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1/17 The Value of Work SWBAT preview the collection.

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1 1/17 The Value of Work SWBAT preview the collection.
The Value of Work, page 394 Watch Stream to Start & Channel 1 videos Review Academic Vocabulary Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work”, pages Review Background & Setting a Purpose, page 419 Define 8 Vocabulary & Rate Knowledge Begin Reading Both passages Homework: Reading Counts

2 1/18 “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work” SWBAT analyze an argument by citing evidence in a chart Class Starter: Read page R64. Record the definition for ARGUMENT & ANECDOTE. Read page 419. How is the anecdote in lines relevant, or related to the author’s argument? The anecdote describes…The anecdote is relevant because… Agenda: Read BOTH passages, pages

3 “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work” SWBAT analyze an argument by citing evidence in a chart The anecdote describes a mistake the author made in her first job; it is relevant to the point she makes in lines 10-12: “Making mistakes like that is partly what early jobs are all about. We learn, and then make better decisions…”

4 “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work” SWBAT analyze an argument by citing evidence in a chart. Assessment: Complete Chart TITLE CLAIM REASON/EVIDENCE “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” Teenagers who work do not have enough time for schoolwork. Teenagers… 1. “When I work, I get tired and can’t concentrate.” 2. “Teens at Work” Lawmakers must create more jobs for teens. 2…. 1.

5 Class Starter: Review page 424
1/19 “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work” SWBAT analyze an argument by citing evidence in the practice and apply questions Class Starter: Review page 424 Level Up Tutorial: ELEMENTS OF AN ARGUMENT Assessment: Practice & Apply, page Analyzing the Text, page 425 #3-5 Critical Vocabulary, page 426 #1-4 Vocabulary Strategy, page 426 #1-4 Homework: Study for quarterly

6 1/22 Agenda Finish and review the practice and apply.
Level-Up tutorial Finish Quarterly study guide

7 3. The information is irrelevant to the topic of teen employment
3. The information is irrelevant to the topic of teen employment. It cites the extreme swings in business cycles inherent in capitalism as a reason for programs such as unemployment insurance, but it does not connect specifically to teen employment. The author cites statistics compiled by the Bureaus of Labor Statistics showing the highest unemployment rates since the bureau began keeping records in the late 1940s. These data make the point that the problem being discussed is extreme. The author claims in a general way that the economy benefits from the skills teen acquire in part-time jobs. This claim would be better supported with additional evidence in the form of statistics on the number of businesses suffering from the lack of qualified candidates or with specific examples of skills teens acquire that help their professional development.

Socialism & Communism refer to systems of government. Impressionism is a style or practice of painting without elaborate details. Realism is the practice of presenting realistic events and characters in literature. Realistic Fiction. Activism is the practice of taking action to oppose something. *on Benchmark YES; a deficiency of vitamins can be detrimental to the body or cause illness NO; if he or she was renowned, you would want to see the performance, not look away Because the law was your idea, stay in contact with lawmakers to encourage them to pass the law If one of two people do most of the work, the implication is that other team members and nor working very much.

9 1/23 Agenda Study for 5 minutes Turn in study guide
Successfully complete the quarterly

10 Annotation: Vocabulary
1/24-1/25 “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work” SWBAT review the passages by annotating vocabulary & arguments Annotation: Vocabulary Highlight in YELLOW 8 vocab terms & Underline context clues Annotation: ARGUMENT Page 420, Lines 20-27: Highlight in BLUE counterargument Page 421, Lines 60-65 Highlight in BLUE the main idea Highlight in GREEN 2 supporting details Page 422, Lines 1-10: Highlight in BLUE the author’s claim/argument Homework: Read for 20 minutes, Test Thursday 1/25

11 Multiple Choice #1-10 (20 pts) Short Answer, pick 1, 11 or 12 (10 pts)
1/26 “Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash” & “Teens at Work” SWBAT score proficiently on their summative assessment Test (30pts) Multiple Choice #1-10 (20 pts) Short Answer, pick 1, 11 or 12 (10 pts) Introduction & Conclusion 5 sentences ACE Spelling & grammar count After test, READING COUNTS – DUE NEXT FRIDAY!

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