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Balzac and LCS- P23-25 Carrie and Jacqueline.

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Presentation on theme: "Balzac and LCS- P23-25 Carrie and Jacqueline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balzac and LCS- P23-25 Carrie and Jacqueline

2 ".. I noticed the untamed quality about her eyes" p23
Dai Si Jie portrays the narrator as a much more sensitive character. Unlike Luo he sees more than the beauty of the Little seamstress. The metaphor of untamed eyes connotes images of wild animals, and an almost barbaric quality in the seamstress, This suggests that the little seamstress's appearance may be noble but inside she was not. It also foreshadows the events to come, the ending where she will be "tamed". Question 1 and 2 and 15

3 ''Her face possesed an impressive, sensual beauty, which aroused in us an irresistable desire to stay and watch her work... '' p23 It is evident in this sentence that the narrator and Luo see the little seamstress in a sexual way too, it shows the audience that they are still teenagers. The words sensual, aroused and desire all have sexual connotations that come to mind. The word possesed personifies the beauty, it is a power that she holds and can use. The emphasis on this quote is her beauty and foreshadows the end of the novel where she realises the power of her beauty. There is a sense of irony.

4 The floorboards were grimy and steaked with yellow and black gobs of dried spittle left by clients... p24 Dai Si Jie empathizes the contrast of the previous description of the little seamstress which emanates how out of place she was which foreshadows the future. The author shows just how severe the condtions in the village were.It has constitute earlier that the tailer was already the richest man in the village therefore the villages must have been in even worst, dire condition. The word 'grimy' connotes how contaminated the foorboardes were and also establishing an typical imagery of a village

5 She's not civilized, at least not enough for me
Dai Si Jie referres The Little Seamstress as a mountain girl and how unsophisticated she was compare to Luo and The Narrator coming from youth city. Luo adds an addtional, Impish comment when the narrator wanted to know if he likes her. By disparaging she is not "civilized" enough for him sugguest his characteristc is quite smug and he has high expectation. Neverthelsss, he has implied his quick-witted skill towards the narrator as he evades from giving him a straigh forwards answer emanates he is in denial from his feeling for The LIttle Seamstress

6 Her eyes had the gleam of uncut gems and unpolished metal
-gems/ metal- hard connotations, of raw but precious material. She is beautiful but not ladylike and civilised - unpolished/ uncut she has potential in her also foreshadows "Did you notice my dog didn't bark when you came in, he kniws my taste" p 24 Implies that she is acting flirtatious towards them as she find them very fascinating.

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