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Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

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2 Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
This is CULTURE! Depressed Yet? Potpourri $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

3 Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
This is CULTURE! Depressed Yet? Potpourri $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

4 Category 1 $200 This President described his foreign policy as ‘speak softly and carry a big stick’.

5 Category 1 $400 This was the 19th century American belief that the expansion of the USA throughout the American continent was justified. It “brought light and civilization to the ‘savageness’”

6 Category 1 $600 Which of the following best describes America’s foreign policy prior to 1867? Unitary Meritocracy Bolshevist Isolationist

7 Give TWO motives for American Imperialism.
Category 1 $800 Give TWO motives for American Imperialism.

8 Category 1 $1000 This President was referred to as an M & M (Moral and Missionary) diplomat.

9 Category 1 $200-Answer Theodore Roosevelt

10 Category 1 $400-Answer Manifest Destiny

11 Category 1 $600-Answer d. Isolationist

12 Must include 2 of the following:
Category 1 $800-Answer Must include 2 of the following: Social Darwinism Expansion of Markets Spread of Christianity / Western Culture Naval Bases

13 Category 1 $1000-Answer Woodrow Wilson

14 This term referred to the banning of alcohol under the 18th Amendment.
Category 2 $200 This term referred to the banning of alcohol under the 18th Amendment.

15 Name THREE threats to ‘normalcy’ of the 1920s.
Category 2 $400 Name THREE threats to ‘normalcy’ of the 1920s. Daily Double

16 Category 2 $600 This famous Southern trial put evolution being taught in schools on trial.

17 Category 2 $800 List ONE push and ONE pull factor that lead African Americans to leave the South in the 1920s.

18 Category 2 $1000 This was the name of the raids that targeted “radical” immigrants like Communists, Socialists and Anarchists.

19 Category 2 $200-Answer Prohibition

20 Must include 3 of the following:
Category 2 $400-Answer Must include 3 of the following: Communism Roles of Women Migration of African Americans Nativism Prohibition & Crime Darwinism & Evolution

21 Category 2 $600-Answer Scopes Monkey Trial

22 Category 2 $800-Answer PUSH PULL Escaping Injustice
Employment Opportunities Escaping Lynching Educational Opportunities

23 Category 2 $1000-Answer Palmer Raids

24 Give TWO causes of the Great Depression.
Category 3 $200 Give TWO causes of the Great Depression.

25 This is the name of the diagram above.
Category 3 $400 This is the name of the diagram above.

26 Category 3 $600 The massive drought of the 1930s in Middle America was referred to as this.

27 This president was ridiculed for his lack of response to the Depression.
Category 3 $800

28 Category 3 $1000 This was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s economic plan for government sponsored programs to end the Depression.

29 Must give TWO of the following: Overproduction
Category 3 $200-Answer Must give TWO of the following: Overproduction Speculation & Stock Market Crash Banking Practices Trade Restrictions

30 Business Cycle or Economic Cycle
Category 3 $400-Answer Business Cycle or Economic Cycle

31 Category 3 $600-Answer Dust Bowl

32 Category 3 $800-Answer Herbert Hoover

33 Category 3 $1000-Answer New Deal

34 Category 4 $200 This was the reason President Theodore Roosevelt supported a rebellion in Panama at the end of the 19th century.

35 This 1915 film reignited interest in the Ku Klux Klan.
Category 4 $400 This 1915 film reignited interest in the Ku Klux Klan.

36 Category 4 $600 This was a period when African Americans were responsible for creating noteworthy works of art and literature (also named for a New York neighborhood where much of it took place).

37 This was the message of the Roosevelt Corollary.
Category 4 $800 This was the message of the Roosevelt Corollary.

38 Which ISM does this political cartoon represent?
Category 4 $1000 Which ISM does this political cartoon represent?

39 To build the Panama Canal.
Category 4 $200-Answer To build the Panama Canal.

40 Category 4 $400-Answer Birth of a Nation

41 Category 4 $ Answer Harlem Renaissance

42 Category 4 $800-Answer European nations should stay out of the Americas / USA would settle problems in Latin America on Europe’s behalf.

43 Category 4 $1000-Answer Nativism

44 Final Jeopardy FDR’s Policies

45 Final Jeopardy List or describe TWO of Roosevelt’s Relief, Recovery or Reform measures of the New Deal.

46 You have 30 seconds to consult…
Final Jeopardy You have 30 seconds to consult…

47 You have 15 seconds to consult…
Final Jeopardy You have 15 seconds to consult…

48 Final Jeopardy Time Is Up

49 Final Jeopardy - Answer
RELIEF RECOVERY REFORM Federal Emergency Relief Act “Priming the Pump” Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Civilian Conservation Corps National Recovery Administration Tennessee Valley Authority Public Works Administration Agricultural Adjustment Acts Securities & Exchange Commission Works Progress Administration National Labour Relations Act Social Security Act

50 Jeopardy Thank you for playing another fine round of America’s favorite question and answer game.

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