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Lymphatic System Chapter 20.

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1 Lymphatic System Chapter 20

2 Functions Transport and balance fluids Use lymphatic vessels
Carry cells, molecules, water, and possibly pathogens Carry fluids away from tissue space to bloodstream

3 Functions 2. Protection against foreign invaders
Destroy microorganisms (bacteria, fungus, protists) and viruses Attack toxins and cancer cells Can cause cancer, allergies, and autoimmune disease

4 Along lymph vessels are lymph nodes that act as filters, trapping disease-causing microorganisms

5 What makes up the Lymphatic Pathway?
1. Lymph is the fluid 2. Lymphatic capillaries- microscopic closed ended tubules found laying within the tissue space near blood capillaries 3. Lymphatic vessels- larger lymph vessels similar to veins lead toward and away from lymph nodes 4. Lymph node- specialized lymph organs that contain WBC to filter lymph and kill pathogens, back to 5. Lymphatic trunk- larger lymph vessels formed from merging lymphatic vessels and drain lymph into collecting ducts

6 Lymph Capillaries

7 The Lymphatic System FG23_01.JPG Title: Lymphatic System
Notes: An overview of the arrangement of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphoid organs. Keywords: lymphatic system, components, lymph nodes, cervical, axillary, pelvic, inguinal, lumbar, right lymphatic duct, thoracic lymphatic duct, mammary gland, spleen, gut-associated, cisterna chyli, thymus, lymphatics of lower limb

8 What makes up the Lymphatic Pathway?
6. Collecting ducts- major areas in which lymph is collected and returned to the cardiovascular system a. THORACIC duct- on left side, larger receives lymph from lower limbs, abdominal regions, L upper limb, and L side of thorax empties into left subclavian vein b. LYMPHATIC duct- smaller, right side, receives lymph from R side of head, R upper limb, and R thorax empties into R subclavian vein

9 What makes up the Lymphatic Pathway?
Water leaves blood capillary  tissue space lymphatic capillary lymphatic vessels  lymph node  lymphatic vessel  lymphatic trunk  collecting ducts (right lymphatic and thoracic duct)  right and left subclavian vein superior vena cava

10 Lymphatic Vessels

11 Organs of the Lymphatic System
Thymus- “T-cell Academy”- soft. Bi-lobed structure anterior to heart (near atria) large during infancy, contains T cells (T lymphocytes) , when cells mature, they leave thymus and provide immunity Shrinks following puberty, continues to shrink with age, reduces immune power

12 Thymus Gland FG23_16A.JPG Title: The Thymus
Notes: (a)Location of thymus on gross dissection. (b)Anatomical landmarks on thymus. (c)Low-power light micrograph of thymus. (d)Higher magnification showing structure of Hassall's corpuscles. Keywords: thymus, gross dissection, thyroid, trachea, lobe, septae, lobule, cortex, medulla, blood vessels, Hassall's corpuscles, epithelial cells, lymphocytes

13 Organs of the Lymphatic System
2. Spleen- large organ inferior to diaphragm, posterior and lateral to stomach large amounts of blood pass through spleen, filters for viruses and bacteria Hematopoiesis- development of agranular leukocytes (mono- and lymphocytes) Defense- Contains lymphocytes and macrophages Removes old RBCSs

14 Tonsils Trap bacteria and viruses that may enter respiratory and/ or digestive system Contain antibodies to fight against common diseases like pneumonia, flu, common bacteria, etc.

15 The Lymphatic System FG23_01.JPG Title: Lymphatic System
Notes: An overview of the arrangement of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphoid organs. Keywords: lymphatic system, components, lymph nodes, cervical, axillary, pelvic, inguinal, lumbar, right lymphatic duct, thoracic lymphatic duct, mammary gland, spleen, gut-associated, cisterna chyli, thymus, lymphatics of lower limb

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