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 Schematic representation of the early M response from the distally propagated action potential and the later F wave from the proximally propagated action.

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Presentation on theme: " Schematic representation of the early M response from the distally propagated action potential and the later F wave from the proximally propagated action."— Presentation transcript:

1  Schematic representation of the early M response from the distally propagated action potential and the later F wave from the proximally propagated action potential.  Schematic representation of the early M response from the distally propagated action potential and the later F wave from the proximally propagated action potential. The latter depolarises the axon hillock causing it to backfire. Actual F wave responses are shown in the lower trace. F waves vary in latency and shape due to different populations of axons backfiring each time. A Mallik, and A I Weir J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005;76:ii23-ii31 ©2005 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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