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Seeking Things Above Romans 8:5-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeking Things Above Romans 8:5-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeking Things Above Romans 8:5-14

2 seeking Above THINGS THINGS Romans 8:5-14

3 What is our mind set? Rom. 8:4-5 Two choices: Fleshly or Spiritual
Rom. 8:6 Two consequences Fleshly = Death Spiritual = Life & Peace Rom. 8:12 “We are under obligation” Those who are “spiritual” are “governed by the Spirit of God” (Thayer)

4 Attitudes Must Change Col. 3 Spiritual instead of Selfish
3:1 Keep seeking things above 3:2 Set our mind 3:3 You have died 3:5 Different from the world Have we laid these aside? Are we continuing to seek the things above?

5 Attitudes Must Change 1 Tim. 6 Spiritual instead of Materialistic
6:17 Our hope is fixed 6:17 Riches are uncertain Being different from the world 6:17 Trust in God 6:18 Rich in good works God’s instruction for all believers

6 Do you think different than the world?
seeking Above THINGS THINGS Do you think different than the world? Are you pleasing God?

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