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Ch. 9: Graph Theory 9.1 Intro to Graphs.

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1 Ch. 9: Graph Theory 9.1 Intro to Graphs

2 Uses Degree of separation- Hollywood, acquaintance, collaborate-Erdos
Travel between cities Konigsberg bridge Shortest path Least cost Schedule exams, assign channels, rooms Number of colors on a map Highway inspecting, snow removal, street sweeping Mail delivery Niche overlap- ecology Influence graphs Round-robin tournaments Precedence graphs

3 G=(V,E) G=(V,E) where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges Terminology is not standard from book to book. Types of Graphs – see handout Simple G=(V,E) where E is the set of unordered pairs Multigraph Pseudo-graph Directed Graph G=(V,E) where E is the set of ordered pairs of edges Directed Multigraph

4 Simple and multigraph Simple graph G=(V,E) where E is the set of unordered pairs Multigraph

5 Pseudo and directed graphs
Pseudo-graph Directed Graph G=(V,E) where E is the set of ordered pairs of edges

6 multigraph Directed Multigraph

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