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Salaam- Peace Divine Guidance- being shown what to do by God. Non-Confontational- dealing with a situation calmly, rather than aggressively. Reconciliation-

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2 Salaam- Peace Divine Guidance- being shown what to do by God. Non-Confontational- dealing with a situation calmly, rather than aggressively. Reconciliation- Bringing people together who were opposed to each other. Ahmadiyya- A Muslim sect founded in Pakistan that is against war. Pacifism- The belief in non-violence. Genocide- Deliberately killing a large group of people. Last resort- After all other methods have been tried. Terrorism- Criminal acts intended to provoke a state of terror in the public for political or religious purposes. Passive resistance- Non-violent opposition to an authority

3 A war to take resources away from someone else.
Most Muslims believe that if a war is just then a Muslim must fight in it. This means that Muslims must fight if they are attacked because this is what the Qu’ran says, and Muslims believe the Qu’ran is the word of God. Muhammad is a great example for Muslims of how to live their lives and he fought in wars of self-defence, therefore so must Muslims. To fight in wars Muslims must be clear about the causes of conflict, the following must never happen: A war to take resources away from someone else. Forcing another country or people to become Muslim. Changing the political leadership of another country. Changing the culture of a country Muslim beliefs about Peace. Islam teaches that accepting Islam brings peace through submitting to the will of Allah. When Muslims have inner peace it encourages them to be peaceful. The Qu’ran calls Islam ‘Dar as Salaam’- The House of Peace. The word ‘Islam’ comes from the Arabic word for Peace.

4 They campaign among Muslims on the need for human rights for everyone.
The Ahmadiyya sect is one of the Muslim groups which most clearly fights for peace. It began in Pakistan, but moved to London because of the persecution they were suffering. They work for peace by: Holding annual peace conferences where leaders can come together to discuss ways to find peace. Their leader Hadrat Ahmad goes around the world taking to major figures about peace and religion. They campaign among Muslims on the need for human rights for everyone. They speak out against terrorist activities carried out in the name of Islam Muslim teachings about War and Peace. “And the servants of God, most gracious are those who walk the path of humility, and when they ignorant address them, they say, ‘Peace’.” Surah 25.63 “Let there be no compulsion in religion” - Surah 2:256 ‘Fight in the Cause of God’ – Surah 2.190 “Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elderly or sick person.” – Hadith.

5 Civilians must not be harmed All weapons must be proportional
Last resort Self defence Controlled by authorities Aim to bring back peace Peace is the outcome Muslims and Just War Wars must only be fought for a Just cause Must be authorised and led by a Muslim authority It must be fought to reduce suffering It must be a last resort The Qu’ran says Muslims must fight if they are attacked and Muslims believe the Qu’ran is the word of God. Muhammad is a great example for Muslims in how to live, and he fought in wars. The Qu’ran says that anyone who dies fighting in a Just war will go straight to Heaven. However, some Muslims feel that the nature of modern weapons means that no war can be a Just war because of the use of Weapons of Mass destruction.

6 However, there is a tradition of Passive resistance.
Pacifism is the opposite of war, militarism or violence. Most modern pacifists trace their origins to Christian teachings. Jesus taught in his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ that Christians should not resist evil and that if they are hit on the right cheek they should turn and offer the left. Christian pacifists take this to mean that Christians should not fight and cannot take part in wars. Many pacifists become Conscientious objectors (refuse to fight in wars) during the two World wars. After the development of nuclear weapons they formed groups such as Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in the UK to try and prevent a nuclear war. He (Moses) said, ‘O my Lord! I have power over myself and my brother: so separate is from this rebellious people’. (Surah 5:28) Muslims and Pacifism Most Muslims would not agree with Passive Resistance. The Qu’ran encourages all Muslims to ‘struggle in the way of Islam’. The Arabic word for struggle is ‘Jihad’. If Muslims are attacked they are expected to fight back. As you know there is lesser Jihad and Greater Jihad. Lesser Jihad relates to the struggle with forces outside yourself, and removing evil from society. However, there is a tradition of Passive resistance. Based on this teaching Muslims have protested in a non- violent way. An example of this was when Egypt wished to overthrow their President. Although government forces used violence the main reason they succeeded was through Passive resistance.

