership and Council on the directions, processes, and mechanisms of RDA. The OAB is elected by the OA and includes representatives of the OMs and Affiliates. The OAB elect co-chairs who serve ex-officio as a non-voting members of the Council The OAB, with support from the Secretariat, may comment on the RDA Organizational and Process Plan document. The procedures which govern the OA and OAB and activities will be described in the Organisational and Process Plan.

12 New Member Introduction

13 RDA Outputs at Griffith University

14 Open Discussion: Priorities, Interests, Challenges

15 Thank you!

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