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This is Bank of America in JA BizTown.
Two types of banking take place here. personal banking business banking Welcome to an introduction of banking at JA BizTown! All personal and business banking takes place at Bank of America.
Go inside the bank to do these things.
Personal Banking deposit paychecks make withdrawals open savings account You will receive two paychecks during the day from your business. ** You will deposit your paychecks into a checking account. Then you will be able to write checks to buy goods and services at the businesses in JA BizTown. You will also open a savings account. ** These transactions take place inside the bank. Go inside the bank to do these things.
Business Window to do these things.
Business Banking take loan application and promissory note make business deposits Businesses also bank at Bank of America. CEOs will take the loan application form and the promissory note that were completed at school to the Business Window outside the bank. ** Later in the day, when businesses are making deposits to repay their loans, deposits are brought to the business window. ** Remember! Go to the Business Window for business banking. The tellers inside will not be able to help you with business banking. Go to the Business Window to do these things.
You complete steps 1, 2, and 3 at school.
Before you go to the bank for the first time, there are four things you must have ready. your first deposit ticket your first check for $1.50 to open a savings account these two transactions are entered into your checkbook register. endorsed paycheck The first time that you go to the bank you will take your endorsed paycheck, deposit ticket, and check for $1.50 to open a savings account. All transactions should be recorded in your checkbook register. You complete these items at school (except for the endorsed paycheck). You complete steps 1, 2, and 3 at school. You endorse your paycheck at JA BizTown.
signature for $2.00 cash back
Step 1: Your First Deposit Ticket first paycheck amount (salary minus taxes) Deposit tickets are found at the bank of your checkbook. ** Your first deposit ticket, which you complete at school, should have your first and last names. ** The date of your visit to JA BizTown should be entered. ** Your account number should be in the lower right hand of each deposit ticket. Your account number is on the Business Costs Sheet. ** You enter the amount of your paycheck. This is equal to your salary minus payroll taxes. ** Be sure to take out $2.00 from your first paycheck. This is required. ** Be sure to write your signature in the proper place to get cash bank. ** Be sure to take out $2.00 in cash. 2 00 signature for $2.00 cash back
The right hand side of your deposit ticket should look like the picture below that matches your job.
8 82 8 33 7 84 8 82 8 33 7 84 2 00 2 00 2 00 Now you enter your net deposit – how much money you are actually putting into your checking account. These three pictures show what your entries should look like according to your job.** 6 82 6 33 5 84 CEO, Attorney, Realtor, Insurance Agent, CPA CFO All Other Workers
Step 2: Your First Check 001 Your first check is written at school for a savings account. ** Your first and last names should be written on all your checks. ** Enter the date of your visit to JA BizTown ** The check is payable to Bank of America. ** It should be for $1.50 ** Then you write the word for the number of dollars and the numbers for the cents in this case 50 cents is written as 50/100 ** You must sign your check. ** Your account number should be in the lower right hand corner of each check in your checkbook. ** You may write a memo indicating why you write the check. **
Step 3: Your Checkbook Register
deposit 6 82 + 6 82 New balance always goes on gray line 6 82 Always remember to enter any transactions that you make – deposits and withdrawals. This is important so that you know how much money you still have in your account at any time! ** Your first transaction is the net deposit of your paycheck. That is, your paycheck amount minus any cash back. Write the word “deposit” under the column labeled Transaction Description. ** Then you go over to the “Deposit/Credit” column to show the amount that you are actually putting into your account. In this example, the number is $ Yours may be $6.33 or $7.84. ** Now you move over to the Balance column. Here you show any changes to your account. In this case, the person has added $6.82 to the account, so a plus is written to show the direction of the change. ** The gray lines in the checkbook register are used to show the new balance in the account after the change. So, this person now has a balance of $6.82. ** Your second transaction is the check to Bank of America to open a savings account. First you enter the number of the check ** Then you write the name of the business to which you have written the check, in this case, Bank of America. ** Because you are taking money out of your checking account, you enter the amount under the Payment/Debit column. $1.50 ** Now you have made a change to your balance. You have deducted $1.50 from your account, so you enter minus $1.50. ** Finally, you compute your new balance. In this case, it is $6.82 minus $1.50, which is $5.32. ** 001 Bank of America 1 50 - 1 50 New balance always goes on gray line 5 32
CEO, Attorney, Realtor, CPA, Insurance Agent deposit 6 82 + 6 82 6 82
001 Bank of America 1 50 - 1 50 5 32 deposit 6 33 + 6 33 6 33 CFO 001 Bank of America 1 50 - 1 50 This slide shows the how your checkbook register should look, depending on your job. It is a quick way to check your work to see if you completed the checkbook register accurately. ** 4 83 deposit 5 84 + 5 84 All Other Workers 5 84 001 Bank of America 1 50 - 1 50 4 34
Don’t forget to endorse your paycheck!
Step 4: Endorse Your Paycheck at JA BizTown Clancy Citizen On the visit day, you will receive your paycheck. Be sure to endorse your paycheck before coming to the bank. There will be a line at the bank and someone will make sure that you have done this. If not, you must step out of the line, sign your paycheck, and return to the end of the line. Don’t forget to endorse your paycheck! Don’t forget to endorse your paycheck!
Now, you are ready to go to the bank on your first break!
In a line outside the bank, someone will double-check your work. If everything is accurate, you will enter the bank between the center columns and wait behind the red line for an available teller. When it is your turn for a break, you will take your banking items to the bank and form a line outside where someone will check your work. If everything is okay, you may enter the bank to see a teller.
The teller doesn’t need your checkbook.
Hand the teller your completed deposit ticket your endorsed paycheck Be ready to tell the teller if you’d like your cash back in JA BizTown dollar bills or coins. You will hand the teller your completed deposit ticket (which you have done at school) and your endorsed paycheck. ** Tell the teller how you’d like to have your $2.00 in cash. You may have two one-dollar bills or some quarters if you prefer. ** The teller does not need your checkbook. The teller doesn’t need your checkbook.
After you have deposited your first paycheck, you will visit the Savings Officer’s desk to open a savings account. The Savings Officer’s desk is on the right wall. After you deposit your paycheck, go to the desk and give the Officer your check for $1.50 to open a savings account. You only do this ONCE during the day on your first break. The Savings Officer will give you a certificate to take to Wells Fargo Advisors where you may invest in stock. When you are finished at the teller station, you will go to the Savings Officer’s desk. You only do this on your first break. The Savings Officer will take your check for $1.50 and give you a savings certificate that you may take to Wells Fargo Advisors to invest in stock.
Where do you spend JA BizTown cash and where do you write a check?
Cash Businesses Dental Office St. Louis Children’s Hospital The Smokehouse Market Warehouse Check Businesses AT&T Build-A-Bear Workshop City Hall Just-4-U Monsanto Print Shop St. Louis Sports You will not need very much cash because most businesses take checks only. The two dollars that you take out of your first deposit may be enough for the entire day.
Have fun with money and banking at JA BizTown!
We look forward to seeing you on your visit day. Have fun with money and banking at JA BizTown!
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