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Written complaint about CSP member received by Complaints Co-ordinator

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1 Complaints process – dealing with complaints about CSP members conduct and behaviour
Written complaint about CSP member received by Complaints Co-ordinator Is it appropriate? Yes No Respond to complainant, acknowledge approach and explain process (within 7 working days) Respond to complainant explaining why and signposting to (within 7 working day) Complaints officer collates information, including inviting response from member and makes recommendation to Panel (usually within 15 working days) Panel (1 Council member plus 2 others as case needs determine) consider case (usually within 15 working days) Panel decision communicated to complainant and member (within 5 working days of panel meeting) (w9t Review – complainant and member have 28 days to request a review. This is a review of the process leading to the panel’s decision, not the decision itself.

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