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Science: Learning about solids, liquids and gases.

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Presentation on theme: "Science: Learning about solids, liquids and gases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science: Learning about solids, liquids and gases.

2 By the end of the Lesson.... You will be able to name some solids, liquid and gases that we see/use everyday. You will have learned about the properties of solids, liquid and gases. You will have watched/done an experiment involving change and be able to tell someone what happened using scientific language.

3 Properties What is meant by the word properties?
Lets make a shared list! What does it look like? How does it feel? What does it do? Characteristics – e.g. hard, soft, heavy, light

4 Read Play The Game!

5 Activity BRONZE STAR: Look at the pictures. Can you sort them into solids, liquids and gases? Cut them out and stick them in the correct columns. SILVER STAR: Write some words that you could used to describe the characteristics of the items. GOLD STAR: Think of and draw some more solid, liquids and gases. Label them correctly.

6 Discussion 3 minutes: Talk to another person on your table about solids, liquids and gases. What can you tell them? Do they agree? 5 minutes: Tell the class.

7 Experiments Look at the sheet that you teacher has given you. Write your name and date on top. This experiment involves the use of a lighted candle. What do we need to do to keep safe? On your sheet complete the first set of statements. Now, follow your teachers instructions carefully!

8 Start The Experiment And Record Your Observations
What did you find out? Did it surprise you? Did you have to really think how to answer your teacher’s questions? Can you explain to the class what happened? Can you use some scientific words?

9 What About Water? The different states of water are also a very good examples of solids, liquids and gases. Can you name them?

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