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Özlem HiÇCAN Technical Expert-ECO-RCC 16 February 2017 ANKARA

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Presentation on theme: "Özlem HiÇCAN Technical Expert-ECO-RCC 16 February 2017 ANKARA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Özlem HiÇCAN Technical Expert-ECO-RCC 16 February 2017 ANKARA
Review of the recommendations of last PSC ECO-RCC and follow up actions Özlem HiÇCAN Technical Expert-ECO-RCC 16 February 2017 ANKARA

2 OUTLINE Reviewing of 1st PSC (Inception workshop, Recommendations, Resolutions) Main activities conducted Project results framework and progress

3 INCEPTION WORKSHOP 23-24 September 2013

4 INCEPTION WORKSHOP 23-24 September 2013
The policies, programmes, strategies or initiatives currently implemented in the ECO countries to improve food security? Current status? Main food security issues and priorities at national and regional levels? If RPFS address these issues and priorities?

5 INCEPTION WORKSHOP 23-24 September 2013
The most effective solutions for overcoming food security challenges in the ECO region. Resources and potentials are available in Member States? Improve cooperation and share responsibilities among Member States?

6 FIRST PSC Meeting 25 September 2013, Ankara Attended by;
Delegations from ECO Countries Representatives from FAO and IDB.

7 Questionnaire Member States 1) Strengthening of Regional Seed Supply
2) Coordinated Research on Wheat Improvement 3) Integrated Pest Management 4) Development and Maintenance of Pastures

8 FIRST PSC It was also concluded that the following indicators could be used to determine the success or performance of ECO-RCC; Number of projects implemented per RPFS component, Establishment of a communication network on Food Security, And number of trainings under RPFS.

9 FIRST PSC Meeting Resolutions
Circulating of the Working Principles of ECO-RCC. Updating of RPFS to recent developments and present needs of Member States.

10 FIRST PSC Meeting Resolutions
Importance of collaboration with ECO-RCC in addressing issues related to food security and RPFS. Support and publicize ECO-RCC and include ECO- RCC events in the official calendar of events and activities of ECO Secretariat. Contributing towards implementation of RPFS.

11 Main activities conducted

12 Food Security and PCM Training 1 st phase
18 November - 7 December 2013/ANKARA. Trainees from Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkey as well as the ECO-RCC staff participated in the three- week training programme in Ankara.

13 Food Security and PCM Training 1 st phase
One of the project activities of ECO-RCC Project under FTPP. Jointly carried out and sponsored by the MFAL, TIKA, FAO, and METU.

14 Food Security and PCM Training 1 st phase
Some visits to several units of MFAL General Directorate of Food and Control, General Directorate of Agrarian Reform, Department of Strategy Development, Gene Bank, National Food Reference Laboratory And some agricultural food processing establishments in Beypazarı, Ankara.

15 Food Security and PCM Training 2nd Phase
13 June 2014, Menemen/İZMİR. Carried out and sponsored jointly by the MFAL, TIKA and FAO.

16 Food Security and PCM Training 2nd Phase
Trainees from Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan as well as Turkey participated Various companies and Izmir Provincial Directorate of MFAL were visited 4-day lecture on Project Cycle Management and Logical Frameworks.

17 Mission to the Kyrgyz Republic 17-21 November 2014
Know more about the current status and priorities on agriculture and food security in the country, seek for potential cooperation areas, and enhance communication with food security related institutions/organizations operating in the Kyrgyz Republic.

18 Mission to the Azerbaijan Republic 8-11 March 2016
Bilateral meetings carried out with government officials in Baku within the frame of ECO-RCC Project.

19 Main activities conducted;
RCC members regularly participate at various capacity building programmes like Russian Language Courses on RCC Coordinator and staff attends events on food security at international and national level  Attended FAO 154th Council which was held from 30 May- 03June 2016 in Rome; Regional Planning Council (RPC) in Tehran in December 2015; G20 Development Working Group on 4-5 June 2015; G20 Agricultural Deputies Meetings on 2015; etc.

20 Project Results Framework and Progress

21 Proposed revision of project results framework (2017-2019)
Capacity gap (training needs) analysis Training on identified topics FS situation analysis in the context of SDG Awareness raising of updated version of RFSP Use web-portal for info dissemination Systematic data collection, analysis and publication Continue to provide training Involve more technical staff from MFAL in trainings Output 1. ECO-RCC staff appointed and training provided Output 2. National Committee on Food Security established Output 3. Relevant NCFS members trained on priority issues of food security Output 4. RRFS updated and awareness of the Programme raised Objective: Establish ECO-RCC to facilitate the identification, prioritization and addressing the main impediments to food security at national and regional levels

22 Özlem HİÇCAN

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