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Field Trip Field Trip Field Trip Tonya Chandler 3rd Jan. 28- Feb. 1

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1 Field Trip Field Trip Field Trip Tonya Chandler 3rd Jan. 28- Feb. 1
Coding: Technology CIP Goals Writing Standards C1 communicate, C2 Collaborate, C3 Critical Thinking C4 Create Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 1 with your table partner.C1, C3 Review as a class by sharing corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 2 with your table partner. C1, C3 Review as a class and share corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 3 individually. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 4 individually. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Field Trip Bellringer L3.2 a-f Skill: VCCCV Introduce the spelling pattern for the week by guiding students in dividing each word into syllables. Challenge students to identify what pattern these words have in common. Work with table partners. C1,C2. Skill:VCCCV Review the meaning of consonant blends. Work with a partner to circle the consonant blend in each spelling word. Spelling relay- assign each team one word at a time. Each person tells the next letter to advance their line. C1, C2 Skill: VCCCV Pre-test Review missed patterns with students Skill: VCCCV Spelling Post-test Spelling RF3.3 Field Trip Skill: Prepositions Listen to and sing along with a preposition song for review. Model writing a preposition poem. Have students write a preposition poem to be put on display. Illustrate it and write it in your best handwriting. C1, C2, C3 Skill: Prepositions Introduce prepositions with a Powerpoint that reviews the many jobs of prepositions. Students identify the preposition and the prepositional phrase with guided practice.C1, C2 F Skill: Prepositions Preposition task card scavenger hunt. Work with a partner to find and answer all of the task cards correctly to receive a prize. C1, C2, C3 Reading Assessment Field Trip Grammar L3.1 Skill: Main Idea and Details Before: Make predictions about the text based on the photo and title. During: Swimming Underwater in chunks. Chunks 1 and 2 students read and highlight important details. Chunks 3 and 4 teacher reads. Circle the main idea and highlight important details After: Answer the essential question Exit Slip C1, C2,C3, C4 Skill: Fact and Opinion Before: Fact and Opinion Power point using vocabulary for the week. During: Read chunks 1 and 3 of Gertrude Ederle. Have students read to answer how the author shows through hard work and determination you can achieve anything. After: Fact or opinion exit slip C1, C2,C3, C4 Skill: Fact and Opinion Before: Brainstorm facts and opinions related to the text read yesterday. During: Continue with chunks 3 and 4 coding the text as you read. Students read each chunk and then I read. After: Write 1 fact and 1 opinion of your own creation for an exit slip. C1, C2,C3, Reading Assessment Review vocabulary Fact and opinion The importance of answering an open ended question and providing text evidence Field Trip Reading RL3.1, 3.8 Skill: Close Reading Different Swimming Strokes. Read to them, Read With them, Listen to them read for fluency Identify Fact and Opinion C1,C2,C3 CIP Goal Skill: Close Reading Have students read Different Swimming Strokes Identify fact and opinion in the passage C1,C2,C3 CIP Goal Skill: Close Reading Different Swimming Strokes. Read to them, Read With them, Listen to them read for fluency Identify fact and opinion C1,C2,C3 CIP Goal Reading Assessment Field Trip Small Groups RL 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

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