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Gifted education in Romania

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1 Gifted education in Romania
ES01-KA _6 DEALING WITH GIFTED EDUCATION Gifted education in Romania

2 The rights of gifted students in Romania
ES01-KA _6 DEALING WITH GIFTED EDUCATION The rights of gifted students in Romania In Romania, there are gifted students. (Romanian Institute of Studies and Researches of Gifted Education) One of 4 students has the IQ level more than 130.

There are some private organizations such as Gifted Education Centre of Bucharest, which promote the gifted education. The specialists in education prepared a set of work (tests, questionnaires) in order to discover gifted students and to help teachers and parents to understand the needs of gifted students.

4 How do you discover a gifted student
ES01-KA _6 DEALING WITH GIFTED EDUCATION How do you discover a gifted student The most common way is the Centre of Excellence, that exists in each county of Romania. It’s a science centre, where students improve their knowledge and they meet other gifted students.

5 Only the best students are accepted.
ES01-KA _6 DEALING WITH GIFTED EDUCATION The selection is made by tests: maths, physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology. Only the best students are accepted.

A maths test for 5 grade 1. A student writes on a sheet all natural numbers in order, starting with 1 and ending with Knowing (𝑝−1)2018 = 20180, find out how many digits the student has written.

7 A maths test for 5 grade 2.The amount S=
ES01-KA _6 DEALING WITH GIFTED EDUCATION A maths test for 5 grade 2.The amount S= Find out how many digits have the middle term of the amount . Find out how many digits 0 do you use to write all the terms of the amount Calculate sum S.

8 Made by the Romanian Team Iordache Catalin Cojanu Elena Posirca Gina
ES01-KA _6 DEALING WITH GIFTED EDUCATION Made by the Romanian Team Iordache Catalin Cojanu Elena Posirca Gina Thank you for watching this!

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