7 Qur’an- The Muslim holy book, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad P
Qur’an- The Muslim holy book, which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Akirah- Belief in the day of judgement and the afterlife. Risalah- belief in Allah’s angels, prophets and holy books. Tawhid- The belief in the oneness of Allah. Shar’iah- Islamic law which focuses on all aspects of life. Iman- faith Hadith- stories from the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Jahanam- hell Al’Jannah- heaven Barzakh- the waiting period between death and the last day. Israfil- The angel that blows his trumpet on the last day. Freewill- The ability to make your own choices. Predestination (Al-Qadar) - Allah has planned out your life, everything has been destined and he knows all of your choices. Muslims believe that when a person dies, their body remains in the grave until the last day. Israfil will blow his trumpet, on Allah’s command and the world will end. Muslims will then gather at the plain of Arafat where Allah decides on a Muslims fate; Heaven or Hell.

8 What happens on the day of judgement?
What the Qur’an says about Heaven: What the Qur’an says about Hell: “Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in the gardens of everlasting bliss.” Surah 9:72 Surah 6 says that people only stay in hell for as long as God wills. Surah 15 says that there are 7 levels of hell.

9 Similarities between Islam and Christianity:
Both believe in life after death Both believe that God will judge humans, and decides on whether they go to heaven or hell. Purpose: Muslims believe that the Qur’an is Allah’s final message to humanity and is the ultimate guide for Muslims. All of the other messages from Allah prepared the way for the Qur’an, therefore the Qur’an is a scripture for all time, all places and all people. “The Qur’an is free from distortion.” Importance: The Qur’an confirms the messages of all the previous Holy Books. Muslims believe it has remained unchanged since it was revealed to prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe the Qur’an was prophesized in older Holy Books and therefore it can only have come from Allah. This is the fifth and final Muslim Holy Book. “This Qur’an could not have been devised by anyone other than God. Let there be no doubt about it, it is from the Lord of the Worlds.” Quote: “The Qur’an is nothing less than a revelation from Allah. It is the most beautiful of all teachings.” Prophets: Muslims believe Allah revealed this scripture to Muhammad. “The Prophet saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord.” Religion: The Qur’an shares teachings with both Judaism and Christianity.

10 Sunni Muslims believe that there are 6 key beliefs
Sunni Muslims believe that there are 6 key beliefs. These 6 articles of faith can be divided up into 3 categories: Akirah (the belief in the day of judgement and life after death), Risalah (the belief in angels, prophets and holy books) and Tawhid (the oneness of Allah).


12 Reformation – to reform a criminal
Protection – to protect society Retribution – to feel ‘pay back’ – that the criminal has suffered Deterrence – deter the criminal from committing the crime. Forgiveness – to pardon someone for the deed they have done. Capital Punishment – death penalty Justice – fair with rewards and punishments Khalifah – Allah’s stewards Laws – rules made by Parliament enforced by courts. Reconciliation – bringing people back together when they have been opposed. The main aim of punishment is to make sure everyone obeys the law. To protect law abiding citizens To deter law abiding citizens from committing crimes To reform and rehabilitate criminals so that they do not break the law again in the future. To make criminals pay for their actions.


14 Muslim attitude to crime:
Muslims are against crime because it means breaking the laws of God. Muslims try to deal with the issue of poverty in both religious and political way. They try and remove high interest charged on loans – encouraging Muslims to share the wealth; let people off debts; banning gambling and using Zakat to help those in need, so they don’t turn to crime. Also try and deal with upbringing of children by encouraging duties as a parent. Islam teaches that wealth is a gift from God and how people will be judged on how they brought up their children. Parents are expected to teach children right from wrong. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted.

15 “Whoever kills an innocent, it I as if he has killed all of mankind”
Apostacy – giving up or denying your faith which is a capital offence in some Muslims countries. Along with murder and adultery. “Whoever kills an innocent, it I as if he has killed all of mankind”

16 Mercy to others – Paradise / Day of Judgement Muslims will be judged.
Forgiveness is a conscious and deliberate decision on the part of the victim to release the feelings of resentment regardless of whether they deserve it. It does not mean forgetting but it does mean accepting the act and moving on. Muslims believe that Allah is merciful to sinners. ‘ But if ye forgive and overlook and cover up faults ‘ Allah will forgive if you forgive others. Mercy to others – Paradise / Day of Judgement Muslims will be judged. Ummah – worldwide community of Muslims Qur’an supports forgiveness 99 names of Allah – Allah the merciful.

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