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Welcome to today’s webinar. The webinar will start promptly at

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to today’s webinar. The webinar will start promptly at"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to today’s webinar. The webinar will start promptly at
1 p.m. Central time. Until then, you may hear periodic announcements of our start time, but don’t worry if you hear silence for a while. We are here and look forward to sharing today’s topic with you. While you are waiting, you can download the slides at SkateKids: Reading Comprehension Reinvented

2 SkateKids: Reading Comprehension Reinvented

3 What are the basics of reading?

4 Are these the basics of reading?
Decoding Fluency Comprehension These are skills we need to read. We have to acquire these skills – they don’t develop automatically. This doesn’t explain HOW we learn them. There are even more basic skills

5 Cognition vs. Knowledge
What does a student have to know to complete a task? Vs. How does a student have to think to complete a task?

6 PASS Theory Planning Attention Simultaneous Successive
The basic psychological processes (how we think). Planning Thinking about how to do what you decide to do Attention Being alert and resisting distractions Simultaneous Getting the big picture Successive Following a sequence Source: Jack Naglieri

7 Planning Determine, select and apply efficient solutions:
Evaluate a task Select or develop a strategy to approach a task Monitor progress during the task Exercise impulse control and self-control Control processing Retrieval of knowledge Source: Jack Naglieri

8 Attention Selectively attend to some stimuli and ignore others:
Focus on one thing and ignore others Resist distractions in the environment Sustain focus See the details Source: Jack Naglieri

9 Simultaneous Integrate stimuli into groups: Stimuli seen as a whole
Each piece must be related to the others Recognize patterns Get the overall idea Source: Jack Naglieri

10 Successive Processing
Manage stimuli in a specific order: Stimuli form a chain-like progression Stimuli are not inter-related Follow a series of instructions Source: Jack Naglieri

11 Cognitive Processes Associated with Reading
Decoding Sustained Attention, Visual Discrimination, Sequential Processing, Auditory Discrimination Fluency Visual Span, Flexible Attention, Processing Speed Comprehension Visualization, Working Memory, Planning

12 Working Memory If you want to find Cherry-Tree Lane all you have to do is ask the Policeman at the cross-roads. He will push his helmet slightly to one side, scratch his head thoughtfully, and then he will point his huge white-gloved finger and say: “First to your right, second to your left, sharp right again, and you’re there. Good morning.” Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers Here’s an example of working memory. One of my favorite child books starts this way. Obviously you can read it here, but imagine the story being read aloud, just using the language processing path in the brain. Do you have an image in your mind of how to get to Cherry Tree Lane? Your ability to visualize this scene and to hold the directions in your mind, later deciding whether to turn right or left at the first cross-street, is dependent on your ability to visualize and the capacity of your working memory.

13 SkateKids and Ramps To Reading
Integrate the cognitive skills necessary for reading with the literacy skills recommended by the National Reading Panel Enhance any curriculum and any direct instructional setting Delivered in an engaging digital game-based format Recommended usage: 1 hour per week, 3 to minute sessions Easy to implement SkateKids (Ages 7 to 12), Ramps (Ages 4 to 7)

14 Demonstration

15 SkateKids Progress Report
These games have three levels. Shows the levels complete for each of the SkateKids games. When you click on a bar (red) you get the next slide

16 SkateKids Progress Report

17 SkateKids – Soccorro School District, AZ

18 SkateKids – Soccorro School District, AZ

19 What Kids Say "Skatekids is awesome and fun and everybody likes it. All of us want to play it so bad because we like it.“ “Hello Skate Kids Learning, I am ing you for a request of an account. The odd thing is that I'm a sophomore in college. In elementary school my fourth grade teacher had accounts for all of my classmates and I. I remember this website used to be very fun! I also remember the houses that you can decorate and the tune that played as the theme. I've tried remembering my username and password but it seems impossible to get it right. I basically just want to go through the games and see how it goes down from an older perspective. This might be a weird request but I'm determined to go through one of my favorite websites as a kid and a website that impacted me so much! Thank you for your consideration.”

20 Questions?

21 Let’s stay connected Betsy Hill 773-250-6467
Let’s stay connected

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